Getting Comfy!?


The incoming bloodthirsty monster was stopped in its tracks and couldn't even raise its snarling maw. Prima smiled confidently and reassured the two boys who are on the verge of peeing their pants.

"Looks like we got dinner for tonight boys."

"We can't carry that!" Len, the future hunter boy, yelled shockingly.

"We couldn't lift that even if the entire village was here!" Jacob, the future adventurer, added on.

Prima just laughed at the two as she slowly walked over to the suspended creature. She put her hand underneath the belly of the beast and hefted it above her with one arm while grinning at the two boys who were about to pee themselves all over again.

"H-How…?" Len and Jacob asked simultaneously.

"Magic." Prima lied.

She didn't need to use mana to lift this little cat. Her base strength was probably strong enough to split a tenth of this entire forest in half without even trying.

It seems that answer fulfilled the boys' curiosity and they closely followed behind her as they exited from the monster forest. The villagers saw them before they entered the village and the chief gathered everyone together. The borderline starving villagers all looked at the cat with terror in their eyes.

"Don't worry everyone! This is dinner!" Jacob yelled.

Prima put down the cat and snapped it's neck before meeting with everyone.

"Yep! This is dinner everyone. I hope you all know how to cook because I sure don't!"

The villagers started laughing and Prima slightly weakened the cat's skin so that the villager's could cut into it with their less than stellar cooking equipment. The village had a large feast that evening and celebrated Prima's coming into the village. Tuff returned to her side and they ate with the villagers.

She knew she couldn't do this often though. She had to get the villagers to learn how to depend on themselves. Her job was just to build up those skills so that they could do it alone. She had to equip them with better tools, find them a way to make stupid dumb money, and make them tougher and smarter. One of her students from today came up to her while she was in deep thought. It was the village orphan who the entire village at first took care of and then for some reason gave less than a crap about except for one person, the weaponsmith's daughter.

The boy's name was Thalamus. He smelled bad, had a cruel and evil look on his face at all times, and was ostracized from rest of the group during training.

'Seems like the beginning for a revenge seeking mc or something. But sucks for this kid that his talents are in creating things. If he's smart enough he'll be able to use his talent for his evil nefarious means, but too bad for you this mama will have control over all her subjects. You'll be good start for the dark side of my future city. For now, you'll have to suffer as support for the rest. Be strong little guy.'

"How will I be able to make money? You never told anyone else their talents just Leon, Yu, Mai, and Jasmin." He pointed out.

"Do you really want to know little Thalamus? I was planning on telling you all eventually you know. Is there a need for you to know right now?" Prima smiled at him.

He looked a bit more irritated than his default face shows. He looked as if he as struggling to say something and turned around.

"I'll give you a hint. It's not something you can beat someone with for your talent." Prima smiled.

He walked away and Prima saw a slight frown on the side of his mouth as he walked away. The feast died down as the sun faded away and the moon hung above. Everyone returned to their homes with slices of meat for the future and the only thing left of the cat was its fur and bones. The villagers decided to give the cat's fur to the tanner/armor maker. Prima kept the bones for materials and returned to her guest room inside the village head's home. She took off her clothes and took a peasant's bath before returning to her bed and thinking about the week ahead, for herself, the village, and her students.


Satana was sneaking inside the small town by herself, equipped with a wavy dagger. She was ordered to move only when the distraction squad and support squad began their attack on this human settlement due to commands from above. How was she suppose to know when they have attacked when she is on the other side of the town though?


A huge explosion blasted from the other side of the town and destroyed the church building and guild. Flames spread from the explosion and lit other buildings on fire as a mass of loud voices, screaming, and more came from that side of the town. Innocent humans came running outside their homes while she hid in the shadows. Taking them out would be easy but throwing away her humanity isn't that simple… She's also sure that even if she knocked them out, when they take over the town they'll be used as nothing more than toys for the flesh and food.

'This doesn't feel right with me but at the same time I'm having a hard time caring.' Satana thought while looking at the screaming and fleeing humans.

'Are Majins really so detached from life? It's as if I lost an important part of me that made me care for my fellow man. But I guess I should have prepared myself for something like this when thinking about becoming the actual incarnation of evil itself. It kind of sounds silly trying to be human now that I think about it…' Prima thought to herself before being rudely interrupted from her thoughts.


She turned around and was faced with a teenaged duo. A swordsman and priest looking at her with the intention of fighting. The swordsman was wearing decent metal armor and a nicely sized blade and the priest was wearing a white robe with a hoop staff. The priest attempted to light her up with holy magic but Satana dodged and the swordsman leapt at her with his sword. She deflected his attack with her small twisty dagger and sliced one of his wrists badly. He grimaced and swore before switching his sword to his other hand.

"Heal!" The priest shouted and his previous wound was taken care of with a white light hovering over his arm.

"Not bad for a tiny demon, but this is where you meet your end. As a D-ranked adventurer, taking care of you won't be a problem. Hit me Clare!" The swordsman declared.

The priest began charging up her magic as the swordsman stood in front of her.

"You two are still a little too green to try and fight against a demon like me." Satana said while juggling her dagger in the air with her index finger.

"What do you-" He was cut off as Satana threw her dagger at fast speeds, cutting his cheek and sticking into the priest's chest.

