The Day of the Auction

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed since the meeting between Natasha and Amelia.

At dawn on the second day, a drizzle fluttered down from the sky, enveloping the entirety of Black Tiger Base in drizzling mist.

Despite being early in the morning, Natasha had awoken from her bed long ago and was even dressed. Today was an extremely important day for her as it was the day of the auction.

She had the feeling that his weapons would the hottest and the most valuable items in this whole auction. She could already imagine the mayhem and the bidding wars they would cause.

"Hehehe! After today I will no longer be a broke and unknown character." She mumbled to herself in the mirror with an exciting look on her face.

"Lady Natasha, are you awake? Miss Amelia is waiting for you downstairs in the living room." As Natasha was checking herself in the mirror, a woman's voice suddenly rang from outside the door of her room.

"Yes, I am up already. Tell her that I'll be down in a second Marianne."Replied Natasha with an exciting tone.

*It seems like she couldn't wait either* She thought.

"Yes, my lady." Respectfully answered Marianne.

Marianne was the old woman that Natasha has saved from the clutches of the middle-aged man two days ago along with her daughter.

She wasn't really that old. She was in her late thirties but lack of proper nutrition and self-care made appeared as though she was in her sixties.

She was now working as a maid in the house while her daughter Rose was working as Talia's babysitter as well as her playmate.

With both of them working in the house, Natasha didn't have to worry about Talia anymore and had more time for herself.

Even though Natasha said that she'll be down in a second, it took her another three minutes before she went down.

As soon as she got to the living room, she was greeted by Amelia who was patiently waiting for her.

Unlike Natasha who was wearing a black tactical military outfit, Amelia was wearing a tight black suit which exposed her voluptuous curves.

She also wore white prescription glasses and her hair was tight nicely behind her back. With a small notebook in her hand, she looked like a true businesswoman.

Looking at Amelia, Natasha couldn't help but exclaim in surprise ."Wow! This new look fits you well. You look extremely gorgeous."

"Ohh yeah! Thanks. That's how I usually dress for my job before the apocalypse." She replied with a sweet smile.

"I see. Did everything go well yesterday?"Natasha suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I gave all the items to be auctioned to the manager of the auction house. They'll take a ten percent cut from the total sale." Answered Amelia.

"Can we trust them? The Spiderweb Auction House." Asked Natasha. This wasn't the old world anymore where there's laws and one could sue a company or take them to court for stealing, etc.

This was an apocalyptic world where the strong prey on the weak. An entirely new world where the law of the jungle reigned.

"Notion such as trust is a luxury in this new world. However, we can trust them for now. They still don't know anything about us and the people we work for, so they'll keep a friendly relationship with us for the time being." Explained Amelia after pondering for a while.

The Spiderweb Auction House was the most renowned and powerful enterprise in the western part of the country of Avalon. They sold everything from treasures to even slaves.

They had branches in virtually every survival base in the western area. Their headquarters was located in the Sanctuary, the largest and most powerful survival base in the western area.

As such, it wasn't a force that Natasha could go against even if they were to play dirty tricks on her. Even Black Tiger, the leader of the Black Tiger who was a Level 5 Awakener had to act respectfully in front of the manager of the auction in his base and didn't dare to offend them.

"Alright, let's go then. I don't want to be late on such an important day." She nonchalantly replied.

*I'll need to increase my strength as soon as possible if I want to stand tall in this apocalyptic world. It didn't matter if it was the Spiderweb Auction House or Black Tiger, I need to be stronger than all of them *

Even though it was early in the morning, the streets within all of Black Tiger base were already weaved with streams of Awakeners and extremely bustling.

The sounds of discussion about the auction that would be held in the Spiderweb Auction house today could be heard everywhere.

"Did you guys see the list of the items? There are three brand new M134 Miniguns, two PKM-machine guns, and three M16 rifles. They are all brand new. Where did they find them?"One of the hunters exclaimed as he was making his way to the auction house with his companions.

