Ultimate Weapon Shop

In the blink of an eye, two days have gone by since the fateful encounter between Jonathan and Captain Boris.

During these two days, Jonathan didn't step one foot outside the base. Aside from moving into his new house with Talia, he was also familiarizing himself with the new neighborhood.

There was also no need for him to go outside. Not only he was able to pay off his debt to the system with the reward given to him by Captain Boris, he even had two thousand white energy crystals left.

As the right hand of one of the Nine Executives of the Black Tiger base, Captain Boris was very rich. These people didn't need to hunt zombies to earn white energy crystals, the base itself was like a money-making machine.

Aside from the white energy crystals collected from the hunters entering the city every day and other taxes, these people owned every house and every single plot of land within the base.

As such, they were all extremely wealthy compared to the rest of the hunters in the base.



"Sister, come look. I can ride the bicycle by myself now."

As Jonathan was going through his new guns inventory, Talia's exciting and childish voice suddenly rang across the whole house.

Ever since they have moved into this new house, Talia has become even more energetic and spirited. Her inner childish self which she has been suppressing was now started to come out.

"Good job Talia. Your big sis is a little busy right now, I'll be down in a few seconds." Jonathan shouted from the second floor of the house.

"It seems like I'll need to hire some people to take care of Talia and even adopted some girls her age to keep her company," Jonathan whispered to himself.

As time goes by, he would have less time to spend and play with Talia due to his line of work. There would also be times where he'd have to go away on business.

As such, it was better to start looking for people to take care of her and play with her while it's still early

"Sister, someone is knocking on the gate. Should I open it?" While Jonathan was making his way downstairs, Talia's voice rang out again.

"I am coming down." Replied Jonathan.

"It's Amelia big sister, I'm going to open the gate," Talia shouted with an exciting tone.

*Don't tell me she already made her decision*

Two days ago, when she went to pick up Talia, she asked Amelia to work for him. It was more like to become his follower in a way.

Amelia had something that he desperately wanted to successfully launch his business and that was her network. He had the supplies but not the right clientele.

Despite being a Level 2 Awakener, Amelia was a well-known character in the Black Tiger Base. In fact, she was the only person with a weapon shop throughout the whole base.

In this apocalyptic world where something like guns and bullets was very scarce and in high demand, not many people were willing to sell them.

However, it wasn't the case for Amelia. She made a living by buying and selling weapons. She also knew how to repair them.

Aside from her network, Jonathan wanted her because she looked very reliable and quick-witted.

Furthermore, Jonathan didn't want to encroach on her territory and step on her toes. In this world, taking one's Livelihood away was akin to killing that person.

"Look at you all sweaty, you are having so much fun that didn't even remember to pay your big sister Amelia a visit."

"Not true, I was going to ask big sister to take me to your place when she's free." Giggled Talia as she was being teased by Amelia.

When Jonathan arrived at the front courtyard, he found that Amelia was already inside and was holding Talia in her arm like a baby.

At this moment, Amelia was wearing a black leather jacket, with a pair of tight blue jeans. She looked very charming and enticing with her pitch-black hair tight behind her back.

Her current appearance was soul-destroying. Anyone who saw such a charming and supreme allure couldn't help but become smitten.

"Sweety, go play in the back for a while. Your big sister Amelia and I are going to talk about something." Jonathan said as he gently took Talia from Amelia and put her on the ground.

"Ok, I'm gonna ride my bike again." She excitedly said as she ran into the backyard again.

Soon after Talia left, the atmosphere became unprecedentedly heavy. Both Jonathan and Amelia were staring at each other.

"So, what's your decision," Asked Jonathan with a solemn expression on his face. Though he didn't look like it, Jonathan was a little nervous. He truly wanted someone like Amelia on his team.

Meanwhile, listening to Jonathan's words, Amelia took a deep breath and eventually calmed her mind. At the same time, the look in her eyes was resolute and calm as never before.

"I accept your proposal—" She calmly said with a pair of eyes that was as serene and smooth as flowing water.

"Good, I like your boldness." Jonathan couldn't help but smile after hearing Amelia's answer. At the same time, a look of relief appeared on his face.

He was also truly moved by Amelia's boldness and decisiveness. Not many people in her position or line of work would give up their business to work under some else. However, she was able to do it in such a resolute and staunch manner.

Though he had to show his Level 3 Spiritualist power to convince her a little, her determination still impressed Jonathan.

However, it didn't mean that he blindly trusted her words. The last time he did that, he ended up with a bullet in his head. He didn't want to make the same mistake again.

"One day you will realize that following was the best decision you ever make in your life." He confidently added.

Even though these words might have sounded arrogant, for some reason, Amelia felt as though Jonathan was telling a fact.

"I hope so!" She charmingly answered.

"Follow me, I have somethings to show you."Jonathan suddenly said as he walked into the house followed by Amelia.

"This is your first assignment." Said Jonathan as he took Amelia into his guns' collection room. He didn't want to waste any time as he dove straight into business.

"This..."At this moment, Amelia couldn't help but be stunned as she was looking at the weapons in front of her. Her eyes were wide open from shock. It was as if she was hit by a lightning bolt.

In the room were a pair of brand new M134 Miniguns and two small cases of .50 caliber bullets which contained about 4000 bullets each. Aside from that, there was also an M16 rifle, an old Ak-47, two pair milliary knives, and three military binoculars.

The M16 rifle, the old Ak-47, and the other items didn't surprise Amelia that much though they were also important. What caught her attention the most were a pair of brand new M134 Miniguns and two small cases of .50 caliber bullets.

These four things were enough to incite the greed of every single zombie hunter in the Black Tiger base and prompt them to start a new murderous competition for it.

In the post-apocalyptic world, there was no such thing as an Arms-factory and bullets factory. Everything was shut down and abandoned along with many other things.

As such, the resources from the old world had greatly depleted because of consumption in the past few years.

For instance, people had guns but no bullets as they've used them all hunting zombies. There was a high demand for things like weapons and bullets but no supply.

*It seems like I made the right decision*Amelia inwardly thought as she cast a mysterious glance at Jonathan.

"With this pair of M134 Miniguns, I want to announce the arrival of the Ultimate Weapons Shop to the Black Tiger base and the rest of the world." Said Jonathan with his eyes gleaming with anticipation and excitement.

"Don't worry Boss. I already have the perfect stage for the Ultimate Weapons Shop to make its glorious entrance into the world." Replied Amelia as her eyes were still fixated on the pair of M134 Miniguns. She had a look of confidence on her face.

"Oh really," Jonathan exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, two days from now there will be an auction in the B sector. Most of the influential people within the base will be there. This is the perfect stage for the Ultimate Weapons Shop to make its entrance." Replied Amelia with a crafty smile on her face.