She cried out and her spell was interrupted, causing backlash and also causing her intense pain as her mana went out of wack. Forcing her to shout out in pain even more. The warrior immediately turned around and went to her side, trying to care for her and ease her pain by giving her a pain-relief potion and a health potion. But it seems he forgot a very crucial detail before helping his partner.

Satana appeared behind him and held another similar dagger to his throat.

"Hey…. Did you forget about me?" She whispered into his ear before stabbing him in the chest and forcing blood to spurt out of his chest.

He tried to scream but Satana used her other hand and held it over his mouth, silencing him and his possible final moments. She twisted and roughly pulled out her dagger and caused even more blood to shoot out before kicking him in the back onto the ground.

'I need to get used to the sight and smell of blood…' Satana thought before turning the two into candy and eating them.

"Mhmm! I won't ever get used to how delicious the sweets I can make are.." Satana thought as she grabbed their equipment and looked for important people inside the town.

She went on to find more human soldiers, church members, and adventurers trying to help the innocent town members trying to flee from the destruction, fire, and demons. By using the shadows and mass panic of the town, she injured any capable humans and turned them into candy for her to eat, extending her time until she finally has to end a life in this world in a non-candy eating manner.

Satana found multiple adventurers, soldiers, and members of the church battling with her division. None of them were particularly strong on both sides except for the person our captain was currently facing. The church leader was as strong as our captain who was probably as strong as a top C-rank adventurer. He definitely could be stronger though if he used a weapon or something.

'I still don't know how to use demonic energy though. It seems like demons have an innate control over it and have a special ability with it, like our captain has his phasing ability, that demon can shape shift into different people, that demon can enlarge its body parts, and that demon can stretch! I'll need to have a special ability that's unique to me as well. I'll think about it later. For now, let's help my demon friends take over this town.' Prima thought before aiding her fellow demons and taking out the humans from behind.

She didn't finish them off and only incapacitated them and looted their weapons. The demons either killed or captured the humans afterwards while she headed to help the captain. He saw her coming to help and backed away from his opponent who smiled.

"Don't run demon! Even if you sense your end coming, face it with dignity!" The Bishop shouted.

The bishop coated his staff in holy magic and whacked towards Bhilf's head. Bhilf dodged and Satana took this moment to stab the bishop in the back with her dagger.

"Impossible! How did you….. sneak up behind… me filthy creature.…." He questioned before his final moments came.

The captain stabbed through his chest with his hand and the bishop muttered some words before dying. Satana put away her little dagger and stood by along with the remaining demons who lived after today's attack.

"M-Mission… Complete…. The support squad s-should be bringing back any humans who tried to flee." Bhilf said just as the support squad came in with chained humans.

"Mission Complete sir." The chosen leader of the support squad said while saluting to Bhilf.

"W-Well done. Everyone retreat back to base except for Private Satana and Private Goglar. Ex-Ex-Expand the base if you need to for the human accommodations." He ordered.

The rest of the demons left and Satana was left alone with the captain and this very tall and lanky demon.

"This mission would've have been a complete failure if it wasn't for you two. I'd like to give you my thanks. Pvt. Satana, I wouldn't have been able to defeat that bishop without suffering grievous wounds if you hadn't been there. Pvt. Goglar, If you didn't cause a huge enough distraction with that blast our unit would have been wiped out within seconds if the soldiers, members of the church, and the adventurers weren't split up."

"Thank you sir!" Satana said happily

"I see." Goglar replied with a lazy look on his face.

"K-Keep up the good work you two. I l-look forward to working with you two in the future. L-Let's return to base." He said.

Bhilf went on ahead and Satana walked with Goglar while the town burned to ashes behind them.

"Hey. Don't think I can't see right through you. Your little weak harmless act won't work on me. I've seen the way you handle that dagger and no fool could handle it that well. I'm watching you, Imp." Goglar said before teleporting with flames left behind.

Satana was left alone and she grinned.

"I need to know how to make these demons stronger. I can't have my squad that is known as the failure division be actually weak. I'm going to make my squad the greatest demon squad there is and eventually take over the demon lord's position somehow. I just need a nice handy dandy demon pal to test some things on and I think I just found my first participant." Satana thought as she returned back to her base and found the humans in cages, being eaten, and being used for sexual means.

It took her a second to process the situation and how they could be feeling but instead turned her back and was about to look for Goglar. As she was walking away she suddenly felt something inside of her forcing her to stop and turn around to face this situation head on and not retreat from it. She did as her gut told her and was only met with more scenes of humans being used as nothing more than playthings and snacks for demons. The weakest and most looked down upon demons. She stared into the eyes of a young woman whose clothes were torn apart and being picked up by a large overweight demon and soon to be forced on his demonic thing. Her eyes cried for help and Satana just stared and stared. She balled up her fist but still couldn't find the motivation, the surge, the fire within her that wanted to care or save humans. Even if she still remembers that she was in a similar position before… Even if they were both women… She didn't feel the urge to save or stop these actions.

She turned around from the sights and searched for Goglar after realizing that she isn't the exact same person who she was before she came to this world. Whether this was a good thing or not, was up for fate to decide…