Chapter 115 Acrophobia

"Your Majesty!" called Ernun, as Aella appeared back near the remains of the warehouse that was currently being dismantled.

Once the workers discovered she could take the walls and roof in complete sections, the dismantling went much faster.

"What is it, Ernun?" she called back, preparing to teleport the next section. She had to give the workers a few more minutes to finish removing nails.

"That mother you took the child from? She's gone missing, and so have her children. I was just informed they were taken from the orphanage in the past hour," he called up at her.

"One moment!" she shouted as the entire section they were working on, came loose and began to slide.

Teleporting to the other site, she was able to hold it in place long enough for the workers over there to secure it, then she returned. This warehouse was done, and the workers were preparing the next one for her. Things were going much faster now.

"What do you mean she's gone missing? Can't anyone find her?" asked Aella, startling Ernun as he hadn't realized she had returned behind him.

"Well, no one was really watching her, so I suppose she left and went to get her children back. What do you want me to do?"

Aella frowned as she thought about it. The demoness was only trying to watch out for her kids, as a mother should, but she was going against what Aella had demanded of her, as the king. She should be punished, or word would get around Aella was soft. At the same time, Aella couldn't fault the demoness for what she had done. If Aella had children, she would want to protect them with everything she had.

"Send assassins to find her, but don't let her know. I will deal with her once I am done here. There is only so much daylight, and I need to start moving the nobles before dark. Also, inform Josephine that no more children better go missing like this. If I send children to the orphanage, I want them to stay there."

He bowed and headed out, looking for one of the assassins to send. She would have to sit down and talk with the demoness when she had more time. Winter here was getting more and more dangerous, and reports had already started pouring in of people getting sick. She had to get everyone moved soon, or things would continue to spiral out of control.

Watching the workers descend on one of the last two warehouses, Aella had a few minutes before they would have the first sections ready to be teleported. Some of the nobles had sent servants over to speak with her, so she teleported over near them.

"Your Majesty," bowed one of the demons. His skin was a dark yellow, almost an orange, and he had long purple braids. "My master, Lord Millspus, would like to be the first to choose where his family is to be located. He respectfully requests that you start with his house when you start moving them, as he was the remaining noble that had claim to the warehouses before everything recent occurred."

She looked at the noble's servant thinking about how certain he was that she would follow his request. For a heartbeat she considered killing him, or ignoring him, because of his attitude towards her as if she were nothing more than another servant, he was relaying orders to. Sighing inwardly, she decided she should give him credit for not begging and pleading as some of the others had done.

"I commend your master for sending you to wait all this time until I could get to you. I will visit him at his estate as soon as I finish here," she said, giving him a nod.

He bowed again before leaving to inform Lord Millspus. She would teleport there as soon as these last two warehouses were moved. Another servant approached her as she half turned to keep an eye on the status of the warehouses.

"Your Majesty, my master, Lord Lewizor, would like to request permission to be in charge of the water needs of the new city. Most of his family has experience working with the sewer crews you have been employing recently, and he feels it would give his family a moderate reason to be moved sooner than other families, seeing how important the water lines in the city would be."

She looked over the pompous servant standing before her, and gritted her teeth. She had to get over the fact that these nobles and their head servants felt entitled to their positions. She needed them to be in charge of things, so that she wasn't so busy overseeing everything.

"Inform Lord Lewizor, that I am interested in speaking with him tonight, and will possibly begin moving his estate and household over to the new location once I am done with the Millspus family."

At the mention of the other family, he stiffened. Giving the barest nod of thanks, he turned and hurried away. Aella had a feeling it would be kind of fun to see which families didn't get along. Would any of the others be horribly upset that she didn't get to them tonight?

Noting that the workers were ready for her, she teleported over to the warehouse and began moving things over again. Rupert was very busy reinforcing the foundations of each of the warehouses and bringing the rock up in a fluid form to lock the buildings in place. With a satisfied grin, Aella hurried to finish. Things were moving along so much better now and the workers seemed more motivated.

Moving the last of the workers over, she looked around the site where the warehouses used to stand. There was nothing but a few bits of trash left. A couple broken boards were piled in a corner, discarded until a need later called for them. Time to head over to Millspus's house.

Lord Millspus had a large house, along with seven outbuildings in various locations around his estate. She flew overhead checking everything out before landing at the door and knocking.

"Your Majesty," said the servant who opened the door. "I will take you to my master. He is expecting you in the study."

She followed the demon down a long hall containing a rich carpet rug running the length of the hall and ornate woodworking along the walls. Everything screamed wealth here. Opening a door and standing to the side, the servant motioned for her to enter.

Lord Millspus was sitting at a desk studying something intently when she entered. He glanced up and went to go back to what he was doing when she stepped into the room. Jumping to his feet when he realized who she was, he hurried around the desk to bow to her.

"Your Majesty! I was told you wouldn't be here for another couple of hours! Are you ready to start moving things?" he asked, suddenly out of breath and wiping his forehead as sweat seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Why so nervous, Lord Millspus?" she asked, looking over the single shelf of books he had here. They looked to be mostly handwritten journals and ledgers of business dealings.

"I'm not entirely sure what to expect, Your Majesty. I have reports that you were taking the entire warehouses over to the other city in a blink of an eye."

"They were partially disassembled, but yes. All of the warehouses have been relocated."

He swallowed and wiped his forehead again. "And of my estate? Will you be moving that as well?"

"That depends, I figured I would take you over first, and give you an opportunity to choose where things were going to go," she said with a small smile.

"Yes, that seems like a good idea," he said with a quick nod.

Holding out her hand, she waited for him to take it hesitantly, and teleported him high in the air, overlooking the new city. Using her air abilities, she formed an almost solid wall of air under their feet so he could stand, rather than be held up by gusts of air.


Lord Millspus grabbed onto her, scared out of his wits at being so high up.

"You can stand up," Aella said in the lull as he ran out of breath and sucked in air to scream again.

His arm strength gave out and he fell onto the invisible floor, screaming again as he scrambled back against her legs.

"As you can see, there are main roads from the outer wall to the inner wall, where my castle is. Each section of the city will be under the control of a noble house, answerable to me, of course," Aella explained, ignoring the whimpers that were escaping him as he clung to her legs. "I figured your family would prefer to be in the section of the city where all of the warehouses are being built."

"That sounds reasonable," he whispered into her pants leg, obviously not looking down to see what she was talking about.

"Shall I land on the wall for you to see from a different perspective?" she asked, fighting not to laugh at his reaction. If the other nobles were half this fun, she would be doing this every time.

"Yes, please!" he squeaked.