Finding Able Bodies!


Prima woke up with Tuff looking quite a mess in their little new humble abode. With a nice refreshing yawn, Prima began getting ready for her first day as village leader. She already heard the village in full working mode hours ago and walked outside the village chief's house. She received multiple thanks and greetings whenever the she passed by the villagers.

Prima was looking for the chief so that she could find out the surroundings for this place and then she could begin improving the village and its inhabitants. She won't be taking the front lines except in emergencies and will have the villagers mostly do everything for her, but at the same time if anyone comes to cause trouble for the village she will have to stand up. What kind of image would her village promote if she wasn't visible to see?

So, Prima found the village chief inside the weaponsmith's shop with the middle-aged man's young daughter. They both had soot over their faces, one smiling, one with a disgruntled look on his face. The girl was bringing the weaponsmith tools while he was working and the village head was talking to the weaponsmith.

The head noticed her entrance.

"Ah Prima. Are you in need of some weapons? Leroy here could be some help." He smiled.

"I was looking for you actually chief. I wanted to know about the situation in the village and around us."

"Oh oh yes. My apologies. Of course, you would want to know about the situation as our savior. Please follow me." He said.

The weaponsmith grunted.

"Bye weaponsmith and weaponsmith's daughter!" Prima shouted as she left with the chief.

"Bye pretty lady!"

The chief escorted Majin around the village and talked about the many problems the village was facing. She started thinking of possible solutions for these things but they will come in time. For now, she had to solve the food problem. She could easily create a large abundance of vegetables, fruits, and such in their farming lands, but that wouldn't help her subjects in the long run. She doesn't want them to depend on her for everything and she didn't know the first thing about farming when thinking about her old world.

After taking her on a tour through town the chief explained to her about their local surroundings, the monster-filled forest to the south of the village, the larger noble-run town north of the village where the village got most of it's traffic and visitors from, the great plains to the east, and the town run by the Church in the west.

"We are forced by the baron to give half of our crops as payment for their supposed "protection fee" and yet I saw none of them come to our help yesterday when we were facing certain doom."

"Don't worry about the baron anymore chief. The crops that we have will only be for our own uses. I'll protect the village." Prima told him.

He was about to get on his knees and start thanking her again but she quickly stopped him.

"Just a simple thanks is good enough. I'm was born a commoner, just like you." She smiled.

Tears started raining down the chief's face as he looked into her eyes.

"Thank you…. So much…."

After a few seconds, he got himself together and left Prima to her own devices.

"It's time to start working!" She shouted.

Prima searched for some able-bodied people that didn't seem to be doing anything and only found a couple of teenagers. Along with the four pre-teen kids from yesterday that followed behind her. She took them to an open field inside the village and gathered them together.

"I'm not going to force you guys into doing anything you don't want to, but I am going to force you into doing something for the village. I'm going to teach you how to become stronger, smarter, or more skilled in something. So, shout out what you want to learn!" Prima told them.

"MAGIC!" the four little scamps from yesterday shouted.


"Being an adventurer."

"Magic Chef ~~~." She sang.

"Becoming stronger."

"Making money."

Prima smiled. At least they knew what they wanted to learn about. She told the older kids, who were probably around her real age, to gather around her while Tuff played with the kids. She used her magic and forcibly got the teenager's magic circulating throughout their bodies. If the mana doesn't get stirred or agitated good enough, it just sits inside a person's body and will not affect them at all. She looked at what their best suited for and nodded.

"Hmm good good. Okay you 6 sit there and you 3 over there."

She split up the magic group and the physical group. Since the magic group is bigger, she decided to save them for last. She kept them busy by forcing them to do some exercises while she explained to the three how she was going to help them.

"Hunting is easy enough and becoming an adventurer is also easy. However, becoming stronger.. What exactly do you mean by that? How strong?" She asked.

"I want… to be strong enough to protect my friends and family… I don't want to feel helpless like I did yesterday ever again.." The skinny blonde twin said while balling her fists.

"That's real admirable and all but that isn't a clear answer. What if the gods themselves were coming for your friends and family? Do you want to become strong enough to kill even them?" She asked.

She was about to answer but quickly stopped herself.

"I… don't know…" She answered after thinking deeply.

Prima patted her on the shoulder.

"It's fine. Having a goal is a good thing. I have something different in mind for you. The lesson I have for those two won't be helpful for you. So, for now take this!" Prima materialized a wooden axe behind her back and handed it to the girl. "Practice with this and we'll start learning more tomorrow."

Prima looked at the other two and told them to follow her for today. She then went over to the magic group and had them stop exercising. She looked at their sweaty and heavily breathing bodies.

"Not bad." She smiled. "I'm going to teach you all how to feel mana and start training your control over it."

"But I already feel my mana!" One of the kids responded.

"That's not what I meant. Mana in general is what you need to feel. The mana in the air, the grass, the trees, and even the people around you. If you train hard enough in sensing mana, you'll even be able to sense a tiny little worm from 3 or 4 towns over." Prima said while gaining awe's and ooh's.

"How do we train then Prima!?" Leon, the blonde-haired kid, asked.

"It's easy. All you have to do is feel your mana and have it flare out from your body." She explained as the magic group began doing as she explained.




They started dropping like flies and Prima smiled.

"I forgot to warn you. This training method will drain most of your mana for first time users, but don't worry too much. Draining most of your mana slowly increases the amount you gain back after a good rest though. We'll start practicing mana control tomorrow after you guys can move around again." She giggled.

Prima had Tuff stack all the magic users on his back and carry them off to their homes while she went outside the village with Lex, the black-haired teenager, and Nola, the brown haired village teen. This was to teach them about hunting and adventuring! She even went to the best adventuring school in the country, so she knew her stuff!

She took the boys into the monster-infested forest and had them follow behind her.

'I don't know much about hunting since I was just a normal girl not too long ago but I think I read enough novels to get me by. Learning how to move silently, finding tracks/droppings, knowing how to build traps, and other stuff I don't know how to do. Hopefully these kids are hunting prodigies because I'm only able to find animals through mana searching and my enhanced senses.'

"Try to walk as silently as you can and keep your eyes, ears, and nose on the lookout. Anything can kill you in this forest. Even this." Prima said while catching a very tiny black little bug between her index and thumb. She squished it lightly and killed it before explaining that the bug she just killed bite is potent enough to incapacitate a demon.

The two boys shivered at the thought of such a tiny thing being able to end their lives within a second and followed behind Prima even closer. She held in an amused giggle and led the boys to a slightly open parting in the forest. They walked out and Prima allowed them to take a break after stretching their senses to the max in trying to avoid and locate any monsters in the area. They sat against a log and took a drink of water from a small puddle.

'Hmm not the beast that I wanted but, it'll work I guess.' Prima said while noticing the rather large panther stalking her and the two village boys.

It pounced and barely missed their group as Prima grabbed the two boys and jumped out of the way.


They screamed as Prima let them go and began to shiver in fear while slowly crawling away backwards.

"Toughen up! This cat is the weakest of the weak! A F-ranked monster. If you two want to get anywhere as a hunter or adventurer you need to have the courage for it! Stand up!" Prima shouted.

The two continued to shake uncontrollably, but they looked at each other before slowly gathering the nerves to stand up. They were sweating so much it looked as if they just got done being chased by the cat. Their shirts were soaked but they managed to stand while their legs continued to wobble. It seems taking a step was a bit too much at this point but Prima was glad they managed to get up at all.


The two screamed and flinched as the animal ran towards them.

'Good enough. It would've been better if they ran but we'll work on that later..'

Prima raised her hand towards the incoming monster and the two boys were soon rendered speechless and awed.