A Peculiar Situation

"Hahahaha! We already made a killing today boss." Yelled out Morris with an exciting expression on his face as the group continued to move up.

"Indeed, we've made over 300 white energy crystals in just five hours. That's more than we made in our last hunt."

"At this rate, not only we will able able to exceed our quota before the sun goes down, but we will also be able to clear out the entire Emerald Hotel building way earlier than expected." Answered Jack with a satisfied expression on his face.

Morris and Jack weren't the only ones that were happy at the moment, but everyone. They all had a beaming smile on their faces, even Jonathan was no exception. However, not for the same reason as them.

It's only been five hours since they've started their zombies hunt within the Emerald Hotel building.

During that time, not only they were able to hunt over 300 Class One Zombies, but they were also able to clear out another 18 floors of the building.

It's usually hard and extremely rare to find that many class one zombies in a small building such as the Emerald Hotel Building.

They were expecting to find at most 200 class one zombies in the entire building. However, the amount of class one zombies found in the building has far exceeded their imagination.

Furthermore, they haven't even cleared out the entire building yet. There were still five more floors left before they could clear out the entire Emerald Hotel Building and moved up to the next one.

"If it wasn't for all those useless mutated class one zombies hunted by Natasha, we could have already made 400 white energy crystals," Morris added as he shifted his gaze towards Jonathan with a confused expression on his face.

Following Morris's reminder, the other crew members also shifted their gaze at that Jonathan, including Jack. They all had the same baffled expression on their faces.

As a novice hunter, they were all surprised how a fast learner she was as she was able to hunt and kill two dozen class one zombies by herself.

However, for some weird reasons, none of the class one zombies she killed had a nucleus or a white energy crystal.

During their two years of hunting zombies, it was the first time they've encountered such weird situations.

At first, they thought she just had some bad luck and didn't pay much attention to it. But after hunting two dozen zombies and still no nucleus, they were all at a loss for words. They didn't know how to explain this situation.

"I am truly sorry brother Jack that I couldn't contribute anything to the crew. I really tried my best but I still couldn't hunt any class one zombies with a nucleus. I feel like I am a huge burden to the crew." Jonathan said with a dejected expression on his face as he lowered her head in shame.

At the same time, his eyes became watery as though he was about to cry. Seeing this scene, everyone's expression suddenly changed.

"Who said you are a huge burden to the crew? Even if you didn't kill any zombies with a nucleus, you still help the crew tremendously by killing all those damn zombies." Jack hurriedly said he tried to console Jonathan.

"Furthermore, it wasn't the first time I saw something like that. This happened to plenty of people before." He added.

"Really, you've seen people hunting a lot of class one zombies with no nucleus before." Jonathan suddenly asked with his puppy eyes.

"Of course, not only me, but Morris did too, right Morris?"Jack replied as he looked at Morris with his menacing look on his face.

Seeing the menacing look on Jack's face, Morris knew that he's fucked up by bringing up this subject. Though they were all thinking the same thing, none of them dared to bring it up before.

Yet, he had to run his mouth. There was a reason why no one said anything.

"Yeah! I've seen this plenty of time. I know a guy who one time hunted five hundred class one zombies with no nucleus. It's something very common." He hurriedly answered as he was trying to save his skin.

*Damn it! If I don't control my loose lips, I might not even give me the leftover* He inwardly thought.

"That's nothing. I once heard that one of the nine executives of the Black Tiger base hunted a thousand class one zombies with no nucleus." One of the crew members added.

"Ohh yeah, that's a joke compared to what happened to Lord Black Tiger. I heard he once hunted two thousand class one zombies and seven hundred class two zombies with no nucleus." Another one added.

At this moment, they were all trying to cheer up Jonathan to make Jack happy by telling the most outrageous lies they could think of.

They knew that if Jack were to be mad, he might not let them have the leftover once when he was done, and looking at Natasha's voluptuous body, none of them wanted to miss that.

*Look at those horny and shameless bastards* Even Jack was shocked by his men's outrageous lies as he already knew what they were thinking.

"See, I've told you. Now, let quickly clear out this building so we can move up to another one." Jack said with a slight smile on his face he patted Jonathan's long crimson hair.

"Thank you, big brother. I feel much better now." Said Jonathan with a beaming smile on his face.

*This little fucker dared to touch my head with his dirty hand! I'm going to smash that hand with a giant hammer before I kill you *

Having settled everything, the five of them continued to move up to clear out the remaining floors.

"That's odd, that's the third floor we've been to and couldn't find even one class zero zombie." Jack suddenly said with a confused expression on his face.

Not only Jack but everyone was baffled as well, including Jonathan. They've searched through every single room of the floors the previous two floors, but they didn't find a trace of zombies in them.

"Boss, I have a bad feeling about this. I think we should just stop and look for another building to raid." Morris suddenly said with a fearful and anxious expression on his face.

Not to mention Morris, even Jonathan had a bad feeling about this unusual situation as well, but he didn't dare to voice his concern.

"I didn't know you were such a pussy, Morris. Why would we give up on clearing the entire building when there's only one floor left." Replied Jack with a disappointed tone.

"If you are too scared, you can go and wait for us on the first floor. The guys and I going to take a small break on the last floor once we're done." He added as his mouth curved upward into a mysterious smile.

"Hahaha! I can't believe boss took my words seriously, I was just joking." Morris hurriedly answered while scratching his head. At the same time, he took another glance at Jonathan.

"Alright, let's clear the last floor and so we can relax after that," Jack said as he made his way to the last floor, followed by the others.

"Also, you all should get ready. If I'm not mistaken, the last floor was of the Emerald Hotel Building used to a giant main hall used for parties and other events before the apocalypse."

"So, be prepared. We might encounter a horde of zombies inside." Warned Jack as they continued to climb the stairs to the last floor.

Soon, the five of them arrived in front of the door of the last floor of the Emerald Hotel Building. It was more like a giant gate rather than a door.

*My instinct is screaming and telling me to not open that damn door and get the hell out of here, but I can't tell those fuckers that. Jack is already dead set on clearing the entire building, it would be unwise of me to try to change his mind* Thought Jonathan as he stood in front of the giant door along with the others.

"Alright, I'm going to kick to door on the count to three, so get ready to blast any zombies inside with your guns," Jack said in an exciting tone.




"Bang!" With a single kick, Jack blasted the door open.

One had to understand, Jack was a Level 2 Warrior, as such, his raw strength was at least five times that even the strongest regular human in the world.

Meanwhile, as soon as the door was opened, they all hurriedly walked inside the main hall with their guns all loaded and ready to shoot at any zombie on sight.

However, the moment they entered the main hall, they all halted their footsteps as they looked at the scene in front of them with a petrified expression on their faces.

Whether it was Jack, Morris, and the other crew members, they were all frightened and their eyes were wide opened from shock. It was as if they all saw a ghost.

"We're done for," Jack whispered said with a trembling voice.