A Peak Class 3 Zombie

Instead of a horde of class one zombie, what appeared before them was a single zombie. However, that single zombie seemed to be more terrifying than even a horde of class 2 zombies.

The zombie was over two meters tall and had the appearance of a devil as its skin was red as blood and had numerous terrifying deformed bone spurs protruding from his back like spears.

Its face had lost the original, identifiable human features. Its eyes were black without any white sclera and also had a weird luster.

Its mouth was cracked wide open, stretching from the left ear to the right. Its shark teeth were sticking out of his mouth and looked like they could tear through human skin and crush bones like butter. A dark, dirty liquid was dripping from those teeth, emitting a rotten stench.

Aside from that, his nails were three inches long and were sharp like cold steel. They looked like they could tear through even the hardest metal.

Surrounded by countless corpses and skeletons, the two meters tall zombie seemed like a fiend that just crawled out from the depth of hell. His body emitted an evil and murderous air that instilled fear in all.

At this moment, the world was frozen like a painting with everyone holding their breaths.

Not to mention and Jack and the others, even Jonathan was scared shitless as he was looking ghastly creature in front of him. They were all paralyzed where they stood.

[Peak Class 3 Zombie]

*What the fuck is a peak class 3 zombie doing in the outer area of Metro City* Jonathan inwardly cursed out.

According to Jack, all of the class tree zombies and above were in the inner area of the city. Only class one zombies and a few class two zombies could be found in the outer area of the city.

*No wonder we couldn't find any Class one zombies when we were coming here*

Low-level zombies were instinctively afraid of high-level zombies. Therefore, once a high-level zombie showed up in an area with limited self-control, low-level zombies would all instinctively avoid it and run as far away as possible.

Just like Awakeners hunted zombies for their nucleus to increase their strength. Zombies also needed to consume a great amount of blood and flesh of ordinary human beings, or blood and flesh of Awakeners to evolve.

However, some crazy high-level zombies would also attack lower-level zombies and then dig out their zombie nucleus to strengthen themselves despite being the same kind.

While Jack and the others were staring at the peak class three zombie, it was also staring at them with its eyes sparkled with vicious greed, like a poisonous snake stalking its prey.

"Boss, what do we do?" Morris asked with a trembling voice. His body was already drenched with cold sweats.

"We have to fight. That's our only chance of survival. If we were to run, that bastard would hunt us one by one like dogs and kill us before we could even make it to the car." Replied Jack with an ugly expression on his face.

He was on full alert. As he was in the leading position, his entire body had been locked on by this high-level zombie. He knew that the moment he moved, the zombie would burst up and fly at him.

Unlike class one or class two zombies, class three zombies were very intelligent with an I.Q. comparable to a ten-year-old and twelve years old child.

They already knew how to make a sneak attack, which meant they were quite smart. Furthermore, they were natural hunters with a keen sense of smell. Once they set their eyes on prey, it would be pretty hard to escape their clutch and pursuit.

"Remember, this bastard's weakness it's his head. So, concentrate all your fire powers in its head. Don't even bother to shoot anywhere else as it doesn't feel pain like we do." Said Jack with a solemn expression on his face.

Just as Jack was giving instructions to his crew, the two meters tall peak class three zombie suddenly made its move. Though it could not speak, it still could somewhat understand their language.


The zombie bent its legs and thrust them against the ground to pounce on Jack and the others at an incredible speed.

Within just one-tenth of a second, it had rushed up to Jack who was in the leading position from meters away.

With its left hand protecting its face and head, it raised its muscular arm and slammed its right hand down at Jack as if he were a fly.

There was a change in the air pressure from the immense force exerted by the hand, suffocating Jack.

As the rotting stench filled his nostrils, Jack quickly slid to dodge the attack like a mudskipper along with the others.

The zombie's strike missed Jack by a few millimeters, the strong wind blowing his hair into a mess.


A deafening blast could be heard as the zombie's palm hit the ground. At the same time, the main hall shook violently and the violent shockwave blew numerous bones and skeletons away.

"Damn it! This bastard is not just a class three zombie but a peak class three that's on the brink of evolving to a class four." Cursed out Jack as he lamented his bad luck.

In the entire Black Tiger base, the people that could deal with such a powerful zombie could be counted with hand.

"Everyone shoot." Yelled out Jack as he unleashed a barrage of bullets at the zombie with his old AK-47.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Following Jack's order, the others didn't waste any time as they started shooting at the zombie as well. With every shot, a bang resounded through the main hall.

However, despite its great size, the zombie was extremely agile as he was running around and bounced around the main hall like a cheetah while protecting its head with its hands, which made it difficult to hit its head.

Most of the bullets missed the zombie entirely while the others hit its lower body, forming numerous holes in its body and sending smelly puss spurting into the air.

However, it didn't feel pain as its movement and speed didn't decrease in the least bit. It was like a machine.

"Fuck! Why can't that bastard just stay in one place?" Jack angrily yelled out. Despite its immense size, that bastard was bouncing around like a ping pong ball.


In the next second, the zombie jumped high in the air like a Kangaroo and landed behind one of the crew members.

"Madock, be careful," Jack shouted as he warned his subordinate.

Meanwhile, Madock was frightened until his face was deathly pale as he felt the shadow of the giant zombie loomed over him. He could already feel the stench of death all around him.

He immediately shifted his position and tried to run away. However, he was too slow, or rather the zombie was too fast.

Before he could even move, the zombie's five shiny and sharp fingernails pierced through his back like five shark knives and came out from the other side of his stomach.

The claws of high-level zombies were incredibly sharp, even harder than diamonds. As such, they didn't meet any resistance.


Madock shrieked miserably. The sound of spines and bones breaking into pieces was incomparably hard for Jack and the others to hear as they couldn't help but feel their blood run cold.

Meanwhile, while Jack and the others were still fighting for their lives, none of them realized that Jonathan has disappeared.

Even the small bag which contained all of their white energy crystals has disappeared as well. However, they were simply too busy to notice.