Stolen Prey

Emerald Hotel Building, Top floor.

Not long after Jonathan had left, five middle-aged men armed to the teeth showed up on the top floor of the Emerald Hotel Building and surrounded what was left of the class 3 zombie's corpse, their faces filled with surprise and confusion.

"Captain, It seems like we were wrong. The red-haired woman didn't run away from fear and abandoned her comrades, she seemed to have killed the peak class 3 zombie and left." One of them said with a darkened expression on his face as he stared at the chunks of flesh of the dead zombie on the ground.

The captain didn't respond, only observing the scattering flesh and limbs of the dead zombie with a somber expression.

"She is also in the possession of a powerful weapon." Another one added as he pointed at the hundreds of .50 bullet shells on the ground.

"Indeed."Another frowned slightly and nodded.

Not only them, but even the captain's expression also changed after seeing the bullet shells on the ground.

He was in the army before the apocalypse. As such, he was well aware of what kinda weapons used these types of .50 caliber bullets.

However, he didn't see any one of them carrying any powerful weapons when they had entered the Emerald Hotel Building nor when the red-haired woman was leaving.

So, where did they find that powerful weapon?

Did they find it inside the building?

"I don't think the boss will be happy after hearing that his peak class 3 zombie has been killed by someone else. You guys already know how long he's been nurturing and rearing it."

"However, before he could collect his fruit of labor, the zombie was killed by an unknown Hunter." One of them suddenly added with an ugly expression on his face.

The Captain's face was also dark with anger, but he didn't say a word.

Indeed, the boss won't be happy after hearing that news. Their boss who was one of the Nine Executives of the Black Tiger base had known about the peak class 3 zombie in the Emerald Hotel Building for weeks.

He's also known about the reason why it had come to the outer area from the inner area of the city. However, instead of immediately killing it and removed the danger from the outer area, he decided to play *the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.*

He decided to spare the zombie and let it evolved by letting it killed and consumed the flesh and blood of numerous low-level Awakeners including the nucleus of low-level zombies.

Once the peak class 3 zombie evolved into a class four, he would then immediately step in and killed it at its weakest moment and collected its class four zombie nucleus. However, these people came and messed up everything.

Their boss was a level 4 Awakeners, the energy from class one and class two zombies nucleus were almost useless to his cultivation. Only class three and class four zombie nuclei were helpful.

The class four zombie nucleus was even better as it has more energy which was he decided to nurture the class 3 zombie into a class 4 zombie before killing it.

"What should we do now? This happened on our watch, we should chase after that woman to recover the class three zombie nucleus from her to at least appease the boss's anger." One of them said with a worrying tone.

"Yeah, we should go after that woman and recover the nucleus from her before making her pays for foiling our boss's plan." Another one added. From their expressions and tones, one could tell that these people were extremely afraid of their boss.

"I agree with Norman as well boss. We should go after that woman and recover the class 3 zombie nucleus. It's not like we can go in the inner area to hunt one to replace it. You already know just how scary the zombies in the inner area are, most of them have superpowers." Said one of them with a frightened expression on his face.

Even though they were all Level 3 Awakeners, they were all defenseless against class 3 zombies with superpower which was why they didn't dare to carelessly venture into the inner area by themselves.

"It's too late. This woman is probably long gone by now. Furthermore, we don't know which base she came from." Answered the captain with an irritating expression on his face.

If he knew that the red-haired woman had killed the zombie, he wouldn't have let her go like this. He thought that she was just running away from fear which was why he didn't bother to stop her.

Furthermore, they had seen through the strength of these people as well as their weapons before entering the building. As such, they didn't believe that they could kill the peak class three zombie.

They thought that they were going to be the peak class three zombie's foods and nutrients just like those that came before them.

However, who would have thought that these bastards would end up killing the peak class 3 zombie and foiled their boss's plan.

"We should go and report everything to the boss and let him decide." The captain solemnly said as he glanced at his men.

They were all frustrated. They had been keeping watch on that zombie for days like guard dogs and nurturing it for their boss, but it fell into another person's hands in the end!

This result was so unacceptable that they felt like vomiting blood!

"Boss, we would at least take the heads of one of those dead people on the ground and show it to the guards who were in the gate duty this morning. These people might come from our base." Hurriedly said of them. He wasn't about to give up just like that.

"That's a good idea. I haven't seen many women with red hairs, if their group came from our base, it would be very easy to find her." Another one added as his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Good, let's do that then." Replied the captain as he looked at the hopeful expression on his men's faces.