The First Zombie Encounter.

"Big brother jack, you know so much. Thank you for telling me all this information." Said Jonathan with a flirtatious smile on his face as he was looking at the muscular Jack who was driving the jeep at a high speed.

Though this was a bit shameful for a man like Jonathan who prided himself in his manliness to act coquettishly in front of another man, it was his best way to extract information from those little bastards.

Furthermore, Jonathan was the kinda person who would use every weapon at his disposal to get what he wanted.

As a man himself, he knew how those bastards lost their minds and common sense when they're being talked to and complimented by a beautiful woman who was way out of their league.

So far, his tactic was working like a charm. Not only jack had completely dropped his guard around him, but he also became a chatterbox and told him everything he wanted to know.

According to Jack, just like the mutated beasts and zombies, Awakeners were classified into 10 levels, with each one more powerful than the other.

Aside from that, Awakeners were also divided into three categories. First, there was the Body type Awakeners also known as Warriors, the most common out of the Awakeners.

Upon awakening, a body type Awakener would have the strength, speed, stamina, and vitality that far surpassed that of a normal human, and this gap would continue to increase as the Awakener level up.

Second, there were the Elemental Awakeners also referred to as Elementalist. Just like the name implied, the Elemental Awakeners were able to control the elements of nature such as fire and wind, etc.

The Elemental Awakeners had a noble status in this apocalyptic world due to their rarity as well as their destructive power.

Lastly, there were the Spiritual Awakeners also known as Spiritualists. The rarest type of Awakeners. They were as rare as hens' teeth.

Not much is known about Spiritual Awakeners other than the fact that they could use telekinesis and spiritual attack. Rumors said that they could even control low-level zombies depended on their strength.

Even though not much is known about them, none could deny their frightening power. If Elemental Awakeners were considered noble then Spiritual Awakeners were like kings.

Aside from that, Jonathan had also got some detailed information about the Black Tiger base as well its power of structure including the numerous powerful Awakeners who resided inside the base.

At this moment, Jonathan's knowledge about the power structure of this world and the Awakeners were no different than a veteran Awakeners.

"All you get ready, we're about to enter the abandoned Metro City." Jack suddenly said with a serious expression on his face.

Metro City was located approximately ninety-five kilometers from the Black Tiger base. It used to be one of the prosperous and bustling cities throughout the whole country of Avalon.

It was also one of the largest and most populated cities with a total of three million inhabitants.

However, just like all the other major cities, it became abandoned after the apocalypse as 90% percent of its inhabitants were infected and turned into mindless zombies.

Now, it was used as a hunting ground by the Awakeners from the Black Tiger base as well as the other survivor bases in the surroundings one hundred kilometers.

The entire trip was at high speed, and very quickly they arrived in Metro City. However, they didn't immediately enter the city.

Instead, Jack looked for a secure and secluded location to park the car while they continued the rest of the journey on foot as the noise made by the car would attract high-level zombies in the city.

"Natasha, as it is your first time, it's best that you stay behind us and see how's done."Jack suddenly said with a mysterious smile on his face as they were getting close to the city.

'My brothers and I haven't enjoyed you yet, so I can't afford to let anything happen to this beautiful and voluptuous body of yours' He inwardly thought.

Without saying, Jonathan halted his footsteps and let the other three Awakeners pass in front of him as he followed behind them.

As the three awakeners brushed past Jonathan, they couldn't help but take a glance at his ass and boobs with a lascivious look in their eyes.

Seeing this, Jonathan didn't get mad. Instead, he gave them a flirtatious smile as he Inwardly thought:' Bastards, I am going to fucking gouge out all your eyes.'

After walking for another twenty minutes, a giant city came into Jonathan's view. The city was similar to those economically well-developed cities on Earth such as New York and Chicago etc.

However, such a city was degraded into a wasteland of dilapidation, without a trace of human habitation.

The tall and giant buildings were all dilapidated with completely broken windows, with nothing left in the window frames.

The scenes by the road were just as dismaying, and the traffic was paralyzed, and broken cars were abandoned either by the side of the road or right in the middle along with numerous dried and decomposed corpses.

Some of the streetlights had tilted, and some had fallen to the ground. Rubble and dust were scattered all around, and the looks of the trees had become fairly strange as well.

Even though Jonathan had already seen the damages caused by the apocalypse through Natasha's memories, seeing it with his own eyes still made him feel out his wits. It was his first time seeing such devastation with his own eyes.

'Can't even imagine the chaos and confusion caused by the apocalypse when it first happened.' Thought Jonathan.

