Natasha Bridget

"I think that's about it for now boss," Amelia concluded her plan to transform the Ultimate Weapons Shop into a neutral superpower.

"Impressive!"Exclaimed Jonathan after hearing Amelia's plan.

Jonathan always thought he was a genius because he was able to create an empire from scratch back on Earth.

However, after listening to Amelia's business plan, he realized just how dumb he was. He was at a loss for words and didn't understand most of the words and terms she was using.

This woman was not only beautiful, but she was extremely smart and business-oriented. She gave him the feeling as though she was the CEO of some multi-billion dollars company.

Also, after listening to Amelia, Jonathan was reminded that being an arms dealer wasn't an illegal or a profession that people frown upon.

He wasn't on Earth anymore like he sometimes forgot. In this apocalyptic world, his business was perfectly legit. In fact, being an arms dealer was the most lucrative and respected business in this new world.

"Thanks." Replied Amelia with a charming smile. Even though her mind was full of questions she wanted to ask, she didn't dare ask them.

Though she had accepted to work for this mysterious red-haired woman, there were still many things she didn't know about her and the company she claimed to work for.

She only told her that she was the representative of a powerful gun manufacturing company known as Ultimate Weapon Shop in a distant land and was sent to Avalon to start a branch office.

At first, she was going to decline her offer as she didn't want to tell her much about that mysterious company and some other key details.

However, after some thinking, she decided to risk it all and accepted the offer. She didn't want to spend the rest of her life living like this. She was a very ambitious person and wanted to live her life to its fullest potential.

"Well, I guess that's it for today. I'll come back tomorrow to bring you the money." Amelia Said.

After knowing that her boss didn't get the weapon for free and had to buy them for a certain price from the mother company and sell them at any price she wanted, she offered to invest some of her own money as well.

As a businesswoman, she didn't want to pass on such a great opportunity. Luckily, her boss wasn't a selfish individual and agreed with her proposal.

This generous action alone made her appreciate her new boss even more as well as seeing her in a new light.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then."


"With this new look, I doubt anyone that knew Natasha before would recognize her." Said Jonathan as he was looking at himself in the mirror.

His hair was no longer draped behind his back anymore. It was now extremely short as he had cut it with an old scissor he found in the house.

He was going for a pixie cut but ended up with some entirely different. Nonetheless, it still looked nice on him.

"Alright, it's time to get out of here. I need to take of this as soon as possible." He added before making his way outside.

It was unknown if it was because she was too tired after playing for such a long time, but Talia fell asleep soon after taking a shower. As such, Jonathan only left her note before leaving.

It was already late in the evening and the sun was slowly sinking beneath the horizon, but the threads of sunlight still lingered in the air, mingling with the dark cloud as if accidentally left behind.

"I had no idea it was already this late," Jonathan murmured to himself as he was making his way to the slum.

"Should I go back and come back tomorrow." He added with an indecisive look on his face. He was planning on recruiting one or two maids to take care of the house as well as taking care of Talia which was why he was going to the slum.

There were so many homeless and people starving at the slum, as long as he offered to feed them, clothe them and give them a place to stay, they would be more than willing to follow him.

He didn't even need to play. It might sound like slavery but he was doing them a favor by taking them in.

"I beg you, please release my child."

Soon as Jonathan made it to the outskirts of the slum, he suddenly heard a loud pleading voice of a woman in the distance.

He turned towards the direction of the sound and found that it was coming from two blocks down.

Many people were walking around the area where the pleading sound was coming from. However, none of them even bother to stop to help

It was as if they were deaf as they were going on their merry way.

"It's things like that remind just how crazy and far gone this world is." He mumbled to himself. It was literally everyone for oneself in this apocalyptic world.

To make matter worse, they were in the slum. A place where the guards would never visit. As such, one could basically do whatever they wanted without worrying about any consequences.

"I'm begging you, please release my child. I'll come with you, it's acceptable if I come with you right? Please just let my daughter go." The pleading voice of the woman rang out again.

"Nonsense, someone like you who's old and beady, even an old man wouldn't dare. Hurry up and get lost!" Another person answered with a disdainful and angry voice.

However, the moment Jonathan listened to that voice, his body couldn't help but shiver. At the same time, his heart was suddenly engulfed with a powerful murderous intent for no reason.

"What the hell is happening? What does that person's voice make my body react this way?"Jonathan uttered with a confused and frightened expression on his face.

Jonathan himself wasn't afraid nor did he have any kinda hatred towards the owner of the voice, but his body did for some reason.

It was both creepy and odd. It was as if he had lost control of his body and it had a will of its own. He suddenly had this powerful impulse to kill the owner of that voice.