"Not only that, they have so many ammunitions this time. It's like they have robbed an ammunition manufacturing company." Another one added.

"That's the Spiderweb Auction house for you. They deserve to be the best auction house in the western area." Another one commented.

The day before the auction, the Spiderweb auction house always compiled a list of the auction items, effects, and starting price.

This was a good way to add to the hype. It also allowed potential buyers to know much money they needed to gather once they saw an item that caught their interest.

"Does the streets always fill with people like that when there's an auction?" Natasha couldn't help but ask as she was looking at the streams of people making their way to the auction site.

There were hundreds of them. She only saw that many hunters when she had gone outside the base to hunt zombies a few days ago.

"No, I participated in the last auction two months ago, there weren't that many people. I think it's because of our items that these many hunters show up." Replied Amelia with a slight smile on her face.

She seemed very pleased with this outcome, especially when she heard the people talking about the M134 Miniguns, the PkM-machine guns, and the M16 rifles. She knew that they were about to roll on money.

After walking about twenty minutes, Natasha and Amelia finally arrived at the location where the auction was taking place.

It was a large building that was located at the core area of the Black Tiger Base. This building used to be a small auditorium before the apocalypse, but the Spiderweb auction house has now turned it into its auction site.

The entrance of the building was already packed with people who were trying to buy tickets to participate in the auction.

During the process of lining up to buy the tickets, most of the hunters were discussing animatedly, and all of them held extremely great anticipation and curiosity towards the auction that was about to begin.

"What? Just an ordinary invitation actually requires spending 20 white energy crystals" That's robbery, it only cost 5 energy White energy crystals the last time."

"Tch, just the get hell out of here if you don't have money. Did you see the list of the items they are selling this time? I have to get one of those M134 Miniguns no matter what."

Aside from that, Natasha also noticed that amongst the hunters that had come to participate in the auction, some of them didn't even stop by to buy tickets as they were led inside by the attendants of the auction house.

From one glance, she could tell that these people were the elites and the tyrants of the Black Tiger base. Moreover, they didn't use the main entrance, they walked in through a specially opened VIP pathway.

"Miss Amelia, you finally came. I've been waiting for you." As Natasha was looking at this scene in front of her along with Amelia, an old exciting voice suddenly rang out in the ears.

As Natasha turned around, she saw an old man walking towards them with a huge smile on his face. It was as if he just won the lottery.

"'Manager Han, you didn't have to."Replied Amelia with a surprised expression on her face after seeing the old man.

She didn't expect the manager of the auction house himself would come out to personally receive them.

Unlike Natasha, Amelia knew full well that manager Han was an extremely proud and haughty old man, he didn't even put Black Tiger in his eyes. Yet, he was personally receiving them.

"How could I not. You are our most esteemed guest this morning." He sincerely answered.

"I'm guessing you are Lady Natasha, the representative of the Ultimate Weapons Shop, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." He added with an amiable smile on his face as he shifted his gaze towards Natasha.

"Indeed, I am Natasha. It's also a pleasure to meet you." Smilingly replied Natasha as she shook the old man's hand.

[Kinesis Type Awakener: Level 5 Warrior]

*That's new! kinesis type Awakener*Natasha inwardly thought as she was looking at the old man's stat.

While Natasha was observing the old man, the old man was also checking her out, and he was not without astonishment!

Not only because of her beauty but because he couldn't see through her at all. He couldn't feel an ounce of Awakener's aura from her. If he didn't know she was a Spiritual Awakener, he would have mistaken her for a normal person.

After a while, the manager's wits returned, and he glanced at Natasha and said with a genuine smile" Let me lead you to your VIP booth, the auction is about to start."

"Sure, lead the way." Calmly replied Natasha.

"Who the hell are these two people? Why is the manager Han personally receive them?" A female hunter suddenly asked as she was looking at the manager leading Natasha and Amelia inside.

Not only the female hunter, but all of them were also thinking the same thing as they were looking at this scene.