Chapter 137 Vexing Children

"Your Majesty, I have compiled a list of things to run by you, before you head back out with your group of searchers to finish looking for people in the old kingdom," said Varnin as Aella teleported to her new throne room.

"How long have you been waiting for me to show up here?" asked Aella as she looked around and moved over to the throne.

"Since I arrived," said Varnin, looking uncomfortable. "I've had people bringing me news here, so I can deal with the issues that have been popping up and still be available when you showed up looking for me."

"Where is everyone else?" Aella asked, sitting down and studying the decorations hanging on the walls. The tapestries were interesting, but she wasn't sure she liked them here. Someone could easily hide behind them.

"They are busy trying to help keep the calm. A rather nasty sickness is running through the city. We have all decided it is nothing you need to worry about, since people aren't really dying from it, but it has the people very upset."

"Why would you not bother me with this?" exclaimed Aella, horrified they thought that. "I can get the Water Hero over here to heal everyone!"

"And the next time a sickness runs through the city? Shall we constantly turn to the heroes to help?" asked Varnin.

"Of course! Why else would they be here?" cried Aella.

Varnin seemed to be at a loss for words.

"Tell me quickly what other news you have for me, so I can go get Josephine!" demanded Aella.

"Rupert has finished building orphanages in each district, but who is to oversee the orphans? Surely Josephine can't run them all? Especially since she is a human!"

"What does her being human have to do with anything?" asked Aella. "I think she does a wonderful job with the children."

"It is very difficult for the demons in the city to speak with a human, considering the hostilities we have struggled with for the past several centuries," said Varnin, looking down at the stack of papers before her.

"I suppose. Have each noble house place someone in charge of the orphanages in their districts. Josephine will be needed in the human city anyways."

"Very well. The demons sent out to search for ore deposits have returned with good news. There is a large deposit to the mountains in the East. They also said there is a wonderful town site there as well. Several groups have already formed in anticipation of heading that way."

"Wonderful, anything else?"

"Flying creatures have been attacking our herd animals. So far, none have been lost to the predators, but the farmers and ranchers are requesting a special task group be formed to keep the monsters from causing real harm."

"That sounds like a good idea. Some of those flying dinosaurs can get really big!"

"Dinosaurs? Is that what they are called?" asked Varnin.

"All of the creatures I have seen so far fall under the category of dinosaur, but I don't know what all of their individual names are. The people can call them what they want," said Aella, waving her hand dismissively. What they were called wasn't important to her.

"Very well. There's only one last thing here… there have been strange sounds heard from the tallest tower, but no one can seem to find an entrance?" said Varnin.

"Ah, well," laughed Aella. "That's because the tallest tower is actually my room. I don't want anyone going there. I'll deal with the noises. Is that all?"

"Yes, for now, Your Majesty," said Varnin.

Nodding, Aella teleported to her room. She needed to get Josephine over here, to start healing the people of the sickness, but if no one was dying from it, she could take the time to deal with the baby hydra first.

"HUNGRY!" screamed Ruth, straining to reach her where she floated above them.

"Aella, we can't control her!" cried Louie, big tears falling from his eyes.

"We're used to being hungry, but she isn't," wailed Frank, tears trailing from his eyes as well.

"I will take away your hunger if you calm down, Ruth," said Aella calmly.

The baby hydra threw herself to the ground and started bawling.

"So hungry!" sobbed Ruth, laying her head on the bed.

Landing next to them, Aella pulled out the ring. She wasn't sure how to put it on them, but she was going to try. Leaning down to put the ring up against their front foot, she went to push it on. The ring immediately resized and slipped all the way up to encircle the ankle.

The baby hydras immediately stopped crying and looked up at her still sniffing.

"What did you do?" asked Frank in shock.

"I… I don't feel hungry," whispered Louie.

"What you do, momma?" asked Ruth, hiccupping.

Aella jerked back at her words and fell on her butt. "I'm not your momma!"

"You not?" asked Ruth, looking hurt and lost. "But you feed Ruth, and give yummy food. Then you take away Ruth hunger. If you not momma, then who?"

"She's Aella," said Frank with a sigh. "Just call her Aella."

"Momma's name Aella?" asked Ruth, looking at Louie as if needing confirmation.

Louie opened his mouth, then snapped it shut and nodded.

"Ruth so happy she got Aella!" trilled Ruth, rushing over to Aella and wrapping around her in an embrace ending with her head next to Aella's, rubbing cheeks with her.

"She's only a baby," grunted Frank with a sigh. "It will be a bit before she learns how to talk right."

"It took me a year or two," said Louie, looking at Frank. "But we were thrown in the underhall as soon as we hatched. Are you going to put us under the palace again?"

"No," said Aella, trying to carefully untangle herself without hurting Ruth's feelings. "As long as you wear that band, you will not grow bigger or need to eat, so I was thinking of letting you roam the castle. Just don't kill anyone, please?"

"No biting anyone, Ruth," said both boys at the same time.

"No bite," Ruth said, nodding as she unwrapped from around Aella.

"I'll take you to the throne room, and make sure you guys get a room eventually, okay?" asked Aella, standing up.

"We get our own room?" asked Frank, his eyes going wide.

"All to ourselves?" asked Louie, also looking hopeful.

Ruth looked at her brothers then turned to Aella and asked, "We get room?"

"Yes, you will get your own room."

Reaching out and touching their shoulder, she teleported them to the throne room. Varnin took one look at the baby hydra and ran from the room screaming.

"Why she scream?" asked Ruth, watching as the door swung shut. "She hungry?"

"Possibly," said Aella carefully, watching the boys stare at their sister. "I need to go deal with some things; do you think you'll be alright?"

"We'll try and stay out of trouble," said Frank with a nod. "Did you ever save Jozef? We kind of liked talking to him."

"I don't know if I can, but I intend to try and save him," said Aella.

"Can we go anywhere?" asked Louie, glee dancing in his eyes.

"Stay out of bedrooms, and don't leave the castle," said Aella. "I'll check back in a while."

"Okay!" they all chimed in as she teleported away.

Josephine was busy trying to get a small demon boy bathed, who was not interested in getting in the bubble filled tub.

"You need a bath," Josephine said calmly, grabbing him by the ankle where he had climbed the wall and clung to the ceiling.

"I don't like bubbles," he growled, but she was stronger than him, and he lost his grip.

"Then I will get rid of them," Josephine said, waving her hand and the bubbles popped all at once.

The boy glanced in the tub of water suspiciously, and then slowly started to step inside when Aella made her presence known.

"There's no fish in the water to bite you," Aella said with a raised eyebrow.

"I know that!" he snapped, gritting his teeth and sitting angrily in the warm water.

"Aella! What brings you here?" asked Josephine, starting to rub soap into the boy's hair as he grunted in annoyance.

"I just found out that all of the people in my city are sick, and even though none are dying from the illness, I was hoping you could cure them?"

"Sounds odd," said Josephine with a frown. "Normally, even with the simple sicknesses, when so many get sick, at least one or two people die. Are you sure none have died?"

"No, I am only telling you what I've been told. I would like to think that none have died, but you're right that it would be weird if none have. Could you come check it out?"

"Just as soon as bath time is over. This young demon has been refusing to bath for a while and I am not stopping until he is clean."

"I can wait," said Aella, nodding. She had dealt with enough children today. What was one more?