The Preparation

"Sister, you're back." The moment Jonathan stepped into the hotel's room, he was greeted by the enthusiastic Talia.

She was extremely happy and her face was beaming with a smile as she ran and latched onto his thigh.

"Wow, did you miss your big sis that bad?" Asked Jonathan with a slight smile on his face as he bent down and picked Talia up before giving her a big hug.

He truly loved this kinda new feeling. It was something he had never felt before when he was on Earth.

It was a warm and pure feeling that passed through him like a warm ocean wave, washing away the stress of his day to leave him refreshed inside.

"Huh, I miss big sister a lot. I look at the window every time to see if you were coming." Replied Thalia before smiling cutely with her a pair of big and round eyes, full of spirit and intelligence.

Even though it's only been two days since they moved out of the slum, Talia has changed drastically. She became happier and her eyes were now full of hopes and life.

The only thing that hasn't changed yet was her physical appearance. She still looked a little malnourished. However, it won't be for long as Jonathan planned on fatten her up.

"Yout big sis misses you too. That's why I brought you a lot of gifts from my little trip. Do you want to see them?" Smilingly asked Jonathan as he put her down.

"Wow, really. Let me see them." Replied Talia as he was jumping with joy with her face was full of expectations.

"Ok." Replied Jonathan as he took out a bunch of items from the system spatial storage. There was a variety of them.

Aside from the little girl's clothes, there were a bunch of dolls and numerous teddy bears. There were some children's books as well.

Looking at the pile of toys on the ground, Talia's eyes opened wide from an unprecedented excitement. She was filled with joy and happiness as she immediately pounced towards the toys on the ground.

"I always wanted a giant teddy bear like this." She said as she grabbed a giant grey teddy bear on the ground.

"Ohh, I love this one too." She added as she excitedly grabbed another one.


"Alright, you can go and play with your new toys. I'm going to take a shower." Said Jonathan as he looked at Talia who was still going through her new toys one by one. She didn't even hear Jonathan's words.

After entering the bathroom, Jonathan turned on the water in the bathtub and let it run. Once he was done, he took his clothes off, revealing his perfect and charming body that could cause one's blood to boil.

As soon as the bathtub was filled with water, he then stepped inside and comfortably soaked in it.

In the next second, he couldn't help but take a deep breath due to the comfort before saying." This bath would have been even more comfortable if I was accompanied by young and voluptuous beauty."

At the same time, his mouth couldn't help but curve into a perverted smile. Even when he was on Earth, he was never the type of person that would suppress his sexual desires and didn't plan on doing here either.

"Ohh yeah, If remembered correctly, there was a bunch of martial skills in the system. Why don't I try to learn a few? I can't always rely on guns to defend myself." He suddenly said.

At first, he was surprised when saw that Martial Skills were considered weapons by the system. However, after a little thinking, he realized that martial skills could indeed be considered weapons.

The very definition of weapons was something or a device that can be used with the intent to inflict damage or harm. As such, it wasn't far-fetched to consider Martial Skills weapons.

Aside from that, there were also many Gene Modification Serums and Gene Enhancement Serums within the system as well. However, they were so expensive that Jonathan didn't even bother to look at them.

"Some of these skills are cheap while others are as expensive as the other weapons." Murmured Jonathan as he was looking through the numerous skills in the system shop after summoning the Martial Skills Menu.

"I'll start with the cheapest ones first. I can't afford to spend a lot of money." He added after looking through them all one by one.

"Purchase and learn Basic Swordsmanship Mastery's Skill." He said.

Instantly, the Basic Swordsmanship Mastery book icon lit up brightly. It shattered into countless little pinpoints of light then disappeared into thin air.

At the same time, Jonathan felt his consciousness blur for a split second, then recovered.

However, he suddenly found that he was very familiar and proficient with Swordsmanship. It was as if he's been learning Swordsmanship for a long time. All the basic movements and stances were engraved within his mind.

