Chapter 118 Soup to Go

Lord Lewizor was waiting for her, when she arrived. It was the middle of the night, and the wind was howling.

"This wind is so bad, are you sure you want to try and move things?" he asked.

Aella gave him a look, reached out and touched the small gardening shed beside her and teleported to the new city, taking it with her. It probably wasn't where it needed to be, but it was moved over and she could move it later. Teleporting back, she gave him another look.

"What's next?" she asked, noting the ugly look he was trying to hide.

"There are several other smaller buildings that you are welcome to move, while I get the household up and moving," he said, turning to go back into the house.

Aella headed over to the other sheds. It was going to be a long night. He didn't seem to be very interested in actually moving, despite having volunteered. Taking the other sheds over only took a few minutes. Heading over to the house, she noticed there were lights on and people moving about. Flying up to the nearest window, she teleported just inside, scaring the maid half to death.

"Oh! Your Majesty! You scared me! It's like you're one of those assassins everyone keeps talking about!" she gushed, holding her hand to her chest as she fanned her flushed face.

"I could see where you came to that conclusion," she said with a nod, looking around. "What are you doing?"

"The master bid us to start packing things out of the cupboards," she said, stepping aside to show where she had been putting clothes into a wooden chest.

"You don't have to do that," sighed Aella, touching the chest and the cabinet and teleporting them both next to one of the sheds before returning.

The maid was standing there with her mouth in a perfect little 'o' of surprise.

"Quickly go and tell everyone not to be doing anymore of this nonsense. I'm going to take everything out of this room, and then move to the next. Have them be getting things ready for that."

The maid nodded quickly and turned to flee. Clearing the room out quickly, Aella stepped into the hall. An axe fell heavily onto her back, slicing her shoulder. Before she could register the pain, she was teleporting away, leaving the axe behind. Blood poured down her front and back, as she slumped against the wall. Breathing was hard. Her eyes wanted to close as waves of pain washed over her. She was hurt more than her ring would have normally been able to heal. She was going to die if she didn't do something soon.

Pushing her hand into the wound, she focused on healing, but it didn't stop the dizziness that started to wash over her. Taking bigger breaths, she thought back on the hallway where she was just attacked. A fuzzy image of the maid wiping the axe down, kneeling in the hallway, came to mind. The edges of her vision were starting to go black.

Taking a breath to steady herself, she teleported next to the demoness, grabbing her ankle and using that ability she had discovered with the orphans. Grabbing the energy the maid had, before the demoness could react, she sucked it out and forced it into her shoulder.

Standing up, Aella stretched, feeling muscles and tendons reconnecting with snaps and wet slurping noises. Turning to look down the hall at the three demons that were standing there in shock, she smiled. "Anyone else want a try? I don't mind killing you all!"

Lord Lewizor stepped forward, "What's going on here-"

"Good Lord, do you think I'm going to fall for that nonsense?" asked Aella with a laugh. "Don't play dumb! Shall I kill you now, since you have people ready to kill me at every turn?"

The demon lord stood there, shaking his head. "Your Majesty, I assure you-"

Lord Lewizor, I have killed for less then this," she interrupted, motioning to her shoulder. "Answer my question."

"I would humbly request you not kill me," he answered in a small voice, looking like a scared boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

Aella stood there as her clothes absorbed the blood that was still wet, and the servants shuffled there feet uncomfortably. "She should have tried for the neck. It takes me longer to recover from that. She might have gotten away.

"Now, it's already almost dawn, shall we see how much I can get moved of your estate? Even if I kill you, I still need the estate for the next lord to live in," she said, turning towards the next room.

The sound of everyone scattering was hilarious. She didn't check, but it seemed as if even Lord Lewizor had fled.

As the sun started peeking up over the horizon in the old city, she had finished everything except the actual house and the barn. The workers were needed to disassemble the buildings, and she was going to let them sleep until the sun began to rise at the new city.

"I will take you and your household over to keep an eye on your things until I can finish moving your house," she said to Lord Lewizor, who stood next to her staring at the floor.

She didn't bother holding out her hand, she just touched shoulders and arms, teleporting two or three at a time. Not bothering to direct them to the warehouses, since their house would be moved in a short while, she headed to the warehouse section where Firion should have his assassins ready for her.

Arriving in the air above the area, she looked down at the group of assassins below her. People who had started moving about for the day were starting to gather in the streets and along buildings, wondering what was going on. There had to be several hundred assassins here, and she knew this wasn't all of them. Firion had undoubtably kept some out doing important work.

"I want everyone in the city who does not have a home brought here today. I am taking them to the new city for relocation and work. I don't care their age or their health. You can carry them if need be. I don't want anyone killed, yet. If they resist, use your abilities to disable them. I will heal those who need it," she said, using her air abilities to boost her voice over the crowd, making sure those along the streets heard her.

The assassins scattered, heading out over the city. The people on the streets scattered, too. They would spread the word quickly. Aella landed and waited. It wouldn't be long before people were brought to her and she could start filling up the warehouses. Once the sun had risen and the workers were up in the new city, she would finish bringing the Lewizor estate over. She would need to move one of the soup kitchens over, now that she thought about it. The workers who were moved over yesterday hadn't had anything to eat since she took them over.

Heading over to the nearest soup kitchen, she saw that the lines were pretty long. If she moved this soup kitchen, these people wouldn't have anything to eat. Growling to herself, she traveled to several others throughout the city. Each one was crowded, with the lines of people stretched down the streets. She hadn't realized they were so busy. Thinking for a minute, she finally decided to head over to the main soup kitchen that had the magical bags of food.

It was just as crowded, but she could see a couple workers standing in the back talking instead of working, so she teleported next to them.

"-and so they're being taken by the assassins," said one, not noticing her.

The other jumped back against the wall, gaping at her. The one who was talking turned to see what had scared his friend, and when he realized it was her, he also jumped back. They fell to their knees, cowering on the ground.

"I need to speak with the person in charge," she said, looking around.

"He's out back," said one, burying his head into the ground.

She peeked out the back door and saw the demon she had assigned to the soup kitchens talking to one of the assassins. How had he gotten here so fast, from the warehouse section?

"The King has ordered that all those who don't have permanent homes are to be taken to the location where the warehouses used to be," said the assassin as she walked up.

He nodded to her and stepped back, confusing the demon in charge of the kitchen, who turned and startled when he saw her.

"I need a soup kitchen in the new city. You have all of the food for the whole city here, in the magical bags that were given to you. I need you to get them so I can take you and the food over to get started serving food to the people over there."

"Yes, Your Majesty," he said, without any hesitation.

Aella turned to the assassin who was waiting for her to finish what she had come to do, "Go fetch people out of the lines, instead of asking around. People will likely not volunteer."

He bowed and headed for the front of the soup kitchen. Aella turned to follow the demon back inside. Chaos was going to reign for a while, and she was not looking forward to it.