The Novice Package

"Ding! Ultimate Weapons system has successfully activated and bound to the host!"

"The host will be shortly transported into the Ultimate Weapons System Shop to receive your novice package."

Before Jonathan could even react or say anything, his consciousness was suddenly sucked into a strange place.

In the next second, Jonathan found himself inside a never-ending white room. The room had no walls and looked as though it stretched out to infinity.

In front of him was a tall and colossal blue screen with contained innumerable pictures of different types of weapons he had never seen or heard before in his entire life.

The screen was organized into four sections with a huge title on top of each one. From right to left, there was the word Physical Weapons on top of the first column and beneath it were many other subtitles such as artillery, long-ranged weapons, hand-to-hand combat weapons, Explosives, Siege Weapons, Firearms, etc.

Each one of these titles was then subdivided into other branches such as Firearms who had a manual section, semiautomatic, automatic, etc. Furthermore, beneath each section was the picture-like hologram of the weapon with all of its details and information.

The second section was Energy Weapons. It was also further divided into many subsections like the previous Physical Weapons section with the pictures of numerous weapons that Jonathan had only seen in sci-fi movies such as Laser guns and photon swords etc.

The third one was weaponized vehicles which then had the picture of many heavy tanks and plenty of other types of weaponized vehicles. The last one which Jonathan found kinda out of place was a section with the title martial Art skills and Strengthening potions etc.

"Damn! This place is like a paradise for someone like me." Blurted out Jonathan with an exciting look on his face.

If he had a weapon collection like that back when he was on earth, he could have been the richest and the most powerful weapons dealer in the whole world. He could have even created his own invincible legion.

Out of all the weapons in the colossal blue screen, Jonathan only knew a few of them despite being an arms dealer. As for the rest, he only saw some of them in movies such as Star Wars and Star Trek, etc.

"Where the hell is this place exactly?"He murmured as he was looking around.

Anyone would have been freaked out in this situation, however not Jonathan. Ever since he was killed by his best friend and realized that he had transmigrated into his new world, his panic tolerance had gone through the roof.

"This is the Ultimate Weapons system Shop. After the system has successfully activated and bound to the host, it had then brought the host here to receive his novice package." As soon as Jonathan's voice faded away, a cold and mechanical voice suddenly rang out as a figure of a middle-aged man materialized in front of him.

Looking at the middle-aged man, Jonathan was in an extreme state of shock as his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Edward! You little shit! You even follow me here. I'm gonna strangle you to death, you traitor."Jonathan yelled out as he pounced towards the middle-aged man.


However, when he was about to grab him, he realized that his hand just passed through him as though it was a hologram.

"How odd, according to your memories, this is the appearance of a human you have great trust in. Did I make a mistake in choosing a guise?" Said the hologram in a cold and mechanical tone.

"Then how about this?" He added as he suddenly transformed into Jonathan's appearance.

"Who the hell you? Were you the one that brought me into this world?" At this moment, Jonathan realized that the person in front of him wasn't Edward but a different entity.

"I am merely the manager of the Ultimate Weapons system Shop. As for your question, I am afraid I can't answer it as the host's level of authority over the Ultimate Weapons system Shop is still too low." Answered the hologram.

"What can you tell me then." He asked. Jonathan was a very cold and calculated person. Though the system didn't answer his questions, he was able to deduce many things from its last sentence.

As such, instead of wasting his time asking a bunch of questions that the system might not be able to answer, he asked him about the things he could tell him instead.

"I only brought the host in the Ultimate Weapons system Shop to give you your novice package. As for the information about the Ultimate Weapons system and how to use it and its numerous function, all this information will be transferred into your brain once you wake up." The hologram answered in a mechanical tone.

At the same time, a small black suitcase materialized in front of him as it handed it over to Jonathan. The moment Jonathan touched the suitcase, he felt as though his consciousness was pushed out from the Ultimate Weapons system by a mysterious power.

"What a rude ass system." Jonathan coldly said as he opened his eyes. At the same time, the small suitcase the system has given within the white room was somehow next to him.

