A New Life

"Big sister.....…!

"Big Sister, you must wake up! Talia misses you a lot…"

"Please… please don't leave me all alone!"At this moment, a sorrowful and pitiful childish voice suddenly echoed in Jonathan's ears.

"Big Sis, I'm begging please wake up. Don't leave by myself." The sobbing and childish voice continued to ring in Jonathan's ears again and again.

'What is going on? What I'm hearing a voice in my head?' Aren't I suppose to be dead?' Jonathan Inwardly thought.

He just got his brain blown away by an M9 bullet just a few seconds ago, courtesy of his best friend. Yet, he was now hearing the voice of a little girl in his head.

'Am I in hell or something?' Maybe Sir Lucifer knew of my overwhelming and boundless love for women and sent a woman to welcome me,'

Jonathan knew that he wasn't a good person as he had killed his share amount of people when he was alive on Earth.

Even though they were all scumbags, that didn't mean that he was going to paradise when he died, not that he believed in those fantasies anyway.

But him hearing the voice of a child after he had clearly died made him think otherwise. Nonetheless, Sir Lucifer seemed to have it wrong. Even though he loved women a lot, he was not a pedophile.

"Big sister please don't die.....…!

"Big sister.....…!

As the pitiful voice continued to ring in his ears, Jonathan tried to open his eyelids which were as heavy as a mountain.

The moment he opened his eyes, he was stunned and confused at the same time by what he was seeing.

He was expecting to see a sea of fire just like they described Hell in the Bible. However, what appeared in his line of sight was an old wooden ceiling with numerous gaping holes.

'What the hell!' Jonathan inwardly cursed as he was staring blankly at the old and broken wooden ceiling.

"Mhmm!" At the same time, he felt a sense of numbness and pain as he tried to move his body.

'Aren't I supposed to be dead?" What kinda shenanigan is this?'

At this moment, Jonathan discovered that he was laying on a small wooden bed that could even compete with a pile of rock for its hardness.

Next to the bed was a little girl around the age of ten. The little girl had a torn and tatters clothes on and looked quite malnourished.

Jonathan only glanced at this little girl for a second before scanning his surrounding with alertness as he still didn't understand what was going on.

This was a small shabby and broken house. Besides the wooden bed he was currently laying on, a wooden desk and a stool were the only pieces of furniture in this house.

The house looked like one of those houses one would only find in those run-down and impoverished villages in the mountains.

Other than finding out that he was currently laying on a freaking rock like a bed in a small dilapidated and rotting wooden shack, Jonathan also discovered that his body was not responsive.

Immense agony fiercely beamed from every single corner of his body. Even the slightest movement would cause him to be out of breath.

While Jonathan was still trying to figure out what was going on, the little girl suddenly pounced toward him and embraced him as she crying happily." Umhhh, umhhh, thank God, you wake up sister. I thought you had died."

Drops of crystal-clear tears glided down from her eyes as she sobbed and hugging Jonathan on the bed.

'What the fuck is going on? Who's this little girl and why is she calling me big sister?' He still could not understand the head or tails of what was happening at this moment.

As Jonathan was lost in thought and trying to figure out why the hell was going on, he suddenly felt a burst of sharp pain in his head. It was as if his head was about to split open as a flood of memories that weren't his suddenly intruded his mind.

As the vast amount of information flowed through his brain, Jonathan clutched his head with both hands and his entire forehead was covered in a cold sweat.

At this moment, Jonathan finally what happened. He had transmigrated into a new world. He used to read all kinda shit and watched all kinda weird movies back on earth, so he wasn't a stranger to this term. However, he didn't believe in stuff like that until it actually happened to him.

After a minute or two, the pain finally stopped and Jonathan's face was as white as paper, both of his eyes were lost and dimmed as he was inspecting his new body.

'Son of a bitch! Is this a punishment from God? Why the hell did I transmigrate into the body of a woman. Even though I love them a lot, it didn't mean I wanted to become one.' He inwardly cursed.

