Chapter 120 Delicious End

When she opened her eyes, Aella's first thought was that she was back in the pits, waiting for a guard to show up and take her to her next fight. Feeling the fur underneath her calmed her immediately. Her pounding heart took a moment to calm and she lay there enjoying the luxury of not moving. There was so much going on, she was really afraid she had forgotten something.

Playing the events of the last couple days through her head, she sighed when she realized she never followed up with the demoness who was supposed to be cleaning the bath houses and toilets. She had to get to that as soon as she could today.

She needed to move more people from the old city over, but she needed to get the woodcutters to the forest, too. With a curse, she remembered that she was supposed to do that last night. Had they waited on her all night in the cold?

Growling, she teleported to the warehouses and saw with relief that it was still dark. Dawn hadn't come yet. Unfortunately, there was a group of demons holding axes and woodcutting tools, waiting on her by a large bonfire. The trash lumber she had left had been dragged over and used to keep them warm. Several had even curled into balls and fallen asleep on the frozen ground.

Landing, they turned to her with accusations in their eyes, but she didn't apologize. There was too much going on.

"Ready?" she asked, as they woke those sleeping on the ground. "I'll take you in groups of four with everything you can carry."

They huddled closer to her, and she began. Ten minutes later, they were all gathered in the middle of a forest, with snow on the ground. Thankfully it wasn't very deep here, but the trees were huge. She watched as they craned their necks trying to see the tops in the dark. With a quick swirl, she cleared all the snow away from them for a good twenty feet, and then gathered some dead brush and branches together from a dead tree. As they gathered around, confused, she lit it on fire with a quick whoosh.

"This should keep you warm until the sun rises. Rest up and then start cutting the trees down. I'll be back later today with some warm food and to take what you've cut."

They nodded and settled down next to the fire, obviously enjoying the warmth it was putting off.

Teleporting back to the city, she floated in the freezing wind overlooking the city and everything she still needed to move. The new city was much larger than this one, so she would have room to move everything, plus some, it was just deciding what to move first. The problem was that the people she had already moved, didn't have a place to go, for her to be able to move other people. There was a section of the city below her, that was mostly slums, that she could move, but she really didn't want slums in her new city. There would always be those who couldn't work or afford nice homes, but she could give them better homes than a shack.

Landing in the middle of the warehouse section, she thought about making homes that were stacked on top of each other. The people could use stairs to climb up to their homes, and save on space. If they wanted better homes, they could save their money and buy them, but the stacked houses would look nicer than the shacks that were currently in the poor section.

Having spotted her, assassins started bringing more people to her and she got started moving them again. There were only a few left that didn't have homes for her to move and they had been living with others. It was time for her to start focusing on moving more homes and businesses, and possibly the other nobles.

As the sun rose in the new city, she found Rupert in line at the soup kitchen.

"I need you," she said, cutting in line to get him his bowl of soup and taking him to the line of bath and toilet houses. As he drank his soup, she explained to him what she had in mind.

"That's a job for many people, not just one," he said, wiping his mouth.

"I understand that, which is why I want you to make multiple homes on top of each of these buildings, so that the person who lives above can be the one in charge of keep what's below them clean."

He rubbed his chin for a moment, while he thought about that, then shrugged, quickly forming stairs that curved up each building, and forming a single room above each. When there was space, he made multiple rooms. The buildings that were bigger might take multiple people to keep clean.

"That should work," she said with a nod, after inspecting them. "Thank you."

He bowed to her and headed back to return his empty bowl, before getting started for the day. She searched around, quickly finding the demoness in the bath house, trying to get dried vomit cleaned up, while her three children screamed and cried in the corner.

"I'm sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday," Aella said, watching her scrub at the mess with a rag.

"I'm just trying to do what I have to, to keep my kids," she groaned, obviously having been crying herself.

"Stop and get your kids. I need to show you something," said Aella.

The demoness sat there for a moment, before throwing the rag at the vomit and stomping over to her kids. Grabbing them up, rougher than she needed to, she turned and waited for Aella to proceed out before her.

"I've had homes built above each of the facilities. Whichever one you want, you are welcome to, but you will be responsible for cleaning the facility below your home."

"Wait, instead of all of them?" asked the demoness surprised.

"I decided with so many people using these, it wasn't fair for you to have to do it all alone, especially with small children, so I will have others in a similar position as yourself, in charge of the other buildings."

She looked over each one carefully, before choosing the smallest one. It housed the fountain that people came to gather water from. Aella had a feeling she would choose that one, because it meant the least amount of work. With a shrug she nodded, and watched as the woman climbed the stairs to check out her new home.

Teleporting to the warehouse courtyard, she didn't see Lord Millspus, so she went to his estate. He was probably eating breakfast, and when she teleported into his dining room, was greeted with several screams and someone choking on their food.

Ignoring the rest of the people in the room, she turned to the lord, who was gently setting his fork down with a shaking hand.

"I have had rooms built on top of the water facilities by the warehouses, and there is already one demoness living above the water fountain with her three small children. I expect you to find people to live above the others. Whatever they live above, they will be responsible for keeping clean."

He nodded, swallowing the food that he had in his mouth, and she teleported away before he could respond. With her mood lifted, she grabbed workers to take back to the businesses in the old city. She needed to see how many of them she could get moved, before the flooding got worse.

When mid-day hit, she told the workers to finish what they were doing, and to find some lunch. She had other things to deal with for the next hour. They were surprised and delighted, finishing their work with more energy then they had all day.

Teleporting to the palace dining room, she spotted Edgar, who was in the process of fetching her something.

"Edgar! Wait! I need a meal for about 35 workers prepared and packaged. There's some cold woodcutters I left in the middle of a frozen forest, who I promised a nice hot meal."

He paused while he thought about that, then nodded and went to inform the cooks. He returned in a short while with a huge cart loaded down with food, that he was pushing before him.

"I hope this will work. I wasn't sure how else to transport that much at once," he apologized.

"This is perfect. Thank you," she said, grabbing the handle from him and teleporting to the forest where she had left the wood cutters.

Looking around, she was really impressed. Knowing that she could teleport the trees where she wanted them, the woodcutters had left them laying where they fell. The trees all around her had all been felled, leaving a clearing that stretched a good hundred yards. Leaving the cart of food near the dying fire, she started teleporting the lumber to the new city. The workers there, noticed and started gathering for instructions as they finished up their lunches.

The woodcutters also noticed her, and started heading in to see what she had brought them to eat. When they saw she had brought them food from the palace kitchens, they were amazed and giddy, laughing and joking as they dug in.