[You have learned Basic Swordsmanship Mastery]

*That's awesome*

Seeing how easy it was for him to learn those Martial Skills, Jonathan proceeded on buying and learning more Martial Skills. Most of them were skills like taekwondo, jiu-jitsu, etc.


The next day:

After a long cold night, the majestic sun rose into the horizon and Igniting the world anew with its brilliance.

"Sister, where are we going?" Talia suddenly asked as they were walking down the streets while holding onto Jonathan's hand.

Despite being early in the morning, the streets of the B Sector were very lively and also filled with people.

"We are going to see a friend of mine." Replied Jonathan as they continued to move forwards.

At this moment, Jonathan was wearing a tight pair of blue jeans and a hooded jacket that covered his head. It was as if he was trying to hide his appearance.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Jonathan stopped in front of the little shop. It was a small two-stories building with the signboard" Amelia Weapon Shop" hanging on the door of the first floor.

After looking at the signboard for a while, Jonathan immediately pushed the door open and entered the small shop.

The small weapons weapon shop was the same as the last time he came. It was very clean and had many weapons such as machetes, swords, longbows hanging on the wall. However, there weren't any firearms.

"You're back. How can I help you today?" As soon as Jonathan entered the shop, a surprised and charming voice suddenly rang out in his ears.

"Indeed, I'm back and it seems like you were expecting me." Answered Jonathan as he was looking at the beautiful woman standing behind the counter.

This lady was none other than Amelia, the owner of the shop. She wore a simple loose robe with an embroidered flower and no makeup.

Despite the large scar on her face, it still didn't diminish her beauty due to her charming eyes and defined brows. It was an amorous and flirtatious look.

Aside from that, her figure was also incredible. The dress couldn't hide her curves, full breasts, and rounded hips.

Her feminine charm was as clear as day. This was a mature and juicy grape that made others can't help but want to pluck it down for a bite.

Seeing how Jonathan was undressing her with his look, Amelia couldn't help but fluster a little. It was her first time seeing a woman looking at her with such fiery and voracious eyes. It was as though she wanted to devour her.

"Are you here to sell guns again?" Amelia hurriedly asked as she tried to take Jonathan's attention away from her body.

Upon hearing Amelia's question, Jonathan suddenly jolted awake from his wet daydream and said." No, I am here to ask you for a favor."

"A favor." Replied Amelia with a surprised expression on her face.

"How I can help you then?" She asked. Even though she didn't know much about Jonathan, she could tell that she wasn't like the other people she's met before.

"I need to take care of something. I don't know if you can watch over my little sister for a day or two." Said Jonathan as he pulled out Talia who was hiding behind his back with a small backpack on her back.

"Don't worry. It's not for free. I'll give you this weapon as a payment." He added as he placed one of his Silver Dessert Eagles on the counter.

"I didn't know you had such a beautiful sister. What's your name princess." Said Amelia with a motherly smile on her face as she moved behind the counter and bent down in front of Talia.

"My name is Talia. What about you? What's your name, beautiful sister." Asked Talia with a big smile on her face.

Most kids would have been afraid of the scar on Amelia's face, but Talia wasn't. Despite her age, she was very smart and tactful.

"Look at you, already know how to sweet talk at such young age. My name is Amelia but you can call me big sister." She answered as she gently pinched Talia on the chick.

"I always wanted to have a kid. I think this would be a great experience." Said Amelia.

"I can tell that you're a trustworthy person. You don't have to worry about the payment. Just don't forget about me when you have some good stuff to sells." She added as picked up Talia.

"Thanks," Jonathan said with a grateful look on his face.

"Talia, big sis has something to take care of and will be away for a day or two. Once I'm done, I'll come to pick you up and we will never separate again ok." Jonathan said with a caring look on his face as he caressed Talia's hair.

"I understand. I'll wait for you big sis." Replied Talia with her childish voice. She didn't ask where Jonathan was going or what she was going to do, that's how much she trusted and believe in her big sister.

"Thanks again. I owe you one," Jonathan added before leaving.