Chapter 138 Gifts From Above

"Aella, this sickness that's going around, is odd. It's almost like a magical sickness. Have you felt ill? I know that us heroes don't generally get sick, but you're the only one who has had contact with every single person in the city," said Josephine after healing everyone.

"I moved the humans first," said Aella, scratching her head. "None of them have fallen ill."

"Are you sure? When was the last time you checked them?"

"Just a day or so, when I took Rupert over to build houses for them. Want to go check them?" asked Aella.

"We better," agreed Josephine.

They teleported over, but the humans all seemed to be fine.

"Maybe it's something just in the city? We should ask Bridgette."

Aella nodded in agreement and they teleported to the library, where Bridgette was in the middle of a fit.

"Felix! I've told you a hundred times! Keep your toys away from my books!"

"What's going on?" asked Aella, looking at the crestfallen face of Felix.

He was hugging that horrible toy she didn't like as Bridgette glared at him.

"Every time I turn around, that toy is underfoot. There's even a couple of times I've found it shoved into some of the more delicate ones!"

"Wait," said Aella, thinking quickly. "What kind of books?"

"Well," said Bridgette, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "There was the Spectral Battle Tome, Time Worn Syllabus, Compendium of Eternal Sorrow, and I've found it multiple times in the Shadow Book of Windows."

"Those sound terrifying!" exclaimed Josephine.

"They're hard to read because the magic in them is so complicated, but yes, they are full of dark magic little boys shouldn't go near!" she growled, glaring at Felix again.

"But I don't go near them! I swear! He just likes to read," said Felix, holding out the stuffed toy.

"May I see your toy?" asked Aella, taking it gingerly and looking it all over. She had felt the presence within the toy when she first found it, but had attributed that to the magic it contained. She wasn't so sure now. Who could she ask about it? The mimic was gone, and she doubted the hydra had access to the treasury. The only one left would be Jozef. She didn't want to risk going to see him, because she hadn't finished searching for her people.

"Aella, you're thinking pretty hard about something. Care to share with the rest of us?" asked Josephine.

With a sigh she decided it couldn't be helped. If there were still those living in the old kingdom, they would have to die or figure out a way to survive. She couldn't put this off any longer.

"I have to do something I've been dreading since I made the decision. I've been trying to put it off for a while, especially since I wanted to bring over as many of the building materials and things from the old city as possible."

"Are you talking about destroying the palace?" asked Bridgette.

"Yes, I haven't finished looking for people over the kingdom, but I think at this point, anyone who hasn't made it to the palace as requested, doesn't want to come. I kept thinking there could be kids or young people who just didn't know any better, but I never found anything like that. The longer I procrastinate, the more danger we are in from the humans gaining access to things in the palace."

"Are you going to take my toy?" asked Felix.

"I think so," said Aella, glancing at it. Its eyes flashed red and it started to shake in her hands.

She teleported to the Spell Spire as it started trying to claw her with very real claws on the ends of its stuffed arms.

"Aella?" called Jozef, "What are you doing here? I can tell you've moved everyone away."

"Time to end things here, Jozef," she called, flinging the writhing toy at the spell circle that contained him.

It hit and stuck to the side of the circle, sending bolts of lightning of all different colors shooting out around the room. A scream from deep within the palace could be heard.

"Wow! That room was sound proof!" exclaimed Jozef in amazement.

Quickly pulling out the fairy that slept within the bottle, Aella didn't hesitate to pop it open as the bolts of energy grew larger and drew closer to her. Unfurling her wings, the tiny figure stretching lazily and looked around with wide surprised eyes.

"Wow! So much food!" it said in excitement.

"You can eat all of the magic in this room, but the palace will probably fall and collapse on some magic crystals," said Aella quickly. "I think you are the last of your kind."

With a laugh and a look of determination, the fairy jumped to her feet and said, "Not for long!"

Aella watched as the fairy darted around the room, dodging the bolts of energy that were flashing even more frequently, and started sucking up the magic around her. There was a small pop, and two fairies were suddenly darting around. Aella blinked as there was another pop, and four were there. Before she could blink again, a large explosion blew her back, and she saw Jozef flying through the air, as the palace started to fall.

Teleporting next to him, she grabbed his hand and teleported away. She didn't want to be present to see what happened next. They landed heavily on the floor of the library.

"Oh! My brother! He's finally dead!" cried Jozef in surprise and delight. "Aella, you destroyed the curse that was on us!"

"Curse?" asked Bridgette with a frown. "What curse?"

A noise outside drew their attention, and Aella teleported above the city to see a wave of energy traveling across the sky. She knew it was the backlash from the explosion, but couldn't comprehend what might have happened at the palace itself.

"Aella!" said a voice out of nowhere, causing her to glance around wildly.

"Who said that?" she asked.

"I am the realm," said the voice.

"Okay," she swallowed, feeling goosebumps and chills climbing up and down her arms.

"Thank you for freeing the trapped mana! Now I can begin feeding the new world tree and working to build this world into a better one!"

"You're welcome?" she said, rubbing her arms to get the tingling sensation to go away. Her whole skin had pins and needles pulsing along it.

"When the palace fell, it crushed all of the trapped mana contained in those crystals, and released it in a magnificent burst. The wall you had erected was powered in the basement of the palace, but the release was so fast, it had time to bounce off the wall before the wall went down. Funny thing is, the energy from the blast caused the wall to fail, rather than the lack of mana feeding it," said the voice of the realm.

"Where there any of my people I missed?" she asked softly, as the feeling of failure flushed through her system. She had tried so hard to find everyone!

"A few, but none you would miss. They knew of the danger and welcomed it. I now have the magic necessary to bless those who wish to know magic! Aella, if it wasn't for you, I would have died and this whole world would have fallen to ruin. I wish to bless you, but I don't know how. Until I decide, you won't be allowed to die."

"Oh," said Aella, feeling overwhelmed. That could be a double-edged sword. Would she continue to age, just be unable to die? Or would she forever be young, doomed to watch those she cared about withering away? She was young now, but could she have a family? Would her children still age and die? So many questions rushed through her head.

"I need to go talk to some of the other realms to see what I should do! Good luck!"

The tingling that had grown to an almost constant pain was suddenly gone, and she could breathe again. She needed a drink!

Teleporting to Bob's bar, she entered it and sat in the first seat she came to. Bob set a glass down in front of her, full with a dark amber liquid.

"It's on the house," he said, turning to deal with some other customers. Aella didn't even look to see who they were, only grabbed the drink and downed it. It burned, taking her breath away, but seemed to calm her nerves and make her think more clearly.

She had left Jozef with Bridgette and Josephine! Teleporting back, they looked up at her.

"Why are you glowing?" asked Felix as Aella realized the others were staring at her with their mouths open in shock.

"I'm glowing?" she asked, raising her arms and looking at them. She couldn't tell.

"It looks like you have a halo, or something, all around you," said Jozef.

"You spoke with the realm!" exclaimed Bridgette in shock and surprise. "What did it say?!"