Jonathan’s First Weapon Sale

Looking at the brand new M-14 Rifle along with the small box of ammo placed on the counter, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the manager including the middle-aged man.

Things such as weapons, medicines, and foods were extremely precious and rare in this apocalyptic world. Especially guns, people would rather sell their organs rather than their guns.

What was even more amazing, the manager could tell that the M-14 Rifle was brand new and haven't been used yet.

"How much do you want for them?" Even though the manager was curious about the origin of the weapon, she didn't dare to ask any unnecessary questions.

Furthermore, she could also tell that the young lady in front of her was also an Awakener. It was unwise to provoke an unknown Awakener as one didn't know what kinda influences they belong to.

Aside from strength, to survive in this apocalyptic world filled with terrifying mutated beasts and zombies, one needed to have a discerning eye and accurate intelligence.

Otherwise, one might end up offending a terrifying figure without knowing it, immediately causing a calamity to befall oneself.

"How much do you think they are worth?"Answered Jonathan with another question as he was looking at the manager with a mysterious on his face. It was as if he was testing the manager as he already knew the price.

"How about 700 White Energy Crystals." The manager answered with a sweet smile on her face.

White Energy Crystal was the new currency of this apocalyptic world. White energy crystals can only be found in the brains of zombies, not just any zombies but class 1 zombies. Class zero didn't have any energy crystals in their brains. Only class one and above had them.

While Class one zombies had white energy crystals inside their brains, class two zombies had a pale blue one. As for those above, an ordinary person like Natasha didn't know about them.

A crystal from a class two zombie, in theory, could be exchanged for 100 class one crystals. As it was easier to kill a 100 class one zombie rather than a single class two zombie, people used class one white energy crystals as the world main's currency. Furthermore, there was also way more class one zombies than class two zombies and above.

Meanwhile, Hearing that the manager was offering him 700 white energy crystals for the M-14 Rifle along with the small box of ammo, Jonathan was surprised. Even the middle-aged man was surprised as well. However, he didn't dare say anything.

As for why Jonathan was surprised, it was because the amount offered by the manager was way above the market price.

However, He wasn't stupid. He could tell what the manager was thinking as he had also used this tactic many times before on Earth.

"Well, I can't say no to that." Said Jonathan as he pushed both the M-14 Rifle and the small box of ammo towards the manager.

With a slight smile on her face, the manager took the M-14 Rifle and the small box of ammo before handing out a small book bag to Jonathan.

Without wasting any time, Jonathan opened the small bag and checked the content inside.

'Nice.' He inwardly thought as he was looking at the numerous white shining energy crystals inside the bag.

Despite coming from the brains of zombies, they weren't dirty or stink. They were quite sparkling and translucent. They looked like small shards of diamonds. Also, if one looked closely, one would see a tiny weird white fog swirling within each one of them.

[Ding! Congratulation Host for selling your 1st weapon]

[You have opened the Arms Dealer function of the Ultimate Weapons System Shop and become a Level 1 Arms Dealer]

[You have gained Five Authority points and your current sale balance is 700 white energy crystals]

As soon as Jonathan verified the payment, the cold and mechanical voice of the system suddenly rang out in his ears.

However, he didn't look surprised at all. It was as if he knew this was going to happen all along. Even the white crystals that were in the bag also disappeared the moment he touched them.

Name: Natalia Bridget

Age: 23

Strength: 24

Spiritual force: 27

Vitality: 44

Agility: 21

Body Type Awakener: Level 2 warrior.

Spiritual Type Awakener: Level 2 Spiritualist

Martial Skills: None

Energy Points: 0 (600)

Arms Dealer: Level 1

UWSS Authority: Level 1 (5/100)

Sale Balance: 700 White Energy Crystals.

"Well, it was a pleasure doing business with you." Said Jonathan with a satisfying smile on his face before closing the now small empty book bag.

"My name is Amelia and the pleasure was all mine. Don't forget to come to find me if you ever have any more weapons to sell." Sweetly answered the manager as she reached her hand to give Jonathan a handshake.

"That's for sure," Jonathan answered after shaking the soft hand of the manager. After saying that, he didn't stay there any longer as he quickly left. Talia was still waiting for him in the house. He didn't want to let the little girl died of hunger.

"Little Sis, why did you give that woman all money. Even if the weapon was brand new, at most it would cost 500 white energy crystals." As soon as Jonathan left, the middle-aged man was unable to hold it anymore as he asked the manager with a confused expression on his face.

She had never seen his little sister done this kinda bad deal before. Whether it was buying or selling weapons, she has never suffered a loss before.

"It's an investment. My intuition tells me that this young lady isn't as simple as he seems. Furthermore, I have the feeling that there's more of where that gun comes from." Answered Amelia with a cunning smile on her face.

Hearing that Jonathan might have more guns in her possession, a greedy look suddenly appeared on the middle-aged man's face as he said." Why don't we send someone to follow her."

"Jerome, I already know what you are thinking, but you better bury that idea deep within your heart."Answered Amelia with a cold and threatening look on her face.

Upon hearing his big sister's answer, Jerome didn't say anything or refute her. Unlike him, his little sister was an Awakener.

It was because of her big sister that he was alive till now and was also able to live a somewhat decent life in this apocalyptic world. As such, he didn't dare to disobey or anger her.