'Ohh well, at least I still have my little brother. Otherwise, my life would have been hell if I wasn't able to do it like I used to.' He breathed a sigh of relief after remembering that he was an intersex individual.

'It's even bigger than the one I had back on Earth. The Heavens truly did not mistreat me,'

According to his new memoirs, his name was Natalia Briget, born from a powerful and rich family in the country of Avalon. Despite being an intersex individual, he was leading a pampered and rich lifestyle with his little sister Talia.

Her parents loved her and doted on her despite his sexual orientation. However, everything changed five years ago when the whole world shook violently due to a violent earthquake.

At the same time, unknown energy emitted from the core of the world itself changed the entire world into a complete apocalyptic world.

The Unknown energy caused more than 75 % percent of the entire world's population to turn into zombies while the rest struggled to survive. Furthermore, most of the animals had also turned into vicious mutated beasts.

Aside from the destruction, and the countless deaths caused by that unknown energy emitted from the core of the world, it also gave birth to a group of powerful individuals known as Awakeners.

Not only those Awakeners possessed strength and speed that far surpassed any normal humans, but they also possessed various powerful supernatural abilities. Some could control fire while others could control Ice, etc.

This small group of elite individuals was viewed as the savior of the human race. The strong ones established survival bases and crowned themselves Lord of their domain.

The governments around the world had become obsolete as they were no longer able to protect their people anymore. Things such as laws, ethics, and moral codes had become nothing but a thing of the past. It was the law of the jungle.

From the time this world entered into the apocalypse five years ago, it suffered a great shortage of food, medicine, and weapons. More often than not, people would kill each other and go to war for these things.

Unlike the few groups of people hailed as heroes and Awakeners, Natalia was among the countless unlucky people that were unable to awaken by the unknown energy emitted by the core of the world after it had turned the world into a shitty wasteland.

These people were at the bottom of the food chain and their lives were cheaper than even a can of food in this new world. Unable to protect themselves and hunt mutated beasts, they could only rely on menial works to feed themselves.

An example could be the owner of this previous body, as she wasn't unable to go out to hunt zombies and mutated beasts to make a living by selling the small crystal energy embedded on their heads, she was forced to do all kinds of small and undermined jobs in the survival base to survive and support her little sister.

However last night, one of the soldiers from the survival base she was currently living in, also known as Black Tiger base which was the nickname of the Lord of that base, suddenly took fancy of her and wanted to have his way with her, knowing that she was an intersex, she refused. Furthermore, she didn't like guys.

However, this bastard refused to take no for an answer and waited until when she was going home and ambushed her in a dark alley to violate her.

After ripping off all her clothes, he started to reach out for the small cat below, to his surprised there wasn't any. Instead, he found a long sleeping snake that was twice the one he had. As such, he beat the crap out of her.

It was unknown if he had beaten her because its size was bigger than his or the fact that she had a little brother down there, or maybe both. In this cruel new world where the strong prey on the weak, there's no way for her to seek justice, not to mention that soldier was an Awakener.

As such, Natalia dragged her heavily wounded body back to her house and died a few hours later while sleeping. A regular person like her couldn't withstand the beating of an Awakener, even if it was the weakest one.

After going through the memories of the previous owner of that body, Jonathan was saddened by her harsh life and also the cruelty of this apocalyptic world.

"Anyway, I've already died once and I have been given a second chance at life. I will assume your identity, live my life to the fullest in this shithole world. I will also protect that little sister of yours that you loved so deeply as a payment for this body. Even though I don't know why or how I transmigrated to this wasteland after I died, I won't change my way of life." Jonathan murmured to himself as he had long accepted this reality.

While Jonathan was trying to adjust to her new body, he suddenly heard a cold and metallic voice rang out within his mind.

"Ding! Ultimate Weapons system has successfully bound to the host and activated!"

"The host will be shortly transported into the Ultimate Weapons Shop to receive your novice package."

Before Jonathan could react or say anything, his consciousness was suddenly sucked into a strange place.