Say Hello To My Little Friend

Emerald Hotel Building, Top floor.

Not even two minutes have passed since Jack and his team started battling against the peak class 3 zombie, yet they were completely decimated and annihilated.

The entire great hall was flooded with the smell of fresh blood. Their limbs and dismembered corpses littered the ground. It was truly a gruesome scene.

The team of four that was compromised of level 2 and Level 1 warriors and armed to the teeth was unable to last even three minutes against the peak class 3 zombie.

Most of them were killed instantly without even the chance to resist. Even Jack, the great leader, was nailed to the ground with his eyes wide open.

He was full of regret during his final seconds. As an experienced zombie hunter, he should have known something was wrong when he had seen all those empty floors which were void of any zombies.

He also should have listened and paid more attention to his subordinate's words. He absolutely wouldn't have entered the top floor if he knew it was the base of a peak class 3 zombie. Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret.

Meanwhile, after killing Jack and his team, the peak class three zombie didn't go after Jonathan who had previously escaped.

Instead, it stayed behind and started to consume the flesh and blood of the dismembered bodies to evolve into a level 4 zombie.

It was the main reason that it had come to the outer of the city from the inner city in the first place. For a peak class 3 zombie to evolve, it needed either the flesh and blood of two level 4 Awakeners or the nucleus of two class 4 zombies.

However, a level-three zombie such as him without a superpower did not have the qualifications to cast its greedy eyes on level-four zombies or a level 4 Awakeners.

This was simply seeking death. The power of the level 4 Awakeners and a Class 4 zombie wasn't something it could contend with.

Therefore, It had decided to go for the second-best option, which was finding as many class 2 zombie nuclei as possible along with a large amount of human flesh and blood to consume.

It had decided to choose quantity over quality, as the accumulation of energy would also lead to a breakthrough.


As the peak class 3 zombie was gnawing on the flesh of one of the dead bodies, the giant door of the main hall was suddenly kicked open as Jonathan burst in.

"Hey motherfucker, say hello to my little friend." He shouted with his feminine voice as he was looking at the zombie with a sinister smile on his face.

At this moment, Jonathan was carrying a brand new pitch-black two handles Gatling-style machine gun with six large rotating barrels.

On his back was a metal backpack of ammunition that connected to the Minigun via an ammunition cartridge belt.

Unlike before, Jonathan didn't have a trace of fear in his eyes as he was facing the class 3 zombie. He looked extremely calm and confident.

With his Minigun that was able to fire 2000 to 3000 rounds per minute and 50 rounds per second, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Furthermore, his backpack ammunition contained over three thousand .50 caliber rounds with a steel core that could penetrate an engine block at a kilometer away.

The .50 caliber bullet was so destructive that it could pound through brick and mortar bunkers and walls, let alone class 3 zombie's skin.

With this Minigun in his hand, Jonathan felt as though he was invincible, a God among mere mortals and the fearful peak class 3 zombie was nothing but an ant that he could step on at any time.

Meanwhile, as if the peak class three zombie could feel the danger of the Minigun in Jonathan's hand, it immediately shot toward the nearby window as fast as a flying meteor.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jonathan coldly said as he pressed onto the trigger and unleashed hell.


Before the class 3 zombie could even make it close the window, it was pushed back by an endless storm of bullets with chunks of its rotten flesh flying everywhere.

In front of the .50 caliber bullets, the peak class 3 zombie that was known for its thick skin was no different than a being made of paper as its entire was riddled with bullet holes with yellowish pus flowing out of its wound seamlessly. At the same time, there was an intense charred smell in the air.

Despite having most of its internal organs and even its hearts turned into mincemeat and riddled with bullets, the peak class 3 zombie was still alive.

"Wooo!"Having its entire turned into a sieve, the zombie suddenly growl in anger, but it could only make shrieks since its vocal cords were also decomposing

At the same time, he pounced towards Jonathan like a wild rhinoceros with its five shiny, sharp fingernails stabbing at him.

However, its movement was easily seen through by Jonathan as he quickly retreated, and by utilizing his nimbleness and agility, he effortlessly evaded the attack of the zombie.


"Hahahaha, Die! you little motherfucker."Yelled out Jonathan as he continued to shoot and concentrated all the firepower on the zombie's head which it was protecting with its right hand.

Even when the kickback was strong enough to blow his whole body backward, he kept shooting while maintaining his posture. It didn't affect his aim at all.

Facing Jonathan's never-ending gunshots, the zombie's right hand which he used to protect its head was blasted away into chunks of meat as the sea of bullets pierced through its skull, leaving behind numerous gaping holes.

BBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTT! Nonetheless, Jonathan didn't stop there as he continued to fire.

"Boom!" In the next second, yellowish puss sprayed like fireworks as the zombie's body exploded and combusted into bits and pieces, filling the entire main hall.

[Congratulations Host for killing a Class 3 zombie. You have gained 300 Energy points]

"Finally, that bastard is dead," Upon hearing the notification of the system, Jonathan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he was cleaning out the scalding rain of morselized rotten flesh that fell into his face and his clothes.