Level Up

"Where the hell did that damn zombie hide its stash?" Jonathan anxiously shouted as he was flipping every table and chair within the main hall.

He spent 2000 credits with a daily interest rate of 10% just to buy a weapon to kill the class 3 zombie. If he were to only get these 300 energy points, it would be a great loss for him.

He already figured out the reason why the class 3 zombie had come to the outer area of the city which was to evolve into a class 4 zombie by consuming the nucleus of a large number of class one and class two zombies.

As such, he was sure that it had a stash of zombies nucleus hiding somewhere within the main hall. However, he didn't know where exactly. If he were to get his hands on it, he would have at least be able to curb some of his losses.

"If can't find the stash, I would have to sell the Minigun as soon as I get back to pay back the debt"

As the MiniGun was his most powerful weapon at the moment, Jonathan intended to keep it for a little while to hunt zombies before selling it.

However, if he couldn't find where the zombie had hidden its stash zombies nucleus, he would have to sell it to pay back the 2000 credits.

"Keeping that gun will be too much of a hassle anyway." He added.

Unlike his pair of Silver Desert Eagles, the .50 caliber bullets used by the Minigun were extremely expensive.

A small case that contained 3000 bullets cost about 1500 white energy crystals, almost the same price as the Minigun itself. The Minigun was like a money-eating machine.

"Damn! That's it, I give up." Yelled out Jonathan with a dejected look on his face after searching the entire main hall to no avail. His voice was full of regret.

*It seems like that bastard had already consumed them all* This was the only explanation he could come up with.

"Ohh well! At least I now have enough white energy crystal to break through the level 3 Warrior." He consoled himself.

In the Black Tiger base, Level 3 Awakeners had great status. Except for the Lord Black Tiger who was a Level 5 Awakeners and the Executives who were all Level 4 Awakeners, Level 3 Awakeners were the rulers of the base. They lived like nobles.

As such before leaving for the base, Jonathan planned on breaking through Level 3 and added a layer of protection on himself. Furthermore, being a level 3 Awakeners would also allow him to easily conduct his business.

Having made up his mind, Jonathan went to a secluded room on the top floor and locked the door as he didn't want to be disturbed while leveling up.

Even though there weren't any zombies in the area, he didn't want to take any chances. After making sure that the door was locked, he then sat in a mediative stance as he pulled out his status window to look.

Name: Natalia Bridget

Age: 23

Strength: 24

Spiritual force: 27

Vitality: 44

Agility: 21

Body Type Awakener: Level 2 warrior.

Spiritual Type Awakener: Level 2 Spiritualist

Skills: Basic Combat Lv. 10, Basic Shooting Lv. 8

Energy Points: 348 (600)

Arms Dealer: Level 1

UWSS Authority: Level 1 (5/100)

Sale Balance: -2000

"I see, now I only need 252 white energy crystals." He mumbled after looking at his stats.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, the 300 energy points he got from killing the class three zombie were truly a great help to him.

"Alright, it's time to do this."

Without wasting any time, Jonathan then proceeded on absorbing the 252 white energy crystals.

Unlike regular Awakeners who would take about one minute or so to absorb the energy from just one nucleus, it only took Jonathan a second.

Furthermore, he didn't have to worry about the impurities in the zombie's nuclei as the system would automatically take care of it for him.

[Congratulations Host, Your energy points have reached full capacity. Would you like to immediately break through the next level?]

Soon as Jonathan absorbed all the 252 white energy crystals and his energy points have reached 600, the cold and mechanical voice of the system suddenly rang out within his mind.

"Yes." He answered without hesitation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before his voice could even fade away, an enormous sound like a great river surging forward resounded out within Jonathan's body.

At the same time, Jonathan felt a warm stream flowed ceaselessly throughout his whole body, from his head to his feet.

Everywhere this strange warm stream passed, whether it was his lambs or his bones, Jonathan felt as though they were being nourished and washed by clear spring water.

"So warm, just like soaking in the hot spring," Jonathan mumbled to himself.

The warm stream of energy circulated throughout Jonathan's body three times before returning to his brain at last and finally stopped.

[Congratulations Host, You have now become a Level 3 Warrior]

[Congratulations Host, You have now become a Level 3 Spiritualist]

"Wow, I feel so refreshed and comfortable." Said Jonathan with a satisfying smile on his face.

He felt like his mind was enlightened; everything was clear to him. His whole body had become lighter and was clear of impurities.

Even his senses have become sharper and keener as he now could see and feel everything around him clearer.

Sensing the boiling power now within his body, Jonathan couldn't help but feel excited. He could feel that his current strength was at least two times greater than before.

*Status Window* He inwardly thought before a blue screen which was visible to only himself appeared in front of him.

Name: Natalia Bridget

Age: 23

Strength: 38

Spiritual force: 39

Vitality: 65

Agility: 34

Body Type Awakener: Level 3 warrior.

Spiritual Type Awakener: Level 3 Spiritualist

Skills: Basic Combat Lv. 10, Basic Shooting Lv. 8

Energy Points: 0 (2400)

Arms Dealer: Level 1

UWSS Authority: Level 1 (5/100)

Sale Balance: -2000

"Not bad!" He murmured with a slight smile on his face. The only thing he didn't like on the status window was that damn -2000 and the energy points needed to break through Level 4 which had now quadrupled.

"Well, I think that's it for me today." He added.

Jonathan didn't want to continue to hunt zombies anymore as it was getting late. Furthermore, that little girl was still waiting for him at home. He didn't want her to spend a whole day cupped up in a room with no one to talk to.

After making up his mind, Jonathan went and took the car key from Jack's dead body along with the steering wheel in his backpack.

At the same time, he also didn't forget to loot them by taking their guns and their house key. From his previous conservation with them, he knew that Jack and the others were living together and had a nice house in the B sector.

"Well, I guess I don't have to look for a house anymore," Jonathan said with a slight smile on his face as he was looking at the house key in his hand.