Chapter 117 Royal Assassin Academy

Aella found the demoness with her three kids far below, still heading south despite the late hour. She was carrying the two youngest ones, and dragging the third behind her. Flying up ahead, Aella landed and leaned against a tree to wait for her.

"Ah!" gasped the demoness, stopping short as she spotted her. "Your Majesty?"

Her voice was soft in fear and disbelief. As she turned to go around, Firion stepped out of the shadows and leaned against another tree. Aella had managed to get him to calm down enough to come along.

Falling to her knees, she pulled the third child to her, and sat with all three of them in her lap, rocking back and forth and crying softly. "Please don't kill them," she whispered.

"Why would I kill future residents of my city?" asked Aella. "They haven't done anything wrong."

The tears streaming down the mother's face glinted in the moonlight, as she glanced up hopefully.

"I was first tempted to kill you for what you've done, disobeying me and making me out for a fool in front of all the other demons, but then I thought, what would I do, if I were in her situation. And you know what? I would do the same thing you are."

Watching confusion flash over the demoness's face, Aella smiled. "But I can't just let you get away with making me look bad."

"What are you going to do?" she asked softly.

"I have a human running my orphanage right now, and a hero human, at that. I want you to run the orphanage in my new city."

"But I'm no good with kids," she said, holding her children closer. "I would kill those brats the first time they looked at me cross-eyed."

"Then what are you good at?" Aella asked, frowning as her voice went deeper.

Swallowing, she looked around as if trying to see if there were more people hiding in the shadows.

"I… I don't know. I can't read, nor do much of anything. My husband did everything. I was just to stay home and take care of the kids," she stammered.

Aella nodded, then said, "I don't care. I have a job for you, that will let you keep your kids, will give you a roof over your head, and all you have to do, is keep on top of your job."

The demoness swallowed again, and asked, "What job is that?"

"In my new city, the warehouses have been completed. As I take people over there, they will have to stay in the warehouses until a home can be built for them. I have just completed a series of bath houses, toilets and washing houses for them to use, yet I don't have anyone to keep them all clean. That will be your job."

"Clean the toilets and bath houses? And I get a home to keep my kids in?" she asked, almost unsure if that was all Aella was going to do to her.

"When your children turn five, they will go to Firion, the Royal Assassin, for training to be in my Assassin Army."

"What?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I can wait until they're seven, Your Majesty. Their attention span is better by then," said Firion as an afterthought.

Aella watched the mother break down crying. Anger at her decision warred within herself. She didn't want to take children from their parents, as she had been.

"Unless," said Aella thoughtfully, "you were able to have an actual apprenticeship lined up for them when they turned seven?"

"Apprenticeship? But that costs so much money," said the mother, then giving herself a shake, she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I can get them apprenticed!"

"If they're not, they go to Firion, remember that," said Aella, standing up straight and holding out a hand to the mother.

The demoness took it, expecting to be pulled to her feet, but instead, Aella teleported her with her three children to the new city. Leaving her there, looking around confused, Aella returned for Firion and took him to the old city.

"Was that wise?" he asked, stepping away from her after they arrived in the brisk wind of the old city. "Those children probably won't be worth much, if she only has to scrub toilets and tubs."

"I fully expect her to try to do something else as soon as she can, or maybe she'll take this opportunity to better herself. Who knows? I have someone to wash things there, so they're not nasty, and I won't have to worry about her for a while. Get your assassins ready for tomorrow. There are going to be a lot of people getting relocated. This city is being dismantled and moved."

"When?" he asked.

"Have them at the warehouse location at dawn. I'm going to be busy all night moving the Lewizor estate."

"Eh, be careful with them. They don't like people snooping on their business. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried something."

Aella nodded. She hadn't thought of that, but it didn't surprise her. As Firion disappeared, she teleported back to the new city to find Rupert. The old man was asleep on a stone bed. She was tempted to wake him up and then decided against it. He had been busy the whole day and part of the night. She needed him to be able to complete her city.

Teleporting over to the demoness, she showed her the way to the warehouses, where the workers had also crashed for the night.

"Sleep here for tonight, and tomorrow we will get you set up in your own home with the supplies you need to do your job."

"Thank you," she bowed, holding tight to the three children who were all sound asleep.

Aella didn't stay to watch her cuddle them in a corner. She still had another estate to move.

Teleporting over to the Lewizor estate, she flew high into the air to take into stock all of their buildings. Most of the smaller ones she could go ahead and move, depending on what was inside of them, but the one barn and the house would need to be dismantled and moved in pieces as Millspus's estate had been.

Aella was tired. She looked out over the land that was hers and sighed. She was tired of moving things, tired of the politics, tired of trying to do stuff. Glancing back down at the noble estate below her, she decided to wait and do them the next day. Surely no one could fault her for getting a few hours of sleep?

Teleporting to her room, she looked at the bed for a moment. Shaking her head, she couldn't bring herself to sleep there, knowing that Brian had been there.

Bridgette looked up from her book when Aella arrived there, next.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, not knowing it was the middle of the night. "You look awful!"

"I'm just tired. Thought I would catch a couple of hours of sleep here, away from the demands of everyone."

"Sure, go ahead. Don't mind the stuffed animal Felix keeps leaving all over the place. I keep telling him to leave it over by the desk, but he never listens," she said, picking up the stuffed toy that was on the floor by her ankle and setting it on the desk.

Aella stared at it for a moment, as it seemed to stare back at her, and shook her head. "Never mind, I'll find somewhere else to sleep. That things going to give me nightmares," she said, teleporting away before Bridgette could say anything.

The treasury was clean, and the mimic was missing. Did that mean it was in the chicken chest? She played with the idea of just laying on the floor here, and getting a nap, but the memory of the blood seeping from the cursed chest made her not too thrilled with that idea. Maybe there was somewhere in the chicken world she could sleep?

Flipping open the lid, she stepped inside and looked around at the chicken world around her. Buildings were destroyed, with their insides exposed to the world. Piles of rubble were scattered around, where it looked like someone had been trying to clean up the destruction. She could see nothing that looked new as far as her eye could see.

Flying up to the roof of the tallest building, she looked out over the ruined city. No one should bother her there, so she lay down to rest. The moment her eyes closed; she was out. Waking to the gentle prods in her side, she opened her eyes to see the mimic standing next to her, once again looking like a giant chicken.

"Your Majesty, I need you to move. This building is to be demolished in a couple of minutes, and I would hate for you to be hurt."

Stretching and letting out a loud yawn, she flew up into the air and looked around. She felt much better. How much time had passed? She hoped not much, since she was in the chest. Only one way to find out.

Before leaving, she thought about telling the mimic about the new city, and decided against it. She still hadn't figure out how she was going to move him and the treasury yet.