Hunting Ground

"Boss, which buildings are we going to raid today," Morris suddenly said as he was looking at the numerous giant buildings in the outer area of the city.

When hunting zombies in a city, any experienced and skillful Awakeners knew that it was best to hunt them building by building whether than hunting them around aimlessly in the streets.

That was even more true for a city such as Metro City which used to be known as one of the largest cities in Avalon whether it was by landmass or by its population.

Not only it would be much easier and faster to hunt them in one close place such as a giant and tall building, but it was also the safest.

Ordinary zombies couldn't climb stairs because their knee joints were too stiff. This alone was a plus as they didn't have to worry about being surrounded by a horde of class Zero zombies.

Even though a few dozens of Class Zero zombies didn't pose a threat to a Level 1 and Level 2 Awakeners like them, it was a different story if there were thousands of them.

Even with all their guns, the five of them wouldn't be able to handle them. As the proverb says, "enough ants will bite even an elephant to death."

Only zombies which had evolved to class one or above were able to walk and run nimbly, capable of going up and down the stairs like a normal human.

It was the main reason that most experienced and skillful Awakeners preferred to hunt zombies in giant and tall buildings rather than in a large open area or the streets.

"Well, last time we only made it to the 20th floor of the Emerald Hotel Building, let's clear it to today and move to another one," replied Jack.

"Also, I already marked it as our hunting ground, so I doubt any Awakeners from our base as well as the other survivor bases would dare to intrude into it." He added with a vicious expression on his face.

This was one of the ironclads and unwritten rules of the zombie hunting world, once a building was marked by an Awakener as his hunting ground, it was prohibited for another Awakener to trespass it.

Unless that Awakener was strong enough to endure and withstand the anger and the wrath of the other party, then he didn't need to care about those puny unwritten rules.

In this apocalyptic world, it was all about the law of the jungles. The person with the biggest fist was the boss and was always right.

Having said that, Jack and the others made their way towards the Emerald Hotel Building while hunting and killing a few zombies on the way.

Jonathan was also closely following them while playing his dumb and flirtatious girl role. At the same time, he was also asking many questions and learning about hunting zombies and the unwritten rules. He was soaking all the information he could get from them.

As the Emerald Hotel Building wasn't located too far from the outer area of the city, It didn't take them long to arrive. After fifteen minutes of walk, they were already there.

On the way, Jonathan also saw many tall and giant buildings which were suitable to hunt, but most of them were marked.

One could even hear gunshot noises from some of them which meant that there were Awakeners hunting zombies inside or looking for valuable and useful items.

Aside from that, some buildings were marked with a giant V letter which meant that the building has already been completely raided and there's nothing worthwhile inside.

"So, this is the Emerald Hotel Building," Jonathan murmured to himself as he was looking at the tall and magnificent building in front of him. It was over five hundred feet tall and had over 42 stories.

Despite the Emerald Hotel Building size, it was considered a small building in Metro City which was also known for its sky-touching buildings.

"Everybody, be prepared and don't let your guard down. Even if we have already cleared out the 1st to the 20th floor, there might still be danger in them." Warned jack as they quietly ran toward the building's gate.

They moved as quietly as a cat that had stood up on its rears tires. Only their clothes made some slight noise while fluttering in the air.

*Those bastards are truly experienced and skillful* Jonathan inwardly thought as he was looking at their movements and formation. It was as if they were a small SWAT team.

As there was no electricity in the building and even the entire city, their only choice was to climb the stairs as they could not use the elevator.

Their main goal was the 21st floor. As they've already cleared the 1st to the 20th floor of the building.

Nonetheless, they met a few Class Zero zombies along the way, but they didn't even bother to kill them unless they got too close to them. It was a waste of time and energy to go after them as they didn't have any white energy crystals in them.

*How the hell those damn zombies can differentiate dead people apart from living people like us * Jonathan inwardly thought as he was looking at a blind and eyeless zombie staggering towards them in the distance as they were climbing the stairs.

He previously thought that the zombies attacked and ran towards them because they could see them, but it seemed like he was wrong as even a blind zombie could sense them.

*Maybe it's not about their sight but their sense of smell.* He thought.

"Everyone get ready, we're about to enter the 21st floor." Warned Jack as he pushed open the door of the 21st floor.

Sure enough, as soon as they stepped foot into the 21st floor, they were met with a large group of zombies in the building hallway.

"Roar… Roar… Roar… Roar…" Meanwhile, the moment the zombies noticed them, they bared their teeth and wielded their claws as they pounced towards them with a demonic feverish look in their eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

However, Jack's group was already prepared. Before the zombies could even get close to them, they ended up having their heads blown off.

Jack and his crew were all good marksmen as they didn't waste a single bullet, each shot was equaled to a dead zombie.

Jonathan also joined the fray as he was shooting at the incoming zombies as well. However, this time, he didn't shoot like a complete idiot as they were in close space.

[Congratulations Host for killing a Class 1 zombie. You have gained one Energy point]

[Congratulations Host for killing a Class Zero zombie. You have gained Zero Energy point]

[Congratulations Host for killing a Class 1 zombie. You have gained one Energy point]

[Congratulations Host for killing a Class 1 zombie. You have gained one Energy point]

[Congratulations Host for killing a Class Zero zombie. You have gained Zero Energy point]

Meanwhile, with every zombie killed, the system's cold and mechanical would ring out in his mind, whether it was a class 1 or class Zero zombie.

*I truly wish that I could turn off that damn system's voice sometime. It's driving me crazy *

"Alright, everyone let's not waste our bullets on those weaklings and use our blunt weapons to kill those bastards instead."

"Save our bullets for the Class 2 zombies." Yelled out Jack as he unsheathed his giant machete and pounced towards the group of zombies.