Preparation Before The Hunt

"Wow, are we really going to stay here big sis? The room is so huge and beautiful."

"Look at the beds, they are also clean and comfortable. They even have soft pillows."

"It's been so long since I've seen a bed. Wow, the room even has its own indoor bathroom with clean running water."

"Look at the light and the giant fan in the ceiling, they are all working. That's so amazing." Said the ecstatic Talia as she was talking nonstop and running around the hotel room.

She was like a country bumpkin as she was touching everything within the room. Whether it was the bed, the sheets, the small tables, and even the white ceramics, she was enthralled by everything within the room like a little kid in the toy shop.

It's already been more than half-hour since she got there and she still hasn't been able to calm her excitement.

Meanwhile, Jonathan couldn't help but smile as he was looking at the enthusiastic Talia running around like the little kid she was. He was really happy seeing that side of her.

"Talia, why don't you go take shower and play in the bathtub. Big sis is going to mediate for a second." Jonathan suddenly asked.

"Yay, I'm going to pretend the bathtub is a pool and swim in it with my little yellow ducky." Answered Talia with a beaming smile on her face as she ran towards the bathroom.

After Talia went in the bathroom to play in the bathtub with her little yellow ducky toy, Jonathan climbed into the bed and sat cross-legged before closing both of his eyes.

Tomorrow, he planned on hunting zombies outside the base. Not only to increase his strength but also to make enough money to buy more weapons within the Ultimate Weapons System Shop to resell them at a much higher price.

However, before leaving, he needed to be well-prepared which was why he decided to make a small trip to the Ultimate Weapons System Shop to buy some more gears with the remaining white energy crystals he had left.

"Welcome to the Ultimate Weapons System Shop host, how may I be at your service." As soon as Jonathan entered the white space within the system, he was greeted by the cold and mechanical voice of the manager.

Unlike before, the manager of the Ultimate Weapons System Shop didn't take the appearance of Jonathan but Talia instead.

Seeing this, Jonathan didn't say anything nor did he look surprised. He already knew how the system operated through the information sent to his brain.

"Show me all the equipment and weapons that cost around 300 white Energy Crystals and below." Asked Jonathan.

After booking the hotel room and buying some stuff for both Talia and himself, Jonathan only had 315 white Energy Crystals left from the initial 700.

As such, he could only ask the manager to show him the equipment and weapons that cost around and below 300 white energy crystals to choose from.


Following Jonathan's request, a giant blue screen suddenly appeared in front of him with numerous weapons and other equipment.

Each one of the weapons and equipment had their names and details information inscribed below them including their price.

There were items like small handguns, small military knives, daggers, regular swords, katanas, machetes, military boots, tactical military outfits, etc.

"Good, it seems like I'll still be able to get some good stuff with the little money I have."

Without wasting any time, Jonathan quickly started to scroll through the screens, looking for weapons and equipment he needed for tomorrow's hunt which didn't take him long.

The first thing he bought from the shop was a full set of black tactical military outfits which was comprised of black military boots, black jackets, black pants, and black belts, etc. This alone cost him 105 white energy crystals.

Aside from that, he also brought a pair of silencers for his pair of Silver Desert Eagles. He already knew from Natasha's memories that zombies were attracted to loud noises.

As such, he brought the pair of silencers to decrease and cancel the loud noise made by the guns when shooting. He didn't want to be surrounded by zombies while hunting.

After that, he also bought two more boxes of ammo, one set of throwing knives, and a katana. He wanted to buy more gears but his money wasn't enough.

From the 315 white energy crystals, he only had 45 white energy crystals which was enough for him to rent a small car to travel outside the base.

"Too bad I didn't have enough money and my authority over the system is still too low. Otherwise, I would have bought a nice HUMVEE from the shop." Murmured Jonathan with a regretful look on his face as he opened his eyes.

"Well, I can't be too greedy. This is enough for now. I am still too weak to draw attention to myself." He added as he was looking at the stuff he just bought from the system on the bed.


"It seems like Talia is still having fun in the bathtub." Said Jonathan with a light smile on his face as he was listening to the cheerful humming of Talia in the bathroom.

"Ohh well, I might as well start my spiritual force training while she still enjoying herself in the bathtub." He added as he took out the set of throwing knives and placed them in front of him.

"Alright, here goes nothing." He said as he took a deep breath to concentrate before looking at the throwing knives on the bed.

As Jonathan's gaze landed on the throwing knives in front of him, he tried real hard to move them with his mind.

In the next second, he suddenly felt a formless energy that came out of his brain and instantly took control of the throwing knives in front of him.

This formless energy was unable to be sensed or seeing, but Jonathan himself could feel it clearly: This was formless energy that came from his mind.

"Hehehe! It's working." Jonathan could feel his heart beat faster as he felt the supernatural power acted like a formless hand.


With Jonathan's thought, two of the throwing knives started floating in front of him.

"Amazing, it seems like with my current power, I can only control two knives." He added with an exciting look on his face. He was like a kid that has just found a brand new exciting toy.

"Go!" Jonathan thought.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Following Jonathan's thought command, the two throwing knives moved like lightning and shot towards the wall. They were like two projectiles and were extremely fast.


In the next second, a loud PENG sound could be heard as the two knives slammed into the wall. However, as the wall was made of concrete, they were unable to pierce through it. Nonetheless, they still left a small gaping hole.

"That's amazing, so that's the power of a Spiritual Awakener. I can't wait to try this power on those damn zombies tomorrow." Jonathan mumbled with an extremely satisfying smile on his face.

A Spiritual Awakener had many other powerful abilities. However, with his limited knowledge, Jonathan only knew about telekinesis.

If he wanted to know more about Spiritual Awakeners and Awakeners in general, he would need to make contact and asked advice from other Awakeners. Everything he knew about Awakeners came from Natasha's memories who was an ordinary human.