Chapter 119 A King's Nest

The soup kitchen was set up in one of the warehouses, nearest to the bath houses and toilets, so the soup staff could get water easier for their soups. Already workers were lining up, hungry from not having eaten in a while. Aella would have to work on not forgetting that they needed to eat and rest more than she did.

When she returned to the warehouse section in the old town, the assassins already had a large crowd of people waiting for her to move them.

Hours passed as she teleported families to the warehouses in the new city, before the workers had enough of the Lewizor estate dismantled for her to start on it. The weather was turning worse, so she had to jump back and forth between the estate move and the people needing moved.

There were only a few times she had to heal someone who had refused to cooperate, but generally the people were too afraid of the assassins to refuse them. By midday, Aella was starting to feel hungry herself, and decided to swing by the palace for some lunch. The estate was finished, they just had to finish reassembling things and the servants only had to move their belongings back into place. She didn't have time to teleport them all, with everything else she had going on.

"Your Majesty!" cried Xathtak excitedly, when she spotted her. "I need to speak with you for a moment!"

"Then speak while I eat," said Aella, sitting in her chair at the table.

Edgar brought her a plate of food, that she didn't even bother to glance at before shoveling it into her mouth.

"The sewers work has all but stopped, and we've had issues with the water lines breaking from the cold. What do you want me to do? The flooding is getting worse in the slums and market square!"

Aella chewed her food thoughtfully, taking a sip of her drink. She was already pressed for time, trying to get all the people being brought to her moved, but she was finished with the Lewizor estate, so she could technically start with the businesses in the market area.

"Inform the business owners in that area that I will be there in an hour to start moving them to the new city. They need to have things packed in crates so they will be easier to move. I'll see if I can get them moved out of the flooded areas today. Stop all work on the sewers, and see if there is a way to turn the water off, to that section of the city. Everyone effected by the break will need to be informed of the move as well, because I might as well start with them once I finish with the businesses."

"How do you intend to move them?" she asked, confused.

"The same way I've been moving everything else. The workers disassemble the buildings in large chunks, I teleport everything, and then the workers reassemble everything in the new location. Having the Hero of Earth over there to control the stone for better foundations is helping immensely."

"Yes, Your Majesty," said the blue demoness, bowing and leaving the dining room.

Aella took several more bites before Varnin and Orolon entered, talking about the troops that were nearing the city with more refugees. She managed to get a couple more bites in before they noticed her and hurried over.

"Your Majesty! We need to know what to do with all of the new people pouring into the city! There are rumors the assassins are rounding people up, and they are disappearing!" exclaimed Varnin with a worried look.

"Yes, I have been taking the people over to the new city. The warehouses are complete, a soup kitchen has been set up, two of the noble estates have already been moved, and I have water facilities already in place for the people that are already over there," said Aella wiping her mouth and grabbing another drink before continuing. "Have the new people taken over to the warehouse section, and I will go ahead and move them over to the new city. I will take the troops over as well, to help with the peace."

Varnin nodded and hurried off to send word. Orolon stood there as she took a couple more bites.

"Orolon, I need more supplies. I don't mind moving the buildings over that are currently here, but there are more people than there are building for them all to live in."

"I can get a group together, who have experience with cutting wood down, if you have a location for them to cut?" he offered.

"Do that. Bring them to the warehouse section and I will take them to a place I ran into during the month I was away. The wood was good and straight and should be perfect for building new houses and such."

He bowed and left, allowing her a few more moments of peace in order to finish her meal.

"Edgar, spread word among the servants here in the palace that I want to start moving things over to my new castle in the next couple of days. I imagine I'll be plenty busy with all of the businesses, homes, and newcomers, but they need to at least be getting started."

"Yes, Your Majesty," he said, taking her empty plate.

"And tell the cooks I greatly enjoyed that chicken. It was just the right amount of juicy to be excellent with the rice."

He smiled and bowed, heading for the kitchens with a bounce in his step.

Standing up and stretching, she went back to teleporting people. A circle had been set up in the very middle of the courtyard, for her to bring the people and leave. Lord Millspus had people there, escorting the new people out of the circle immediately, so they weren't in her way with the next batch, before sending them to various warehouses for the time being.

After about an hour, she jumped over to the flooded section of town. With a gasp, she saw that the water had risen knee high in places, and people were wading through it to get their things packed. With how cold it was, she couldn't imagine how cold those people were.

Grabbing a group of workers who had just finished with the Lewizor estate, she took them back to the flooded area and started moving the businesses over. After conferring with Lord Millspus, it was quickly decided to have these businesses located in the next section of town, rather than in his section, so as not to have it be too crowded. She would decide later which noble would be in charge of this section of town.

Between jumping businesses and people, Aella was busy well into the night. She didn't get a break again until almost midnight. The warehouses were crowded, all of the buildings, businesses and homes, were moved out of the flooded section of town and were reconstructed in the new section of town, and the military group that had come into town with some of the refugees were set up inside the rooms in the outer wall of the city.

She was exhausted. Landing on the roof of her new castle, she looked over her new city, that had finally started settling down for the night. The last of the noises of construction and people calling to each other had died down as they all settled for some much-needed rest. She knew that she needed to be moving more. There were other people who were wanting their homes moved, and she had to get the other nobles over, so they could start overseeing their sections of the city.

She also knew she needed to get some rest. She needed a place she could go to, that was just for her, safe from anyone trying to kill her, that she could escape the craziness. Spying Rupert forming his stone bed for the evening, she teleported to him.

"Rupert, I have a request," she said.

"A request from a king! This I have to hear!" he joked despite his exhaustion.

"I need to know which room in the castle you had intended to be mine," she said, looking back at the castle.

He raised an eyebrow, before chuckling. "Your Majesty, you're the Hero of Air, right? I made your room the tallest tower! If you had checked it out, you would see that the only way in is through the windows."

She glanced up at the towers, noting that one was indeed taller than the others.

"Thank you," she said with a nod before teleporting up to the tower to check it out.

Stepping into the window, she saw that there was a door fashioned of stone, set into the wall. Opening the door, it swung open to expose stairs going down. She liked that. Even if someone climbed the tower to sneak up on her, this would give her an added level of protection.

The stairs curved around against the outer wall until it reached the landing below, then it curved in a tighter spiral around an opening in the very center of the tower. Floating down the opening, using a flame to light her way, she saw that the entire tower included several landings for her to decorate into whatever she wanted. If she had someone who couldn't fly, they could use the stairs, and if it was just her, she could float between the landings through the center opening. The only thing it needed was a light source.

She didn't mind not having light, at the moment. Retrieving her white fur, from the monster beast in the mountains, she laid it on the lowest level and fell fast asleep. Everyone could wait until she woke up.