Chapter 116 Obsession of Death

"This is amazing!" cried Lord Millspus once he had overcome his fear.

"We have the warehouses lined up where you can only access them from the interior, with them taking up this entire section," said Aella, pointing at the warehouses below them.

"A wagon can be brought in from either road, but has to go into the courtyard to actually get into any of the warehouses. That makes security much easier!"

"I fully intend for the workers to live in the warehouses and for supplies to be stored in them while the rest of the city is being built," cautioned Aella, watching as he gazed down at the workers.

"What else do you intend to have in my section of the city?" asked the noble, pulling himself together and looking at her seriously.

"While the city is being built, the warehouses will be a place people can stay. We've already established they work well for that. The weather here is much better than at the other city, so I need to start bringing people over as soon as possible. You will be in charge of that. I want no crime during this transition."

He nodded thoughtfully. "That will be a lot easier with the layout, but what about water? Food? The people will need things to do, to stay out of trouble."

"There will be plenty of work for everyone to pitch in and help out, so I'm not worried about them being bored. I was thinking of having a soup kitchen open up in one of the warehouses, so we could store the food there as well. If we eat in shifts, then it shouldn't get too overcrowded. And as for water, I haven't worked that out yet."

"Don't forget bath houses and toilets. There will be a lot of waste with so many coming in to work," said the demon, turning back to the work that was going on below him.

"That's a valid point," said Aella with a frown, noticing a worker peeing against the side of one of the warehouses.

"It only seems right, that my estate would be in the middle of my section. I can have a market area between the warehouses and my estate, to allow the people a place to conduct business."

She nodded at the thought. It seemed reasonable.

"I will leave you here, to speak with one of the Master Builder's about where you want things from your estate moved over, while I arrange the bath house and toilets. Those need to be finished as soon as possible, so I don't have a mess on my hands. Then we can get started on your estate."

He nodded, taking her hand when she held it out, and she teleported them to the ground near the warehouses. Waving at Zack, she waited for the demon to jog over to them.

"Your Majesty?" he asked.

"I need you, or one of the other Master Builders, to go with Lord Millspus and figure out where his estate needs to be. I'm going to start bringing things over in just a little while, once I get a bath house figured out and toilets for the people to be able to use."

Zack nodded and motioned for another demon to come over.

"This is Brody, another of the Master Builders, Lord Millspus. He will go with you and mark where things need to be," said Zack to the noble.

"Thank you," said Lord Millspus, heading over to speak with the demon.

"Get Rupert, the Earth Hero, and we'll have these bath houses and toilets finished quickly," said Aella, heading towards the entrance to the warehouses.

She was pleased how well things were going so far. Other than the corners, where no warehouse could be accessed from the interior, the setup was nice and tight, not wasting any space at all. She hadn't decided what she wanted in the corners, but she was sure the space would be used for something. Maybe stables? Storage for the wagons?

"You wanted me, my King?" asked Rupert with a smirk, arriving at her side.

"I need toilets for the workers and a bath house for them to bath and wash their clothes. Plus, a fountain to have drinking water available, would be nice."

"How about watering troughs for the animals?" asked Rupert, pulling up his sleeves and wiggling his fingers in anticipation.

"Yes, that would be good, too," she said with a nod.

As he got to work, pulling the rock up from the ground, she pointed out flaws and within the hour, they had several buildings, running the entire length of the city section. There were bath houses, toilet houses, fountains, washing houses and watering troughs. Aella was very pleased when they were finished.

"I'll inform everyone that they are to use the toilets instead of going where ever they happen to be standing," said Rupert as he returned to the warehouses.

Aella watched him go, thinking about how his attitude with her had changed over the past day. It was nice to have such a hard worker. Teleporting over near Lord Millspus, she saw they had stabbed slivers of wood into the ground to mark where things would go.

"Without actual dimensions, this was the best we could do," said Brody.

"That's alright. We can move things around as we bring everything in," said Aella. "Shall we get started?"

Lord Millspus nodded, looking around and rubbing his hands together.

"I'll have the workers head this way as they finish the last touches with the warehouses," said Brody as he bowed to her.

Nodding, Aella teleported her and Lord Millspus to his estate.

"I think it would be best to start with your smaller buildings, that way we can get them out of the way," said Aella.

He nodded, turning to the front door. "I'll get all of my servants out here, helping."

Cracking her knuckles, Aella headed over to get started. It would be a long night.

Later that night, she looked at her new city from high in the air. Lord Millspus's house and estate were complete. Workers were pouring over every nook and cranny to make sure things were secure and sound. Only a few things had gotten broken in the move, but she was pretty pleased with herself. She had stretched herself to be able to teleport more and more. There was still plenty of space for things, but she could see things falling into place.

Teleporting back to the dining room in the palace, she sat in her chair exhausted. Edgar was there in minutes, serving her a plate of warm food. A chill had invaded the city, causing each return to be quicker, so she could get back to the warmth of the new city. She would have to start moving people in the morning, who were willing to work, and then she could start on the other noble estates.

"Your Majesty," said Firion, as he sat in a chair to her right as she stabbed a chunk of potato and shoved it into her mouth.

"What is it, Firion?" she asked, chewing as she reached for her drink.

"You wanted one of my people to find a woman and her children?" he asked, cleaning imaginary dirt out from his nails with a knife.

"Crap, I forgot about that. Did you find her?" asked Aella glancing up at him.

"Of course. You won't like where she is, though," he said.

"Why's that?" she asked, with a frown.

"She's left the city, and is heading south along the wall."

"Ugh," groaned Aella, sitting back in her chair and shaking her head. "She's doing exactly what I would, if I were in her place, but I can't let her get away with this."

"What did she do?" asked Firion.

"She was rude to me, granted she didn't know I was the king, because she was living in the warehouses and I was trying to get them moved. I told her to grab a hammer and help, and had her children taken to the orphanage until I released her from working."

"So, she skipped out on work, grabbed her kids and fled the city. Sounds reasonable," he nodded. "At least she didn't kill anyone."

"That's weird praise, coming from you," said Aella giving him a look.

"I admit, I would have been more impressed if she had killed a few people on her way, but she didn't want to draw attention to herself. It was actually harder to find her, the way she had gone."

"So, she impressed you by escaping the city?" asked Aella, thinking about that. "Why don't you come with me when I grab her?"

"Why bother? Let her go and be rid of her," said Firion with a shrug.

"I can't let anyone remain behind once I finish this move," she said, glancing around to make sure no one else was in the room. Leaning forward she added, "The palace will be destroyed when I leave, and I think anyone who remains might be killed."

"Really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as a look came over his face. "Can I watch?"