Different World, Same Aspiration

After Jonathan got out from the rock-like bed, he picked up the frail little girl who was sleeping while kneeling on the ground with only her head on the bed and placed her properly on the bed.

It was unknown if it was because Jonathan had become a Level 2 Warrior or because the little girl was simply malnourished, but she felt as though the little girl was light as a feather.

"The poor thing must be very hungry." He mumbled to himself as he placed her on the bed. It was already past noon and the poor thing hasn't eaten anything yet.

As the oldest one, the previous owner of this body was the sole provider of the family of two. They didn't have any families or friends to rely on, but each other.

If they were to die from hunger or got sick, no one would care or even tried to help. This was the nature of this apocalyptic world. It was an extremely evil place where notions such as love and compassion were a myth.

Once Jonathan put Talia on the bed, he went to the back of the old and shabby house to clean himself.

As they were living in the slums area of the survival base where most of the houses were built with cardboard and woods, there weren't things such as indoor shower rooms or bathrooms.

One had to go outside using water from barrels to wash oneself. Even when one needed to urinate or defecate, one needed to do it outside.

After taking off his clothes, Jonathan started to pour out water onto himself using a small cup, washing his body. He didn't have any soap or toothpaste, as such, he could only rely on solely the water to do the job.

At this moment, Jonathan felt a little odd as he was washing his body. His body wasn't that of a man anymore but a woman with boobs and all.

He even felt a little turned on while washing the two mountain peaks as the long snake below started to show signs of awakening from its deep slumber.

"Damn! That's some fuck up shit. I can't believe almost turned myself on." He cursed out. One has to understand, even though he had taken over Natasha's body, he was still Jonathan.

His soul was still that of a man, not just any man but a womanizer. As such, looking at the two white mountain peaks on his chest as well as washing them seemed to have somehow stimulated him.

Even though Natasha was an intersex individual, she was extremely beautiful. Not only were her features pretty, but she also had an exquisite body.

She had slender shoulders and a thin waist, and a pair of long and healthy legs that only accentuated her peerless beauty.

Her eyes were sparkling and translucent like precious black gemstones. With her red hair scattered down to her waist, she looked quite tempting.

"No wonder that bastard wanted to have his way with her." Murmured Jonathan as he looked at the reflection of his new body in the broken mirror on the ground.

She was already beautiful. However, after drinking the strengthening potion and become an Awakener, she has become even more bewitching.

Once Jonathan was done washing, he quietly went inside and put on his best clothes which were a pair of old torn blue jeans and a small black shirt.

Despite being extremely hot outside as it was summertime, Jonathan also put on an old back coat so he could hide the pair of Silver Desert Eagles behind his back as well as the M-14 rifle.

As for the two small boxes of ammo, he simply put them in the small black bags as they were too big to put in his pockets.

"Alright, it's time to make some money and get the hell out of this shithole." Said Jonathan with an enthusiastic look on his face before he went out.

However, before he left, he made sure to leave a small note to Talia, telling her not to go outside and wait for her as he would be back in one or two hours.


The Area where Jonathan was living was the lowest and poorest place of the Black Tiger base. It was filled with muddy roads everywhere and the air was saturated with a foul stench.

It was the worst place one could reside in. The only advantage of living in that place was the fact that it was free. Unlike the other sectors of the Black Tiger Base, the slum only requiring one to have a Black Tiger's residential card to live there.

According to Natasha's memories, the Black Tiger Base was divided into three sections. First, there was the Elite Sector which was where all the powerful Awakeners and influential figures live.

Then, there was the B Sector which was the place where all the merchants, the small soldiers and anyone with a little bit of money and influence live.

Lastly, there was the C sector also known as the slum which was the place where all the rejects of societies live.

Currently, Jonathan was making his way to the B Sector. There was a small weapons shop there and he wanted to sell the M-14 rifle along with a small box ammo in order to get some money to buy some food for Talia and a vehicle to hunt zombies outside the base.

Even though he had transmigrated into a new world, Jonathan didn't plan on changing his profession. His dream was still the same. He still intended to become the best and most powerful Arms Dealer there in the world.

And the Ultimate Weapons System Shop could provide him with all the necessary tools to become one. It was as if it was made for that. With this system and the scarcity of weapons in this world, he was like a fish in water.

However, the Weapons inside the Ultimate Weapons System Shop weren't free. Not only he needed Energy Crystals to buy them, but he also needed to have a certain level of authority over the system to buy the powerful ones.

After walking for about half an hour, Jonathan finally made it to Sector B. Sure enough, the atmosphere in the Sector B and the slum were completely different. It was like two different world.

The streets of the Sector B was very clean and well paved. There weren't trash and feces on the ground. The air was clean and fresh with no foul smells.

The people walking around in the streets looked quite healthily and clean. Also, there were also some soldiers patrolling the streets unlike the slum.

As Jonathan was strolling along the streets, he could see numerous nice houses and shops on each side of the streets. The entire Sector B was like a small developed town.

"Once I came back from the hunt, I'll need to get a small house in this area."Jonathan murmured to himself as he was looking at the houses in the surrounding.

Though these houses didn't amount much for someone like him back on Earth, they were considered luxurious in this apocalyptic world.

After strolling around the Sector B for about twenty minutes or so, Jonathan finally made it to the weapon shop.

It was a small two-stories building with the signboard" Amelia Weapon Shop" hanging on the door of the first floor. Without wasting any time, Jonathan pushed the door open as he entered the small shop.

The inside of the shop was very nice and clean. There were many weapons such as machete, sword, long bows hanging on the wall. However, there weren't any firearms.

Also, there was a middle-aged man that sat behind the counter and was reading an old matter playboy magazine. With on glance, Jonathan could tell that he wasn't an awakener.

As soon as Jonathan entered the small shop, the middle-aged man immediately lifted his head and started to size him up and down with a lecherous expression on his face. He didn't hide his intention at all.

Seeing this, Jonathan couldn't help but be extremely annoy and angry. If it wasn't the fact that he didn't want to make a scene, he would have gouged his eyes and shot his ass already.

"Call your manager right now, I need to talk to her." Jonathan coldly said as he released his Awakener's aura.

Unlike ordinary humans, Awakeners had a fierce air and oppressive energy around them also known as Awakener's Aura. The moment they released it, any ordinary human would feel as though they were facing a ferocious beast.

As such, the moment Jonathan released his Awakener's aura, the middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed as he was trembling uncontrollably.

'I can't believe I was being disrespectful to a noble Awakener.' Thought the middle-aged man as his felt his entire body become slowly drenched in cold sweat.

In this post-apocalyptic world, Awakeners were treated like gods and the chosen ones while ordinary people like him were nothing but bugs that needed to leech on the Awakeners to survive.

"Yes Miss." At this moment, the middle-aged didn't waste any time as he ran as fast as he could to get to the manager.

Not even five seconds have passed and the middle-aged came back. However, he wasn't alone, he was accompanied by a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman had long black hair that draped over her shoulders and a nice curvy body. If it wasn't for the long knife scar on her woman's face, she could have been considered a top-class beauty.

Aside from that, she was also an Awakener just like Jonathan.

[Body Type Awakener: Level 2 Warrior]

"Good afternoon dear customer, I heard that you were asking for me? How can I help you." Said the middle-aged woman with a very calm and soothing voice.

'I'd hit that.' Jonathan inwardly thought as he looking at the curvy body of the woman in front of him with a slight smile on his face before taking out the M-14 rifle and one small box of ammo and placed them on the counter and said:" I'm here to sell this beauty."