Chapter 121 Dreams of the Future

By the end of her lunch time, she had learned all of the names of the woodcutters, how many were married, who had kids, and that one was engaged. Taking the empty cart back to Edgar, she headed back to the warehouse to see if the assassins had any other people, and then jumped them to the new city.

Finally returning to the business district, she gathered the workers together.

"I want to finish this area today, since it's flooded so bad, and then we're going to start on the section of houses that are by where the Millspus estate and the Lewizor estate used to be."

No one had any complaints, so they got to work. The rest of the day passed quickly, and once they reached their goal of the business district, she let everyone take another break to grab supper while she went to check on the woodcutters.

The woodcutters had a tree fall wrong, landing on several of them. Because she hadn't been there, they had tried to cut the wood off the demons who were pinned, but that only caused a fourth demon to get injured. Aella quickly moved the logs over to the new city, freeing the injured, and then focused on healing them. Taking the four injured back to her palace, she left them in the dining room for Edgar to feed and to let them rest. Then, as the others got to work in the last of the daylight, Aella moved the rest of the lumber.

"Tomorrow I will have you guys start in the other city, cutting the trees up into boards and usable wood for the workers to start building with," she said, as they sat at the dining table in the palace later. "Edgar will feed all of you tonight, for the wonderful work you did for me, and tomorrow morning, at dawn, we will meet at the warehouse district and I will take you over to the new city."

They all agreed, and she teleported back to finish with the workers until it was too dark to continue. She let them go with the understanding they would start back up first thing in the morning to move more houses. As they scattered, to head to their respective homes for the night, she stood there with nothing pressing at the moment. With a grin, she teleported to the treasury.

Flipping open the chest with the magical items, she stepped inside and started looking for things that made light for her to decorate her new room. There were plenty of things that could burn on command, but the one that caught her eye was a pile of torches. They were made of some kind of metal with a decorative twist that wound up around where the flame would be. As she picked one up, she could tell that when they burned, the flame would put off no gases or fumes, and she only needed to start it burning with any kind of flame for it to continue forever.

Grabbing the whole stack of them, she teleported to her tower and began placing them all over the place. Once it was lit up, she went back to the treasury to see what else she could find to decorate with.

When she was finished, she had a sitting area, a dining area, a study, an actual bedroom, and an area with shelves for things she wanted to collect. Looking around at her new home, she felt a sort of glee that she had never felt before. Rubbing her hand over the white fur on her bed, she lay down and stared at the ceiling. She had an actual home, where she was safe. She didn't have to fight anyone the next day, or kill someone just to prove she could. In fact, things were going great!

With a sigh of contentment, she rolled on her side and fell asleep.

The next morning, she brought the woodcutters to the new city so they could cut the massive trees into smaller sections, then worked hard all morning moving houses. Letting everyone have a break for lunch, she decided to check on her advisors.

"Your Majesty!" cried Varnin, rushing over to her when she appeared in the dining room. "General Brimsey has just arrived with his troops from the north, and he has word from the Hero of Light."

"Oh? What does Alfred have to say?" she asked, sitting in her chair.

"He said that the humans have decided to stay in your kingdom, rather than return to their own lands, and a plague has broken out among them. He's requesting you bring Josephine as soon as possible!"

Aella sighed. Of all the things she didn't need, this was one of them. There was so much to do already, she didn't need disease adding to things. When he returned, she was supposed to head south with him. For a moment, she considered not going, but shook her head at that thought. She owed too much to Bob to skip out on that. The thought of not giving him his bar locations terrified her.

"Alright, I'll see to it as soon as I've eaten."

Varnin nodded and said, "Should I have General Brimsey and his troops head to the warehouse district until your arrival?"

"Yes, that will be fine."

Varnin bowed and left, making room for the other advisors to step forward.

"Your Majesty, the sickness in the city has increased. We are seeing people with fevers and coughing. A group in the poor section was found frozen to death this morning," said Orolon.

She closed her eyes for a moment. The weather was going to kill her people before she could get everyone moved. There wasn't a place to put everyone yet, but she was going to have to move people anyway.

"The palace here is empty now, right?" she asked.

"Yes, all of the people who had taken refuge have moved out into the empty houses, or have been moved to the new city already," he said.

"Then start moving those in the poor section into the palace. I must deal with Alfred and the humans, first. Then I will start moving more people over to the new city. There's no place for them to go just yet, but the weather there isn't as bad. See if you can find tents and such for them so they can have some form of shelter."

He bowed and left, leaving Destov before her.

"Your Majesty, my family is ready to be moved, whenever you get a chance. I have notified the rest of the noble houses to prepare as well, so you may also begin with them as you see fit."

"Good," she said, wiping her mouth and standing up.

He bowed and left as she teleported to the orphanage. Josephine was busy trying to get the kids to stop fighting over a small ball.

"Josephine, Alfred needs you to heal the group of humans he has with him. He just sent word that a disease has broken out among them."

"Healing disease in a group of people is very difficult," said Josephine, pocketing the ball to the screams of anger and frustration from the children.

Aella held out her hand and Josephine sighed, taking it. Over the next few moments, Aella teleported them up and down the wall, looking for Alfred and the humans. They were finally found in a barn near the northern mountains.

"Aella! Thank goodness you finally came!" exclaimed Alfred.

The people were huddled in small groups all over the barn, looking pitiful and sick. There was a covered pile in the back of the barn who had already died.

As Josephine started healing the people, Aella pulled him to the side.

"Alfred, I have a place for these people to live, but there's no houses or anything yet."

"That would be great, but how will we get them there?" he asked, looking back as Josephine moved among them.

"These people are so weak; I don't know that they will be able to build anything."

"There's a building already built they can stay in until they're well, and I'll try to bring food and supplies to them as soon as I can. I can show you what I've been doing since you left."

He looked back to her and nodded. "I know it's only been a week, so you probably aren't ready to head south just yet."

"Good god, no! I have so much going on right now that only I can do, it's been insane!" she cried.

He nodded, and helped her get the people who Josephine was done with moved. The building Rupert had made for Bridgette and her books was where Aella put the people.

"I can't believe you had the Earth Hero build this, it's fantastic! To think the church had him overseeing the portal to the south!"

"I think they may have seen him as too powerful to keep around and had him doing something they believed 'important'," she said, shaking her head. "I have to go see to some things, now that these guys are all moved, but I'll be back before dark to show you what else I have been doing."

"After seeing this, I can only imagine what else you have to show me! It's only been a week Aella!"