The Start of the Auction

As soon as Amelia and Natasha entered the building, Manager Han took them directly into the auction site.

The area where the auction was taking place was very wide and also well structure for this kinda event. It used to be a small auditorium before the apocalypse.

As such, it was designed in a way where there was a stage in which the performances took place and the seating area where the audience sat.

The entire seating area was nicely carpeted and the pews were padded. It was comprised of cushion chairs aligned in consecutive straight rows, facing the elevated stage.

There were also some private boxes on the second floor which were used as the VIP rooms where the Spiderweb Auction House received its esteemed guests.

"Miss Amelia, Lady Natasha, here's your VIP room. I hope it's to your liking."Manager Han said with an amiable smile on his face as he took both Amelia and Natasha to their VIP room.

"Thanks, manager Han. It's really a nice and comfortable VIP room." Answered Amelia sweetly. As for Natasha, she merely shook her head in acknowledgment.

The VIP room wasn't large, yet was decorated extremely tastefully, and when one sat within it and looked down at the surroundings, it was indeed capable of allowing one to arouse the feeling of being superior and in control of everything.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it. You can let me know if you require any service, I'll place an attendant right outside the VIP room" Manager Han bowed as he finished speaking, and then he turned around and left.

"I've never heard and seen Manager Han behave that politely to anyone before." Amelia suddenly commented with a proud expression on her face after Manager Han had left the second floor.

"I guess he is really satisfied with the products we brought him." Answered Natasha with a slight smile.

Indeed, Manager Han was extremely satisfied with the products. In fact, some of them were the most valuable items that his branch auction house has the pleasure to auction.

Not only he was going to make an ample amount of commission from them, but these items would also boost the popularity of his branch auction as well.

If he could continue to auction these high-quality items like that in his branch, it won't be long before people travel from other bases to participate in his auction.

At that time, his promotion won't be far off which was why he was extremely polite to Natasha and Amelia.

He wanted to strike a friendship and a partnership with them so they could continue to supply him with these high-quality weapons.

"Indeed, just like he need us, we also need him. So, it's all good for now. We are mutually using each other for our own benefits." Amelia wasn't stupid, she knew already why Manager Han was kissing their butts.

"It's my first time being treated as a VIP since the apocalypse." Amelia groaned with comfort while sitting on the couch. She truly liked and missed this kinda feeling.

As the VIP rooms were on the second floor and were also facing the platform, their field of vision was extremely vast, allowing them to be able to see everything in their surroundings from within the room, yet the people on the outside were unable to see the situation within the VIP room.

Looking at the satisfying expression on Amelia's face, Natasha couldn't help but smile as she said" Tell me if anything that arouses your interest appears in the auction this time, I'll bid for it for you."

"Thank you, boss." Amelia nodded. Though she's only been following Natasha for a short time, she already figured out her nature. She knew that her boss was extremely easygoing and straightforward.

As Natasha and Amelia were having a nice conversation in their private booth, a wave of noise suddenly arose from the auction area below as the auctioneer stepped into the stage.

"Manager Han is the auctioneer. I thought they would bring in some beautiful lady instead." Natasha blurted out as she looked at the old man that stepped onto the stage.

"Manager doesn't host the auction, it's usually a beautiful girl like you mentioned. I guess he wanted to be in the limelight this time."Answered Amelia.

Meanwhile, as soon as Manager Han stepped onto the stage, he didn't waste any time as he started speaking." Honored guests, the auction of my Spiderweb enterprise this time is of the grandest scale in the recent years."

"Numerous treasures and weapons will be presented today, and all of them are rare and of top quality. Our Spiderweb auction house wishes for everyone to have a fruitful venture so that you will not feel as if this was a wasted trip."

Manager Han swept the surroundings with his gaze and said in a low voice, "I presume everyone knows the rules of the auction, so I won't give unnecessary details. Next, we'll start with the auction of the first treasure."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and of the attendants brought something to him which was covered an in red cloth to hide its appearance.

As took the object from the attendant, Manager Han raised it in the air and said." The first item is just an appetizer."

He then took out the red cloth from the mysterious object in his hand, revealing a small animal in a cage. It was a small puppy.

"This a small puppy found in Metro city by a group of zombies hunters while doing a raid. This puppy isn't just a regular puppy but a demonic beast." Said Manager Han.


The moment these words came out of Manager Han's mouth, the whole crowd went into an uproar as everyone in the entire auction area was discussing animatedly.

Just like humans were able to Awaken as Awakeners by the mysterious power of the apocalypse, animals were able to do the same as well.

However, unlike humans, they referred to them as demonic beasts. They were all hostile to humans just like the zombies and viewed them as food as well.

But, if they were to be raised and tamed while they were still young, they could become a loyal and powerful beast companion.

"The starting bid for this demonic puppy is 1000 white crystals."Said Manager Han.

"Talia would be extremely happy if I bought her this little puppy." Said Natasha as she was looking at the cute little puppy.

However, as she was about to bid for it, she was suddenly stopped by Amelia." Boss, if you want that puppy, don't bid for it. You will be able to get it for much cheaper and even free after the auction."

"What do you mean?" Natasha asked as she was looking at Amelia with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Wait and you'll see." She answered with a devious smile.

Sure enough, in the next few seconds, something unexpected happened that left Natasha both confused and bewildered.

Contrary to her expectation, not even a single person bid for the little demonic beast puppy.

"What's going on?" Natasha turned and asked Amelia with a perplexed expression on her face. She couldn't understand why no one bid for the little demonic beast puppy despite its usefulness.

Looking at Natasha's perplexed expression, Amelia couldn't help but chuckle as she calmly said." It's true that having a powerful demonic beast as a companion increase the overall strength of a hunter but it's not easy to raise them."

"It cost a fortune to raise a little demonic beast cub and there's also a high chance that it might die before it could become useful. As such, not many people would waste their money on them."

"They would rather spend their money on weapons and other items which they could use immediately."

"Ohh, I see. It makes sense." Answered Natasha after hearing Amelia's explanation.

Meanwhile, seeing that he was unable to sell the little demonic beast curb, Manager Han took it back and introduced the next item which was an old power generator.

Furthermore, he didn't look dissatisfied or disappointed at all. It was as if he was expecting this result.

Soon after he brought the power generator, people started to bid for it. In this apocalyptic era, electricity didn't power by the state or an electrical company but by oneself using a power generator or solar panel.

A such, just like a weapon, a power generator was extremely useful in the apocalypse. Soon after Manager Han sold the second item, he brought the 3rd and the 4th item, etc.

After introducing and selling the 6th item, Manager took a small break and swept the crowd with a mysterious smile on his face before saying." Honored guests, the moment you've been waiting for is here. Our 7th item is a brand new PKM-machine gun with a small case of ammunition that contained 200 bullets."

"Most of you here are all ex-militaries and experienced hunters, so I don't need to explain how powerful is the PKM-machine gun as well as its benefits. This is a weapon that all hunters desire. The starting price is 2000 white energy crystals."