"Morris, a class one zombie is approaching in our left, take care of it silently." While Jonathan was still in thought, Jack's voice commanding voice suddenly rang out in his ears which instantly jolted him awake.

At the same time, he immediately turned his head to the left where Jack was pointing with his gun.

"So, that's how a real zombie looks like." He murmured with an astonishing expression on his face as his gaze fell into the class one zombie.

The class one zombie didn't look much different from those zombies he used to see in movies back on Earth.

She had white decayed-looking eyes and her rotten flesh was riddled with holes and open wounds.

Her ripped clothes were stained with dried blood along with her mouth. Even though she was still a little far away, Jonathan could still smell her rotten flesh which smelled like sewage sludge odor or sweaty socks.

However, unlike most zombies, this zombie didn't only possess a sense of hunger. It seemed to have a tiny sense of intelligence as it didn't immediately stagger towards them like those mindless class zero zombies.

"Bother Jack, let me kill it. I've never killed a zombie." Jonathan said with a pleading tone as he was looking at Jack with his clear and beautiful puppy eyes.

"Hahaha! Sure, how can I refuse a request from the beautiful Natasha." Jack replied with a smile on his face. At the same time, he also didn't forget to check out Jonathan's voluptuous body with a greedy and impatient look in his eyes.

"Yay, thank you, brother Jack." Said Jonathan with a satisfied smile on his face as he pulled out his guns which were equipped with silencers and started shooting at the female zombie.

Pfooot! Pfooot! Pfooot! Pfooot! Pfooot!

As Jonathan was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, he didn't dare to display his amazing shooting skills.

Instead, he shot clumsily at the female zombie that was running towards him. He was shooting like someone that has never shot a gun in his entire life. He even close his eyes like a scared little girl.

Meanwhile, looking at Jonathan making a fool out of himself, Jack and the others couldn't help but smile. At the same time, they had their weapons pointed at the zombie as well, just in case Jonathan failed to kill her before she got too close.


Finally, after almost emptying the magazines in both guns, Jonathan managed to land two perfect shots in the female zombie's head.

The bullets easily penetrated the zombie's skull as it fell to the ground. Just like the zombies in the movies, these zombies' weakness was their heads as well.

[Congratulations Host for killing a Class 1 zombie. You have gained one Energy point]

Following the death of the female zombie, the system's cold and mechanical voice suddenly rang out within Jonathan's ears.

At the same time, the fingertip-sized, white-colored, prismatic crystal piece that was embedded within the zombie's head turned into a vapor that was invisible to the naked eye, flew towards Jonathan's body before being absorbed by him.

It then vaporized, leaving nothing but a wisp of smoke. Even Jonathan want unable to see it. He only felt a warmth flowing through his body for a moment when system notification rang out in his ears.

"Big brother Jack, look I kill a zombie all by myself." Said Jonathan with a coquettish tone as she was jumping with joy. Even Jonathan was surprised by his acting skill. It was an Oscar deserving performance.

"Wow, you are a really gifted marksman." Praised Jack with his lying ass.

"Morris, go and dig the white energy crystal from the zombie's head and give it to Natasha." He added. He didn't want his Natasha to do such dirty work, not before he got her way with her.

Morris already knew what his boss was thinking. As such, he didn't complain as he walked toward the dead female zombie on the ground and squat beside it.

He then unsheathed his machete and split opened the female zombie's head with it.

"That's weird," Morris murmured as he couldn't find any white energy crystal within the female zombie's head. This was clearly a class one zombie, not a class zero, so how could there's no white energy crystal.

"Boss, there's no white energy crystal in this female zombie's head." He said with a bewildered expression on his face after checking again.

"Are you sure?" Asked Jack as he furrowed his brows. He has never encountered such a situation before.

"Yes, I checked three times already." Replied Morris with a confident look on his face.

"I see, maybe that female zombie was some sort of mutated class zero zombie," Jack concluded. It was the only explanation he could come up with.

"Alright, don't be sad Natasha. I'll give you some white energy crystals later." Jack said as he was looking at Jonathan with a slight smile on his face.

"Thank you big brother jack," Jonathan replied with a charming smile on his face.

"Good. Alright guys, let's keep moving. Our goal is to make 600 white energy crystals before the sun goes down." Jack said with a commanding tone.

'Good, and my goal is to kill you all assholes and steal that 600 white energy crystals along with all your belongings.'

'Don't think I don't know what you're all planning.'Jonathan inwardly thought as he was looking at Jack and the others with a sinister smile on his face.