Trouble comes knocking.

By the time Jonathan arrived at the base, the sun was already setting on the western horizon. However, the sky was still bright. But everything seemed to be covered by a shade of gray.

Normally, Jonathan should have been home hours ago. However, he had changed his mind on the way and decided to hunt more zombies before coming back.

He didn't plan on coming back to hunt zombies tomorrow or the next day. As such, he decided to hunt as many zombies as he could before going back.

Even though he was an Awakener, he didn't plan on becoming a zombie hunter. His dream was always to become a powerful weapons dealer and live an unrestrained life.

He didn't plan on risking his life hunting zombies for their nucleus. He planned to just sit at home making money and increasing his strength at the same time, leaving hunting zombies for the warriors.

He was never a soldier or a fighter. He was always a businessman. However, to start his business, he needed funds which was the reason why he had stayed behind to hunt more zombies.

As he was all alone, he didn't go to a 42 story building like the Emerald Hotel Building, he instead went to a small 10 story building on the very outskirts of the city.

The building was filled with Class 1 zombies and two or three class 2 zombies. This level of zombies could just be considered strong for a Level 1 Awakener or Level 2 Awakener.

However, for someone like Jonathan who had just broken through the Level 3 Warrior and was armed with a Machine Gun, they were still too weak.

This powerful combination of strength and machine gun had allowed him to sweep through the zombies in the building as though they were ants.

After arriving at the base, Jonathan went to park his car in the designated parking lot outside the base before walking towards the main gate while whistling.

He was extremely happy at the moment. Not only because he had made a small killing in his zombie hunt but also because he was going to see his little sister.

"I wonder if she missed me while I was away," Jonathan mumbled to himself. It was unknown if it was Natasha's residual feeling, but Jonathan took quite a liking to the little girl.

Back on earth, he was an orphan. He didn't have any brother or sister, he was all alone. He didn't have anyone waiting for him at home.

Though he was an arms dealer and a real scum of society, he was still a human being with feelings. No humans wanted to be alone and isolated and it was also the same for him.

After walking for about five minutes or so, Jonathan arrived at the entrance of the city gate. After paying five white energy crystals, he was allowed to go inside. Leaving the base for free. However, one had to pay a toll to enter.

It didn't matter whether one was a resident of the base or not, the toll was mandatory. Only those who worked for Lord Black Tiger and the Nine Executives were exempted from paying the toll.

Meanwhile, even after Jonathan has entered the base, he continued to whistle as he was making his way to his hotel.

As it was late, the street was nearly void of people. Only a few pedestrians could be seen walking down the streets and many of them were hunters that got back from hunting zombies.

Those hunters looked extremely tired as they were dragging their exhausted bodies to their homes. Some of them looked sad as though they have lost some people while others looked disappointed and dejected.

Being a hunter in this Apocalypse world was not an easy job. They indeed were treated like royalties by the Non-Awakeners and had a better way of life. However, each one of them trod a thin line between life and death on a daily basis.

"It seems like I'm being followed," Jonathan whispered to himself while feeling puzzled.

After becoming a Spiritualist, Jonathan had developed some sort of spiritual sense which allowed him to feel things around him. It was as if he had eyes behind his back or something. It was a weird and fascinating feeling.

Now that he has broken through the Level 3 Spiritualist, this power has become even stronger and its range had also greatly increased.

As such, even though his head was facing forwards, he could tell what was going behind him within a certain distance. It was how he was able to tell that someone has been following for the past ten minutes.

*But what am I being followed* He inwardly thought.

"Well, there's only one way to find out."

Having said that, Jonathan quietly left the main road and entered an alley. Unlike the main road, the alley was void of people and a little dark.

As he continued to walk further and further down the alley, the more the surroundings got dilapidated.

However, he could feel that person was still following him. He continued to follow him like an inseparable shadow.

Meanwhile, Jonathan did not even once look back. He continued to walk with his head straight like he didn't notice someone was following him.

However, his spiritual sense was spread out, coordinating his every action carefully, tantamount to flowing quicksilver, pervading through every corner. It was also locked onto the stalker.

As Jonathan continued to walk down the alley, he arrived at a small crossroad. Without stopping, he casually made a right.

And just like usual, the stalker also made a right as well. However, when he looked up, Jonathan was nowhere to be seen. It was ad if he vanished into thin air.

"Where did she go?" The stalker blurted out with a confused expression on his face as he was looking around.

"Don't tell me she knew I was following her and made a run for it." He added.

"If you dare to move a muscle, I'll blow your freaking brain out." As the stalker was looking around, a cold and icy voice suddenly rang out in his ears.

At the same time, he could also feel a cold metal poking the back of his head. Any idiot could tell that it was a gun.

At this moment, the stalker's legs became weak as he was trembling. He could feel his entire body become slowly drenched in cold sweat.

"Turn around slowly with both of your hands in the air." Asked Jonathan.

Following Jonathan's command, the stalker slowly turned around with both of his hands in the air, revealing his appearance.

Seeing the appearance of the stalker, Jonathan couldn't help but be surprised. It was one of the two guards at the gate who was collecting the entrance tolls.

"Why are you following me?" Coldly asked Jonathan.

"I am sorry miss but I wasn't f......."

"Ahh!" Before the guard could even finish his sentence, a loud "Bang" sound occurred following by a miserable shriek as Jonathan shot him on the kneecap.

"The next one will be in your third leg, so think carefully before answering my question. Why are you following me?" He asked with a cold and murderous intent in his eyes as he pointed his gun at the guard's little jewelry.

Looking at the gun pointed at his balls as well as the murderous look in Jonathan's eyes, the guard didn't dare to lie anymore.

"You are wanted by captain Boris." He hurriedly answered while still howling in pain.

"Who's captain Boris and why is he looking for me." Asked Jonathan.

"He is the captain of the 6th Hunter Squad under the 6th Executive of the Black Tiger base."

"As for why he's looking for you, I don't know. He just gave us your description and told us to inform him if we were to see you and he'll reward us."

Listening to the guard's words, Jonathan was even more confused. Not only he has never met these people before, but he also didn't remember offending any of them.

*Don't tell me they are looking for me because of the death of Jack and his crew* This was the only explanation Jonathan could come up with after racking his brain.

He then proceeded to ask the guard many questions about captain Boris and the 6th Executive. He wanted to know more about them to see if he could find any other clues as to why they were looking for him.

As for the guard, he answered all of Jonathan's questions to the best of his abilities. He didn't dare to tell a shred of lies, especially with a gun pointing at his balls.

Nonetheless, after answering all of Jonathan's questions, Jonathan still kept his promise and didn't shoot him in the balls but the head.

"It seems like trouble still comes knocking on my door even if didn't go looking for it." Said Jonathan as he put his gun back into his holster.

"Ohh well, though I don't like trouble, I'm not afraid of them either." He added as he rubbed both of his palms together in a carefree and calm manner as if nothing had happened.

His current appearance didn't look like he had just killed someone, it was exactly as if he just did some tiny trivial things.