Leaving the Base

"I still can't believe I transmigrated into another world." Murmured Jonathan with a look of amazement on his face as he gently got out of the bed and slowly walked towards the window.

Even though he had already accepted this new reality, part of him was still in denial. Part of him still didn't truly believe that everything he had experienced yesterday was real.

After opening the window, Jonathan was then greeted by the majestic shining yellow sun that hung into the sky like a disco ball.

Facing the brilliant rays of light emitted by the sun, he smiled slightly as a look of relief appeared on his face." It was not a dream and this isn't Hell either. I've really been granted a second chance."

At this moment, Jonathan was overwhelmed with joy. He still could never have expected such a good thing to happen to him.

He just stood there by the window without saying a word as he let this moment, this happiness soaked right into his bones and soul.

He wanted this feeling to still be there the next day, and the day after that until the day he eventually died again. He closed both of his eyes as he was savoring the moment.

"Sister." While Jonathan was still lost in thought, Talia's voice suddenly rang in his ears which caused him to suddenly jolt awake.

At the same time, she jumped out of the bed and ran towards Jonathan before hugging him. One could tell that she was extremely happy at the moment.

"Looks who's already awake this early in the morning. Did you sleep well, my little Princess?"Said Jonathan with a caring and doting tone as he rubbed Talia's head.

"Hum huh, the bed was very comfortable. It was like a giant ball of soft cotton. I like it very much." Answered Talia with a beaming smile on her face.

"That's good. Next week, your big sister will buy you even a bigger and softer bed including your own room as well." He added while still patting Talia's head.

"I believe you, sis." Answered Talia with a pure and innocent smile on his face.

"Listen, big sis will go out and I'll probably come back late. So, I want you to be a good girl and stay inside the room and never go outside ok."

"You can play in the bathtub all you want with a little ducky. I'll also leave you plenty of food as well so you won't go hungry." Explained Jonathan with a serious expression on his face.

"Can you do that for your big sis?" Even though they were currently in the B Sector of the Black Tiger Base, it was still very dangerous for a little girl like Talia to wander around.

There were all kinda people walking around in the streets such thieves, rapists, murderers, and even pedophiles, etc. There were no laws in the apocalyptic world. As such, one could do whatever one pleased.

"Yes. Don't worry big sis, I won't leave my room."Answered Talia with a sincere expression on her face.

"Pinky swear."

"Pinky swear."

"Good, I'm gonna take shower before I leave. I'll make sure to bring you a nice present when I come back." Jonathan added before kissing the little girl on the forehead.


After leaving the hotel room, Jonathan didn't waste any time as he made his way toward the exit of the base.

At this moment, Jonathan looked completely different from the previous Natasha. Whether it was his walking style, temperament, or his bodily movements, they were like the polar opposite.

Despite being trapped in the body of a woman, Jonathan's masculinity and manliness didn't diminish the least bit not did it disappear.

If it wasn't for his womanly body shaped, one could have even mistaken him for man.

With his dark tactical military outfit, a pair of guns strapped on his legs as well as a katana behind his back, Jonathan was like a ferocious beast that has just been let loose in the jungle.

At the same time, due to his brand new guns and eye-catching outfit, Jonathan has attracted the attention of many of the pedestrians. Not only that, but his beauty also caused him to be the center of all gazes.

However, no one dared to approach him as they saw the pair of brand-new guns strapped on his legs.

Furthermore, he also didn't even bother to hide his Awakener's aura as he let it ran wild like an untamed beast. As such, no regular person was crazy enough to approach him.

After walking for about an hour, Jonathan finally made it to the outer wall of the Black Tiger base. It was a stone wall that was five meters tall and was covered in sharp metal spikes.

The spikes seemed to cover the wall from top to the bottom. On the top of the spiked wall, were guards. Each guard was stationed about 50 meters apart from one another and was armed with guns including bows and arrows.

The main entrance and exit to the base was a door made of worn-down iron, which only opened a small gap just for people to enter and leave.

Beside the entrance, were two watchtowers. Jonathan couldn't see if there was anyone inside the watchtowers but guessed there would be someone there to guard as well.

At this moment, aside from Jonathan, there was also a swarm of people leaving the base to hunt as well. Some of them were regular people with guns while others were Awakeners.

Life during the apocalypse was difficult. If one wanted to survive, then they needed to constantly take risks and hunt zombies and other mutated beasts.

If one wasn't like this, then they could only be like the sickly and disabled elderly in the slums, who couldn't even afford a piece of moldy bread.

As such, there would be a huge number of people and awakeners that leave the base every day to hunt zombies and other mutated beasts.

After leaving the base, Jonathan followed the large group of regular people and awakeners as he didn't know where to go. It was his first time leaving the base. These people formed groups of five and six as they were leaving. Only Jonathan was by himself.

According to the memories of Natasha, as cars weren't permitted to enter the base, they were all parked at the designated parking lot outside the base.

Jonathan didn't know where it was exactly which was why he was following the other Awakeners. Sure enough, after walking for another five minutes, Jonathan arrived in a huge space that was filled with all kinda cars and motorcycles.

"So, this is where they parked all the cars."Said Jonathan as he was looking at dozens of cars in the large field empty field.

"Now, where should I go to rent one." He murmured to himself.

As Jonathan was looking around, a voice suddenly rang out in his ears." Hello, my name is Jack. I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?"

Looking around, Jonathan saw a muscular middle-aged man looking at him a hint of greed in his eyes.

[Body Type Awakener: Level 2 Warrior]

"Yeah, it's my first hunt and I'm looking to rent a car. Do you know where I can find one?" Answered Jonathan in a feminine voice after seeing Jack's stats.

"I see. Well, it's really dangerous to hunt alone, especially if it's your first time. What don't you join my party? It's only four of us and we're still missing one person." Jack suggested with a sincere expression on his face.

"Are you sure I won't be a bother? I'm just a level 1 Warrior." Answered Jonathan while playing a weak and innocent damsel.

As man always likes to show off, Jonathan intended to use this new body of his and play the weak young lady to make them let their guard down and milked all the information he could about Awakeners and as well the current situation of the world it was the things he was lacking the most at the moment.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Answered Jack with a slight smile on his face.

"Why don't I introduce you to the rest of the crew." He added as he guided Jonathan towards his team.

Jack's team was comprised of only men. Aside from Jack, there were three of them. One was a level 2 Warrior while the other two were level 1.

They all had guns. Two of them had an Ak-47 while the other had a 9mm.

"Guys, this is Natasha, a newly awaken level 1 Warrior. She will be joining our team. It's her first time so we need to take good care of her." Explained Jack with a mysterious smile on his face.

Upon hearing Jack's words, the others couldn't stop themselves from sizing up Jonathan up and down with a strange look on their faces before they happily welcomed him.

"It's nice to meet such a pretty like you, Natasha. I am Mathias." Said one of them as he introduced himself. The others didn't waste any time as they followed suit.

After some simple greeting and exchanging names, Jack hopped into his car which was a black jeep along with Jonathan and the others before driving away.

"What a shame! I can't believe a such beautiful young lady like that fell into the hands of those sadistic rapists. Poor lady, she's done for." Said an Awakeners in the parking lot as he was looking at Jack's car speeding away.