Jonathan’s Little Plan

Emerald Hotel Building, 40th floor.

Within a secure and secluded room on the 40th floor of the Emerald Hotel Building, Jonathan sat quietly while counting a large number of white energy crystals in front of him.

"395, 396, 397, 398, 399,400. Damn it! Even after adding my own saving of white energy crystal, it's still not enough for me to break through the level 3 Warrior." Uttered Jonathan with a disappointing look on his face.

"Let's see how short I am." He added as he summoned his status screen.

Name: Natalia Bridget

Age: 23

Strength: 24

Spiritual force: 27

Vitality: 44

Agility: 21

Body Type Awakener: Level 2 warrior.

Spiritual Type Awakener: Level 2 Spiritualist

Skills: Basic Combat Lv. 10, Basic Shooting Lv. 8

Energy Points: 48 (600)

Arms Dealer: Level 1

UWSS Authority: Level 1 (5/100)

Sale Balance: 0

"Shit! I can't believe I still need that much. I am freaking short of 152 white energy crystals."

"What should I do?" Jonathan asked himself with a pensive expression on his cute little face.

The moment Jonathan had stepped foot into the top floor and met the peak class 3 zombie, he knew that he wasn't its opponent. Furthermore, he was also out of ammo.

Not wanting to give up on a peak class three zombie nucleus, he instantly devised a plan to take it down.

His plan was very simple. He used his telekinesis power to steal Jack's small bag of white energy crystals along with the others then stealthy escaped when the zombie made its first move.

They were all so focused with their eyes fixated on the peak class three zombie that they didn't even notice when he escaped.

After escaping to a secure and secluded room on the 40th floor, he planned to use the white energy crystal stolen from Jack to break through the Level 3 Warrior and then returned to the top floor to kill the class 3 zombie along with Jack and the others.

Everything went smoothly. Unfortunately, he didn't found enough white energy crystals within Jack's bag along with the others to complete the last step of his plan.

*Only death awaits me if I return like that. There's no way I can win against a peak class 3 zombie with my current strength*

*Going home is also not an option as Jack took the key to the car with him when he parked it in the outer area of the city. That bastard even took the steering wheel of the car with him so people won't highjack it*

* That's not all. Even if I try to escape, nothing said it would be successful. I'm pretty sure by the time I make it to the 1sr floor, that damn zombie would have already been done with Jack and the others and would direct its focus on me *

*Just like Jack said, our only option of survival is to kill that damn zombie*

"Wait, why don't I see if could find a powerful weapon in the Ultimate Weapons System Shop that could blast this bastard into kingdom come." Said Jonathan as his eyes lit up.

He was so focused on breaking through the Level 3 Warrior that he almost forgot about his most important and powerful trump card, the Ultimate Weapons System Shop. He was never a zombie hunter, he was a weapons dealer.

Having said that, Jonathan took a deep breath before closing his eyes and entered the Ultimate Weapons System Shop.

Just like usual, he was greeted by the system shop's administrator who took the appearance of his little sister, Talia.

"Show me the lists of the most powerful weapons I could get for 400 white energy crystals and below." Jonathan hurriedly asked. He didn't have the time for chit-chat at the moment.

He wanted to get a weapon that could blast the bastard into nothingness as soon as possible and use it on that ghastly creature while it was still busy fighting Jack and the others.

As if the system shop's administrator could feel Jonathan's anxiousness, it also didn't waste any time as it hurriedly pulled down a list of weapons Jonathan could but with his chump changes.

"AK-47, AN 94, AS Val, AKM.....damn! I need something more powerful than that if I want to quickly kill that bastard." Most of these weapons were assault rifles. Jonathan didn't believe that they could put a quick end to the bastard.

He didn't want to take any chance with his life. It's not like he was a coward, he was simply extremely cautious.

He didn't like leaving anything to chance and only made his move when he had a firm grasp on a situation. He wasn't a reckless idiot.

"I need something like an RPG or an M134-A2 MINIGUN if I want to blast the bastard into smithereens." Said Jonathan. However, he didn't have enough funds to buy such weapons.

"Administrator, I need to purchase a weapon from the shop but I don't have enough funds. Is there a way I could buy the weapon on credit and pay for it later?" Jonathan suddenly asked as he shifted his gaze towards the administrator who was standing next to him.

"With a level 1 UWSS Authority, the host could use up to 2000 credits per month to purchase weapons in the shop in case of lack of funds with a daily interest rate of 10%." Replied the system shop's administrator with a cold and mechanical voice.

"Damn! That's daylight robbery." Even though Jonathan was happy knowing that the system gave him a specific amount of credit to purchase weapons in case of emergency every month, he still was unable to restrain himself after hearing the interest rate. That's even worse than robbery.

"As the host UWSS Authority increases, the number of credits will also increase while the interest rate decreases." The system shop's administrator added.

"Well, I don't have to argue with you. Just show the most powerful weapons I could buy with the 2000 credits." Jonathan hurriedly asked. The clock was ticking.

Following Jonathan's request, the system shop's administrator immediately pulled down the screen with all the weapons that cost 2000 white energy crystals and below.

"Good! Now, I'm gonna show that bastard who's the boss." Said Jonathan with a devious smile on his face as he was looking at the list of weapons on the screen.