Chapter 122 Busy as a Bee

"Frederick, I need you and Seifer to decide who is going where," said Aella, teleporting to the throne room and spying the two near the table she had drawn on before.

"Go where?" asked Seifer.

"I want one of you to organize things here for me, and one to organize things in the new city. I am getting so bogged down with things that I'm forgetting stuff," said Aella, sitting on the edge of the table and looking down at the table.

"Your Majesty?" came a soft voice near the door. It was that demon girl, Gwen and an older demoness; probably her mother.

"Ah, yes. I will get to you in a minute Gwen," said Aella, turning back to Frederick and Seifer.

"What sorts of things do you want us to organize?" asked Frederick.

"Well, for starters, I need to go check the tower again, and I just left all of the humans that Alfred found in their new home, without any food or supplies. I have to move all of the nobles, along with the rest of the demons in the kingdom to the new city, but I need more supplies to be able to do that. I want to move the buildings from this city over, instead of having to build from scratch, and that takes organization that I don't have at the moment. My mind is so scattered with everything that needs to be done, I'm forgetting important things, and we can't have that."

"So, I guess all of the generals that have returned and were sent to the warehouse district, are still waiting on you?" asked Frederick with a wince.

Aella just sighed. "Have any of the people from the west coast returned? What about my generals that I sent out to all parts of the kingdom? Torrod, Kieran, Cyran, Vesh and Morden?"

"Don't forget Ulrik," laughed Seifer. "Yes, they've all returned, once they got word you wanted them back. The people on the coast have been trying to make their way here, but it's a long way, Aella."

She nodded. "So, where do you want to go?"

Frederick and Seifer looked at each other and nodded before turning back to her.

"I'll organize things on this side, and Frederick can organize things on the other side," said Seifer.

"Good, let's go," said Aella turning to Gwen and her mother. "I am going to take you two to the new city, where you will be helping to cook for everyone over there. I'm sure they will appreciate the help."

Gwen nodded, while her mother looked uncertain about the decision. Aella didn't wait for the old demoness to think up reasons to complain. She grabbed Frederick and teleported behind them with him, grabbed their shirts and teleported all of them over to the new city in the back of the soup kitchen.

The demon in charge shrieked and jumped back, hitting the soup pot when they arrived. The worker on the other side of the pot, reached out and grabbed it, to keep it from spilling all over him, burning his hands severaly in the process. Aella sighed again.

"Come here so I can heal you," she bid the hurt demon, as she turned to the demon in charge. "These two have experience cooking for large crowds. I want them working here, helping out."

She grabbed the burnt hands, and began healing them, as everyone got acquainted. As soon as the injuries were healed, she teleported with Frederick over to the wood site, where the woodworkers were cutting the logs into usable wood.

"As soon as these guys are done with these trees, I want them back in the forest, cutting more down," she said to Frederick. "I also need the locations for the new buildings figured out so I can start moving more from the other city. While you figure things out here, I'm going to go grab all of the generals I have apparently left in the warehouse district."

"Alright, Aella. I'll see what I can do. Is Zack the one in charge of the builders?" he asked, pointing at the demon who was coming towards them.

"Yes, and the human that you spot around here, is the Hero of Earth, Rupert. He's been making all of the rock form the foundations of the buildings," she said, nodding to Zack as he reached them. "Zack, this is my regent Frederick. He is going to try and help me organize things over here. I want you to work with him when you have any questions."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Frederick, let me show you what I've been working on," said Zack, bowing to her and pointing for Frederick to go with him.

Teleporting back to the warehouse district, Aella looked around at the crowds that were gathered there. These demons were military, ready to fight at a moment's notice. They would be useful keeping the peace with so many arriving in the city.

"My King!" came a call from across the way.

Aella turned and spotted her father, General Brimsey waving at her with the other generals around him, where they had been talking. Teleporting over beside him, she floated up so they didn't all tower over her.

"It's good to see you, but did you have to send us here when there aren't even any buildings to protect us from the cold?" asked Cyran, giving her a grin.

"I've had so much on my plate; I've been struggling to remember everything. Let's get everyone moved to the new city, and we can talk more," she said, looking around at them all.

The troops were all loaded down with huge packs. She thought she could still move them four at a time, but it would take a while. While the generals got the troops organized, she started moving them. She took the first four over to an area away from all of the activity.

"You four will be in charge of getting the others I bring out of the way so I can bring more. Direct them into the rooms and passages in the city wall, and tell them to find places to settle down until better orders can be given," she said.

They all nodded, dropping their packs and getting into position to grab people as she brought them. It went much smoother once she didn't have to worry about a crowd of people being in the way. By the time the entire army was moved, she was getting tired. The sun was already starting to sink here, in the old city, and she still had so much to do.

"I'll have to talk to you guys later, once I stop for the night," she said to them once she got them moved. "I still need to take supplies and food to the humans before it gets dark here, in the new city."

"It's alright, Your Majesty," said Vesh, with a bow. "There is plenty for us to do while we wait. Our troops need to be settled into housing and given orders."

"There's a soup kitchen in the warehouses, where everyone else is. They won't be expecting you, so just expect long wait lines. I'll try and get some more soup kitchens moved over to deal with the numbers. Get me a list of things you think you will need, and I will try to get to them when I have a free moment. Frederick is here, overseeing things with the head builder, Zack. If you see him, it would be a good idea to check in."

"Of course, Your Majesty," said her father, giving her a bow and a smile.

She wanted to just sit and talk to them, to find out what things they had learned and seen, but she was the King. Everyone was depending on her. She had placed herself in a position where only she could do the things that needed done.

Teleporting back to the old city, Aella visited each of the soup kitchens, finding several that didn't have the numbers they had before she had taken the crowds. Moving them over to the new city took her only a few minutes. As it grew darker in the new city, she knew she was running out of time. The humans needed supplies and food. Taking the soup pot from one of the soup kitchens, she took it over to Alfred.

Before he could grab her, and ask questions, she teleported several more times, grabbing more supplies from the stockpiles that were growing dangerously low with all of the food having already been taken over to the new city.

"Thank you, Aella," Alfred said, looking over the food she had brought with delight. "The people will be overjoyed with so much. We should be good for a while, but if you could bring us tools and materials, we could start building houses of our own, when they've got their strength back."

She nodded, and turned to teleport away, when he grabbed her hand.

"Don't forget to get some rest. Others can find things to do while you sleep."

"But I am the only one who can move people and things between the two cities. The weather is getting worse and people are starting to get sick from the overcrowding in the old city, and there's not enough places for everyone in the new city yet," she said, letting her worry leak out.

"Aella, you are doing a fantastic job. I would never have known you were once a pit rat, little demon brat, killing other demon brats to survive."

She gave Alfred a smile and teleported back to the palace, to see about the Spell Spire. Hopefully enough time had passed for it to be safe enough she could talk to Jozef.