The Betrayal

Within a luxurious room of a hotel, a middle-aged man with black hair could be seen lying on the giant king-size bed with nothing but a boxer short on. Both of his eyes were tightly closed as though he was deep asleep.

However, he wasn't alone. Next to him were two beautiful young ladies. Unlike the middle-aged man, the two young ladies were completely butt-naked with nothing on.

Because they were both laying on their backs on the bed while they were sleeping, their two monstrous white mountain peaks were full display.

They were all full and round with a touch of red like two budding flowers. Even their forbidden gardens were in full display as well.

With slender shoulders and thin waists, and a pair of long and healthy legs, these two beauties were capable of awakening the bestial nature of any man as well as driving them crazy.

They both looked tired as they were sleeping soundlessly with their disheveled hairs next to the middle-aged man. It was as if they had gone through a tiring battle before they fell asleep.

However, despite their pale expression, they both had a satisfying smile on their faces as they were sleeping.

Blrlrlrlrlrl! Blrlrlrlrlrlr! Blrlrlrlrlrlr!

Right at this moment, the cell phone that was on the small table next to the bed started to ring and vibrate crazily.

With his eyes still closed, the middle-aged man reached out his hand on the table and search around before it landed on the phone.

"Hello!" He said with a sleepy and tiring tone.

"Jonathan, where the fuck are you man? We've been waiting for more than an hour for you."An extremely angry voice suddenly resounded through the phone as soon as Jonathan picked it up.

"Ohh it's you, Edward. Sorry man, I am coming. Just give me twenty minutes."Answered Jonathan as he suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, before giving Edward a chance to say anything else, he quickly hanged up the phone before getting off the bed with a reluctant look on his face.

He then stretched out his body a little before he went to the bathroom and washed his face and changed into a new set of clothes. He didn't wear anything fancy or high class. He only had a pair of black jeans on and a tight v shape white t-shirt along with white sneakers.

Once he was done, he took his phone and his car key that were on the small table next to the bed where the two naked beauties were sleeping.

As he was doing that, he looked up and down at this beautiful scene before him. He took his time appreciating it as if it was a unique piece of art in this world.

As he was looking at the exquisite naked bodies of the two ladies on the bed, one of them suddenly opened her eyes and said in a seductive tone." Had your fill?"

"Not even close. If it wasn't for the fact that I had an important meeting to attend, I would have stayed a little bit longer and played with you guys all night long until you beg this little brother for forgiveness."Jonathan shook his head as he said with a lecherous smile on his face.

"Ohh yeah, It will take more than that to make us beg for forgiveness." Taunted the other beauty with a provocative voice as she opened as well.

She then spread her legs towards Jonathan. It was as if a flower was blooming. At this moment, the forbidden garden of the young lady consumed Jonathan's vision as his little brother already stood erect.

"Mama mia!"

Looking at this marvelous scene, Jonathan truly wanted to stay a little longer and go for another round, however, he couldn't afford to.

Jonathan was a thirty years old small-time weapon dealer. He has been living alone ever since he was young. He didn't come from a powerful background nor had a decent education.

His mother was a prostitute and had died from a drug overdose when he was just seven years old. As for his father, he didn't even know who that bastard was.

He didn't have a place to call home or a nice family to take care of him. The street was the only thing he had and knew.

He started selling small drugs and used guns at a young age. At the age of twenty, he had attracted the attention of a small weapon dealer known as Marco who took him in.

With his street talent, he didn't take Jonathan five years to make enough money and became his own boss and also a well-known weapon dealer.

One could even say that he was extremely successful in this profession. However, that wasn't for him. He didn't want to be just a local weapon dealer. He wanted to be known Internationally.

And tonight, if everything went well, this dream of his might come true as he was about to make the biggest weapons deal of his life.

As he was about to leave, Jonathan squeezed their firm round butts of the two beauties with his manly hands and said:" Wish me, luck ladies. Also, when I come back, I will devour both you again and this time, I won't show any mercy."

Currently, Jonathan was on the 19th floor of the well-renowned hotel. After leaving his room, he took the elevator and went down to the garage on the ground floor where he had parked his car.

Despite being in the middle of the night, there were still plenty of people going in and out of the Hotel's garage, Some of them were leaving while the others were coming in.

After he got off the elevator, Jonathan only walked about five minutes before he made it to his black Mercedes-Benz G-Class.

Without wasting any time, He opened the door of the car with his keychain before entering it and drove off.

As he was in a hurry, he didn't even bother with the speed limit. The Mercedes-Benz G-Class's excellent quality showed itself as it flew down the city's expressway like a mirage.

Weaving through the traffic as if there were no obstacles, constantly driving above 100m/h, this was considered a shocking speed in the city.

Occasionally, there would be a few traffic policemen who noticed Jonathan's excessive speeding, but before they could react he had already whizzed past them.

In less than half an hour, Jonathan arrived in an abandoned warehouse where the deal was going down.

He slowly got off of his car and took a pair of M9 from the trunk of his car. He put one on his waist and covered it with the black leather jacket he had just worn, as for the other one, he put it behind his back.

Jonathan did not have any milliary training, nor was he in the army. However, he was an extremely skilled marksman.

The abandoned warehouse was in the outskirts of the city, as such there weren't any street lights nearby. It was completely dark outside.

This place was not chosen by him but by his right-handed man Edward. They've known each other ever since they were young and had grown up in the street together, so Jonathan considered him as his most trusted subordinate and also his brother.

After he was finished, Jonathan didn't waste any time as he quickly walked towards the entrance of the abandoned warehouse as Edward has been waiting for him for more than an hour along with the buyer.


As he walking towards the entrance, Jonathan suddenly heard numerous loud gunshots. And before he could even make out what was happening and when draw out his guns, he had already collapsed face down on the cold concrete ground with his back mutilated.

He didn't even realize that he had been shot until he felt the excruciating burning sensation on his back.

It was really hard to describe the pain, he felt frozen on the ground and couldn't move a finger or breathe properly as blood was coming out his mouth and nose.

Immense agony fiercely beamed from every single corner of his body and made him let out a painful whine. However, as time passed, the indescribable pain was starting to fade away. At the same time, he started to lose consciousness as well.

However, before he completely fell into the deep and eternal slumber. He suddenly heard the sound of someone's footsteps approaching him.

With every passing second, the footsteps' sound of that person was getting closer and his consciousness was also fading.

"You still haven't died yet." In the next second, a hoarse voice of a middle-aged man suddenly rang out in his ear as the figure of a man black loomed over his bloody body.

Listening to that voice, Jonathan was stunned. It was as if he was hit by lightning. Though he could not see the owner of that voice, he knew who it belonged to.

This voice was none other than the voice of his dear friend and brother Edward.

At this moment, as if he was possessed, Jonathan mustered every ounce of strength he had left and raised his head before looking at the middle-aged man standing next to him, pointing a brand new Beretta to his head.

"W....., wh...why?" He asked in a sorrowful tone.

It was very hard for him to breathe and talk as his nose and mouth were clogged off with blood. He was on his last breath. If it wasn't for his strong willpower, he would have died a long time ago.

"Business," Edward responded in a cold tone. His voice was firm as if less to respond to the question than to convince himself of his actions.

Looking at the man who'd always watched his back, his respected brother, pointing a gun at him, there wasn't a hint of fear or hatred in his eyes. He only smiled wryly. It was as though he already knew this was going to happen sooner or later.

"Sorry, Brother," Edward said in an apologetic tone before pulling the trigger and put a bullet in Jonathan's head, and blew his brains out.
