The Happiness of a Little Girl

After leaving the small weapon shop, Jonathan didn't immediately go back home. Instead, he walked around the city for about half an hour, making sure that he wasn't being followed.

This was a dangerous place where life and death were but a hair's breadth away. A place where a human being would kill another human being for an old expired can of food, let alone 700 white energy crystals. As such, he didn't dare to let his guard down.

Jonathan was very meticulous. From an external point of view, he seemed to be wandering aimlessly. However, all of his actions were coordinated and premeditated.

Furthermore, even though his movement speed was not fast, anyone who was trying to track him would realize that each change in direction and each movement forward or backward that he made was completely unexpected.

"It seems like I was being a little bit too paranoid," Jonathan murmured to himself after realizing that he wasn't being followed.

If there was a person truly following him at the moment, even the most trained tracker, he would have lost sight of his shadow a long time ago or his cover would have been blown.

"Well, it's better being safe than sorry." He added. As an arms dealer, cautiousness was part of Jonathan's nature. He didn't like leaving anything to chance.

"Ohh well, I need to quickly take care of things and hurries back home before that little girl wakes up."

After saying that, Jonathan went to a small hotel in the city and booked a nice room with an indoor bathroom for five days which cost him a whopping 100 white energy crystals.

Jonathan had already planned to buy a small house in the B Sector and moved out of the slum. However, he was still short of money.

As one of the most secure areas of the Black Tiger Base, the houses in Sector B was very expensive. Even the smallest and the most run-down one would cost several thousand white energy crystals.

As Jonathan didn't have that much money at the moment, he could only book a nice hotel room for five days as he didn't want to spend another day in this hellhole which was the slum.

After he was done booking the hotel room, Jonathan didn't stop there. He also stopped by numerous shops to buy things like cans of food, clothes, and some other daily necessities before he went back home.

He had spent a total of 385 white energy crystals from the 700 white energy crystals he had made from selling the M-14 Rifle and the small box of ammo, buying things for him and Talia.


"Big sister, you're back." The moment Jonathan returned, he was greeted by the enthusiastic Talia who ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

After losing both her mother and father, Natasha had become Talia's only family member as well as her whole world.

Even though she was only ten, Talia understood many things. She understood what kinda sacrifices her big sister had made for her.

She had been shielding her from all the dangers and evil in this cruel post-apocalyptic world since she was five years old. She had been supporting the family without whining at all for five years.

Her big sister would rather starve herself than let her go hungry. She might be still oblivious to a lot of things in the world, but there was one thing she was certain of: her big sister would always shield her from harm and danger.

She had seen and heard many people selling their children and siblings for food and money. Her sister could have done the same thing to save her skin, but she didn't.

Despite all the hardships, she still stood by her, loving her and taking care of her which was quite rare in this crazy post-apocalyptic world.

If someone were to ask her who she completely trusted with all her faith, she would answer 'my big sister' without any hesitation.

"Did you miss me?" Jonathan said with a caring tone as he stroked Talia's tiny heard before lightly kissing her on the forehead.

Even though Jonathan wasn't the real Natasha, he had long decided to take care of that little girl as though she was her true biological sister. This was his payment to the original owner for taking over her body.

"Mhm," Talia nodded.

"Look, sister brought you some delicious food," Jonathan said he took out numerous cans of food from the backpack in his hand.

Looking at the cans of food, Talia's eyes lit up with happiness. She was even drooling just by looking at them.

The seemingly simple cans of food were something luxurious to most people and were only affordable for the rich and Awakeners in the base.

"Are these for me?" She asked with a suspicious look on her face.

"Yeah, they are all for you. You can eat till you are full. From now on, you'll never go hungry."

"There's more. I also brought you some nice clothes as well." He added as he took out some little girl's clothes from the backpack and showed them to Talia.

"Also, we will be moving to Sector B. As soon as you're done eating, we can go."

Looking at the clothes and food that her big sister brought her, listening to her words about moving to Sector B, tears started to streams down Talia's face as she was overwhelmed with happiness.

Her big sister always told her that one day she would take her out of the slum and moved to the B Sector.

She always said that one day she would have enough money to let her eat till she's full every day. She couldn't even remember the last time she was able to eat until she was full.

She was also confident that her sister would keep her promise—she always had. But, she didn't think it was going to be this soon.

She might be young, but Talia knew that moving from the slums to the B Sector was no simple task. It required a large sum of money.

Though she was curious about how her big sister was able to acquire all that money, she didn't ask her as she completely trusted her big sister with all her heart.