The Influence of a Spiritual Awakener

"It seems like she left the gate open," Boris said as he saw that the gate was unlocked. At the same time, he was even more sure that the red-haired woman was expecting his presence.

Nonetheless, that didn't stop him as he slid the gate opened and let himself in along with his men. He didn't even bother to knock. It was as though he was entering his own house.

After entering the courtyard, it didn't take him ten seconds to make it to the front door of the house. And just like the gate, the front door was also opened.


*She is indeed waiting for me * Boris inwardly thought as he silently pushed the front door open.

The moment she stepped into the house, he saw a red-haired woman calmly sitting on the sofa in the living room while reading a book.

The red-haired woman was extremely beautiful. However, the red-haired woman's beauty wasn't what caught Boris's attention, but her presence.

Even though Boris didn't feel any aggression or even an ounce of Awakener's aura from the young red-haired woman, he could tell that she wasn't a simple character.

Furthermore, he could also feel a great sense of danger coming from her. A sense of danger he only felt when facing the Nine Executives and Lord Black Tiger. His intuition told him not to mess or even anger this red-haired woman.

As an ex-military officer and someone that has been through many life and death situations, his instinct and intuition have heightened to a point where he could even call it a sixth sense. As such, he didn't neglect it.

"So, you must be Captain Boris." As Boris was observing and analyzing the young woman in front of him, Jonathan's cold and feminine voice suddenly rang out in his ears.

"May I ask why you instructed one of your goons to follow me? I don't remember ever meeting you nor offending you." Jonathan added as he was looking at Boris.

Even when he was back on Earth, Jonathan never liked to waste time walking in circles. He always liked to get straight to the point.

Listening to Jonathan's straightforward question, Boris was taken aback. However, before he could even answer, one of his men abruptly stepped in.

"Such an arrogant tone!" He fiercely shouted:" Do you know who you are talking to?"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Meanwhile, before the man's voice could even fade away, three throwing knives suddenly flew out Jonathan's thigh and started hovering around the man's neck.

"Say that again!"Jonathan coldly asked with a murderous intent in his eyes.

"A Spiritual Awakener!"

"A Spiritualist!"


Not to mention the others, even Boris was shocked and completely dumbfounded upon seeing the three knives hovering around his subordinate's neck.

It happened so fast. This sudden development stunned all of them as they became frozen.

Boris even abruptly blinked twice to make sure he was seeing this right….. these throwing knives were indeed floating without being attached to anything!

As for the man who the knives were floating around, he was so scared and frightened that he almost soiled his pants.

Even a beggar in the streets heard stories about just how rare and terrifying were Spiritual Awakeners, let alone them.

"I am truly sorry Young Lady, my subordinate is ignorant like a frog at the bottom of a well and didn't know better as he dared to offend the Young Lady. Please forgive him." Said Boris in a respectful tone.

Boris was a clever man. He knew when to advance and when to retreat. As such, the moment he realized that the young woman in front of him was a Spiritual Awakener, he didn't dare to be disrespectful.

Even Lord Black Tiger who was a peak Level 5 Awakener would treat a Spiritual Awakener with utmost respect and caution, let alone him.

It didn't matter if that Spiritual Awakener was a Level 1 Spiritualist, no one dared to look down upon them.

"You're lucky I'm still in good mood." Jonathan coldly snorted as the three throwing knives suddenly flew back and landed in his hand.

Seeing this, Boris couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He truly didn't want the situation to escalate.

"You still haven't answered my question. Why did you send your people to follow me." Jonathan asked he was calmly staring at Captain Boris."

"I am sorry if my action offended you, it wasn't my attention. I got a report from one of our scouts that there was a peak Class 3 Zombie at the Emerald Hotel Building which was in the outskirts of the City."

"However, by the time my team and I went to kill it to remove this hidden danger from the outskirts of the city, we found that the zombie was already killed by another team."

"The reason I was looking for you it's because I wanted to reward the survivor of the team for getting rid of the hidden danger which was supposed to be our job."Explained Boris with a genuine and sincere tone.

*No Awakener is crazy enough to offend a Spiritual Awakener for a mere Class 3 Zombie nucleus* He thought.

Listened to Boris's answer, Jonathan couldn't help but chuckle as he said: "Mmm, I understand. I am glad you were able to clear that out for me."

"I could also feel some sincerity from your words. Since you wanted to meet me to reward me for killing the Peak Class 3 Zombie, here I am." He added as he seamlessly raised his hand towards Captain Boris without any reservation.

Jonathan wasn't stupid. He knew full well that Boris was lying. Even though he couldn't put all the pieces together, he already had a general idea as to why they were looking for him.

The only reason that Boris changed his story was that he was Spiritual Awakener. No one in their right mind would dare to antagonize a Spiritual Awakener for a class 3 zombie nucleus.

Also, he didn't want to start a needless conflict with the people on the base as he planned to use this place as his first stepping stone in the quest of achieving his dream.

"It's not much but I hope you can receive this as a token of our gratitude," Boris said as he handed a small bag to Jonathan.

*Damn it! I can't believe I just lost most of my savings just like that. Anyway, if it means befriended a Spiritual Awakener, losing a few thousand white energy crystals is nothing*

"If it isn't too much to ask, may I ask where Young Lady is from and what's an honorable person like yourself is doing in such a small base? Don't take my question in the wrong way, I just want to see if I can help in any way."

Boris chose his words carefully, not directly asking who Jonathan was. He normally didn't need to exercise such caution when speaking to a zombie hunter in the base.

However, he felt like prudence was the right choice. The other party was a Spiritual Awakener with power far beyond his imagination. At the same time, he wanted to strike a friendship with her. Who wouldn't want to befriend Spiritual Awakener?

"I am just a wandering merchant that specializes in selling weapons. If you want to buy weapons or know someone that wants to buy weapons. You can come to me, I'll be in this base for a while" Said Jonathan.

"You're already witnessed what my weapons can do to a peak class 3 zombie so I don't have to tell you just how powerful they are." He added with a mysterious smile on his face.