Captain Boris

After leaving Amelia's Weapon Shop, Jonathan didn't go back to the hotel but instead went into the deeper part of the B Sector. It was his first time going there.

Along the way, he saw many nice houses and villas and the number of Non-Awakeners greatly reduced as well.

For every ten people he encountered along the way, nine of them were Awakeners while the remaining one was a normal human with no power.

"Where the hell did Jack find all that money to buy a house in such a nice neighborhood." Uttered Jonathan with a confused expression on his face as he was looking at the houses in the area.

The deeper one went into the B Sector, the more expensive the houses became. Currently, Jonathan was at the heart of the B Sector.

This was the area all the powerful Level 3 Awakeners and high-ranking officials resided. Each one of the houses in the area costs at least a whopping 400 000 white energy crystals and above.

Jack who was the most powerful of the team of the four was only a peak Level 2 Awakener, so where the hell did he find all money to buy a house in this type of upscale neighborhood.

After walking for another twenty minutes, Jonathan finally stopped in front of a nice and beautiful gated house.

For a person like Jonathan, this house might not be much. However, it was an extremely luxurious house for the people living in the base.

"He wasn't lying when he said that he had a nice house," Jonathan said with a slight smile on his face as he was looking at the house in front of him.

According to Jack, the house had three floors, the basement, and the first and second floors. The area totaled up to 500 square meters. Each floor had more than 100 square meters and was extremely spacious.

The house had nine bedrooms, seven bathrooms along with two living rooms, one on the first floor and the other on the second floor. Aside from having a nice gym in the basement, the house also had a nice backyard.

"Alright, I hope this bastard comes because I truly want to know why the hell is he looking for me:" Jonathan coldly said as he took out the house key from his pocket and opened the gate.


Inside the villa at the center of the base, captain Boris was sitting in the living room while wearing a black outfit.

However, he wasn't alone. In front of him was a middle-aged man who was reporting something to him.

"What? One of the people surveying Jack's house just saw the red-haired woman entering the house." Captain Boris exclaimed in surprise after listening to his subordinate's report.

"Are you sure?" He asked with a confused expression on his face.

"I don't dare to lie about something that important captain." Answered the middle-aged man in a serious tone.

"I see. Even after knowing that I was after her, she didn't run away. She even dared to come back to the house knowing full well that I would put someone there to watch just in case she came back." Said Borris with a calculating glint in his eyes.

"Captain, we're not sure that she's aware that we are looking for her." The middle-aged man who was peak Level 2 Warrior remarked.

"Didn't you hear about the report of the guard that was following her last night?" Asked Boris as he placed his hands behind his back while pacing around the living room.

"He was found dead this morning in an alley. He was shot three times. One on the kneecap at close range and two times on the head at close range as well." Boris explained before the middle-aged man could even answer.

"Any dummies could tell that she made the guard talk before killing him. The shot on the kneecap was probably a warning shot that if he didn't talk, she would torture him or something."Boris added.

"As such, it is safe to assume that she already knows that I am after her. It's not like I hid my identity when I asked the guard to tail and inform me as soon they find her."

"The only question is why did she come back to the house instead of running away or hide."Asked Boris with a perplexed expression on his face.

"Aside from that, did your people find any information about her." Boris suddenly asked.

"I am sorry Captain, but we couldn't find anything about her. None of the hunters seemed to know anything about her or the guards."

"It was their first time seeing her. It was as if she appeared out of nowhere." Explained the middle-aged man.

Indeed, even though they were able to easily dig Jack and his crew's complete history, they were unable to find anything about the red-haired woman. She was shrouded in mystery.

"So we don't know whether she came from our base or a different base." Asked Boris.

"None, we have zero information about her. It seems like the only people that knew about her were Jack and his crew." He answered.

As an ex-military officer, Boris was a very cautious man. He knew full well how dangerous this lawless and apocalyptic world was.

To survive in this vicious world filled with terrifying monsters, aside from strength, the most important thing was to have a discerning eye!

One had to also have accurate intelligence and information or one might end up offending a terrifying figure without knowing it, immediately causing a calamity to befall oneself.

*I am gonna have to move with extreme caution*He was already suspicious when he realized that the red-haired was the only survivor of that party, now he was even more suspicious.

"Alright, call Norman and the others, we're going to pay a visit to that red-haired woman. I also have a feeling that she's expecting us as well. So, let's not keep her waiting." Boris coldly added.