Jonathan also found that voice to be a little familiar, but he didn't know where he had heard it before. The only men he ever talk to were Jack and his crew, captain Boris and that guard he had killed in the alley. However, none of them was a match to that voice.

*Let's see what made you react that way* He thought with a burning curiosity in his heart as he made his way toward the direction of the voice.

After arriving, Jonathan saw a woman was kneeling on the ground and tightly grabbing on a middle-aged man's leg whilst persistently pleading to him.

The middle-aged looked around the late thirties and was slightly built. He was currently dragging a young girl out of the tent by the head while the old woman was trying to stop him.

The young woman looked around seventeen and had long black hair. She looked extremely beautiful and innocent.

"So, it was you? No wonder!" Jonathan blurted out with a surprised expression on his face as he was looking at the middle-aged man ahead of him.

Now Jonathan knew why his body had this intense reaction after listening to the man's voice. This middle-aged man was none other than the person that has beaten the previous owner of this body to death and allowed him to take over.

"Who?"Listening to Jonathan's voice, the middle-aged couldn't help but jump as he turned around.

He was caught by surprise as he didn't know there was someone behind him. He didn't even hear that person's footsteps, let alone feel his presence.

But the moment he saw Jonathan, his eyes became dazed and his body experienced a numbing sensation he had never felt before; all of the blood in his body nearly boiled over.

He didn't know what language he could use to describe the beauty of the woman in front of his eyes…. Her eyes, as if it was the most dazzling pearl in the world, shimmered with a mystifying beautiful complexion.

What exquisite flawlessness were her cheeks and features, impeccable to the point that it couldn't even be described with mere words?

At this moment, he had forgotten about the young lady and the old woman. His eyes were glued to the woman in front of her.

His heart entrenched the intense desire to possess her, pin her below his body and wildly ravage her with abandon.

"Let them go." Jonathan coldly asked as he immediately took out his gun from his holster and pointed at the middle-aged man.

Looking at the brand new nine-millimeter pointed at him, the middle-aged man suddenly jolted awake from his daze, and revealed a terrified expression as his body went cold. Even his little brother instantly went numb as well.

"What….what are you doing? Do you know who I am? I am a patrol guard at the B Sector." He said in a trembling voice as he let the mother and daughter go. Even though he was a Level 1 Awakener, he wasn't impervious to bullets.

"You really don't recognize me. Do you?"Asked Jonathan with a sinister smile on his face.

"Do….do I know you?" Confusedly asked the middle-aged man as he was intently staring at the beautiful woman in front of her, trying to remember her face.

The woman did look a little familiar to him but he couldn't remember where he had met her before.

"I guess you wouldn't." After becoming a Level 3 Awakener, Natasha's body had undergone a drastic change. It became taller and more refined.

Her skin has become as smooth as a baby's butt and the aura around her changed as well. She looked like a completely different person, not to mention Jonathan had just cut his hair.

"Do you remember the red-haired woman you almost beat to death a few days ago?" Jonathan reminded.

"" Upon hearing Jonathan's words, the middle-aged finally realized why that short red-haired woman looked familiar.

At the same time, he was shocked. It was as if a bomb went off inside of him; he was shaken and rendered speechless!

"Good, now that you remember, off you go." He coldly added.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before his voice could even fade away, he emptied the magazine on the middle-aged man and riddled him with bullets.

He didn't want to waste time on this scumbag. Once he planed on killing someone, he didn't like wasting time talking to them.

He was very a decisive person. Also, killing people wasn't new to him. As such, he didn't feel any remorse or regret when killing someone.

*I guess part of you were still in there. You don't have to worry anymore and go in peace. The man who was responsible for your death is now dead. We killed him together, you and me.*

*I vow to take care of Talia and love her with all my heart as though it was my own sister. I also promise to make the Name Natalia Bridget resound in every corner of this damn world*

*It's time for you to move on Natasha just like I am right now. There's no looking back anymore but looking forward. Jonathan no longer exists. My old life is gone. From now on, I am Natasha Bridget, Talia's older sister*

As soon Jonathan resolved himself to fully take on this new identity, the murderous feeling as well as the resentment he felt earlier suddenly disappeared like smoke as a row of tears streamed down his face.

At the same time, he felt his body become very light as if a heavyweight has been lifted on his shoulder. Now, he felt as though his soul was completely in sync with his new body, like this body was his since the beginning.

With a slight smile on her face, she turned and looked at the terrified mother and daughter and calmly said." My name is Natasha Bridget, I am a level 3 Awakener, would you like to follow me?"