Though It felt as though Jonathan had spent a long time within the Ultimate Weapons System Shop, only a few seconds have passed in the real world.

"Poor little girl, it seems like she has fainted after crying her eyes out." He mumbled as he looked at the little frail and malnourished girl that fell asleep next to him.

It was already noon and the little girl seemed to have been crying ever since this morning after realizing that her big sister didn't wake up. However, after he had woken up, she finally gave in to fatigue and hunger and fell asleep.

"Don't worry, now that I've become you, your responsibilities are mine and your grudges are also mine." He calmly said as he patted the frail little girl on the head.

For some reason, even though Jonathan has just met the little girl and did not know her before. He felt a great connection with her.

He still somehow deeply loved her as though she was her own blood younger sister and had this strong desire to protect her.

"Alright, let's check that so-called novice package." He said as he took out the black suitcase next to him and opened it.

Looking at the items within the black suitcase, Jonathan's mouth couldn't help but curve upward into an enigmatic smile.

Within the black suitcase, there was a pair of silver desert eagle 44 magnums and one M-14 rifle. Aside from that, there were also two small boxes of ammo and a small blue glass vial.

"This must be the strengthening potion," Jonathan said as he took the small blue glass vial out of the suitcase.

"So, if I drink this thing, I will become an Awakener." He added with an anticipation look on his face.


There was a clear and crisp sound as Jonathan took off the cover of the small blue glass vial.


Without any hesitation, Jonathan put it next to his mouth and swallowed it in one big gulp.

The moment, the fluid entered his body, Jonathan felt a cool and refreshing sensation that was carried by his blood circulation and distributed throughout his whole body.

He felt as if he had just taken a refreshing bite of ice cream in the blazing summer heat. His mind was simultaneously calmed.

However, that was only for a moment. In the next second, Jonathan suddenly felt as if he was being stabbed by tens of thousands of blades. Immense agony fiercely beamed from every single corner of his body and made him let out a painful whine.

"Hiss…" Jonathan gritted his teeth. He was spasming due to the overwhelming and indescribable pain he felt throughout his entire body.

Meanwhile, under the baptism of the strengthening potion, Jonathan's bones, organs, blood, muscles, and skin were undergoing drastic changes. Even every cell within his body was changing rapidly as well.

At the same time, his entire body was shaking tremendously, as his vision also became blurry, until it completely became a shade of crimson red.

After some unknown amount of time, the overwhelming pain gradually subsided. Jonathan's eyes were filled with blood vessels, and he exhaled a heavy heap of murky air. He felt his nerves had suffered horrifying torture.

"Congratulations Host! You have now become a Level 2 Warrior and a Level 2 Spiritualist Awakener!"

At the same time, a blue screen only visible to him suddenly appeared in front of him.

Name: Natalia Bridget

Age: 23

Strength: 24

Spiritual force: 27

Vitality: 44

Agility: 21

Body Type Awakener: Level 2 warrior.

Spiritual Type Awakener: Level 2 Spiritualist

Martial Skills: None

Energy Points: 0 (600)

"Hahahaha! I finally become an Awakener. Not just any Awakener but a dual-type one."Jonathan said as he was laughing like a maniac with his feminine voice which kinda sounded creepy.

Jonathan was over the moon at this moment. Even though he was just a level 2 Awakener, he was still very happy because now he had the chance to become stronger and stood at the peak of this world.

Not only the strengthening potion has allowed him to become a level 2 Awakener, but it had also cured all of his previous injuries.

There weren't any more scars on his body and his skin has even become smoother. It was as if he'd shed his mortal body and had been born anew.

Sensing the boiling and tremendous physical power now within his body, Jonathan couldn't help but feel excited.

Aside from being a Body Type Awakener, he had also become a Spiritualist. Spiritualist was the rarest type of all awakens along with elemental Awakeners.

One could even say that it was the rarest and the most deadly awakener as a Spiritualist possessed the power of telekinesis. Though Jonathan didn't know much about it, he knew just how valuable and powerful a Spiritualist could be.

"It seems like I'll have to take a quick trip outside. But before that, I need to take a shower, I smell like shit." He said as he smelled his armpits.