
"What's this?" Selena asks, holding up a silk scarf. "Red" Lucy says. Selena smiles holding, waving a different scarf. "What is this?" Selena asks. "Blue" Lucy answers. Can be done now? I promise I've memorized the colors, ah. I promise I know what green looks like. Footsteps distract her, Lucy looks up to see a maid bowing. "Miss Selena, Lady Jun, Lord Meng, and their Young Master have requested allowance into the Revival Butterfly Courtyard," She says, head still lowered. Selena looks up, "Concubine Meng's brother? Go inform her of their arrival, while I ready Third Miss for visitors." Selena says, tucking the scarves into her pockets.

Thank the stars! Lucy jumps up, taking Selena's hand. In her room, Lucy obediently assists Selena to change her dress. Why does a toddler have to wear embroidered silk, and jewels? Just why? Lucy stares down at her bangles, rings, and the god awful pendant. The blue pearl was bigger than her eyeball, and it had smaller pearls encrusted in the gold around it. Even my play dress is too... Lucy sighs. Since birth, Lucy had been wearing silk and fine woven wool garments. It was really hard to get accustomed to.

Every time I drop chocolate, or soup on my lap, I can't help but cringe. Being careful didn't help. Each growth spurt left Lucy reeling for several days, dropping things, and tripping over her own feet. Getting bigger is so annoying. I swear my body is constantly new. I can't wait until I finish puberty, and am done with this shit. Lucy shakes her head, the bell attached to her braid delicately ringing.

"You've grown so big," Auntie Mei says, covering her mouth. "Auntie." Lucy smiles at her, and hops up on her lap, relishing Auntie Mei's aura. She always feels so relaxed. Auntie kisses Lucy's face. "Aw, you're so cute, Lucy. I can't believe it. Just three weeks, before you will be wearing a second-year Bell!" Auntie Mei says, hugging Lucy tight. Too tight. Air. Air! Need Air!

"Dear," Uncle Ru says. "Oh, sorry" Auntie Mei relaxes her arms, as Lucy gasps, kinda woozy. So scary. Maybe I shouldn't sit on her lap next visit. Hearing a whimper, Lucy glances at her cousin. Meng Long was on Mom's lap, drool dripping down his chin. Lucy stares him for a second, seeing how his jaw moved. His gums are itching, Lucy recalls. Teething. Lucy looks at Selena "Yellow daisy ring?" SHe asks. Selena nods. "Of course, Little Mistress." Selena curtsy, and leaves.

Uncle Ru looks at Mom. "The inner ring. You've been favored, Lani" He says. Mom nods, kissing Meng Long's cheeks. "My Lord cares greatly for Lucy. He was displeased when her health was endangered" Mom says. Auntie waves her hand. "Let's not discuss such a depressing topic. Lucy's Name Day Feast is next month. Who must an Imperial Miss greet?" Auntie Mei asks. Lucy looks up, I'm greeting people?

"Just the Princes, and Dukes. Oh, and East General Ning of course" Mom answers calmly. "She won't have to bother with anyone else, until her Awakening Feast." Uncle Ru laughs. "Poor lass, she really gets the short end of the stick. Meng Long will only have to greet the Princes when they visit his Name Day Feast" Uncle Ru says, giving his son a soft look. Mom sighs. "It's the price of being an Imperial Miss. At least, Lucy isn't a princess. She'd have to greet Princes, Dukes, Generals, and the Prime Ministers." Mom says. Lucy's eyelid twitches. This is my second birthday, you know. Why do I have to greet people? What do you expect a toddler to do? Forge political connections?

Selena comes in, handing the polished ring to Lucy. Lucy wiggles down from Auntie Mei's lap. "Here," Lucy says, thrusting it in front of Meng Long's face. "For his teeth" Lucy doesn't pay mind to the stunned looks she got. This ring had saved her sanity, through the intolerable itching, and pinpricks. The bumps and curves, along with the smooth polished areas made the perfect pressure relief. She couldn't just ignore her cousin's torturous pain.

As Meng Long chomps on it his slightly red face seems to ease, or so Lucy seems to think. "Thank you, Lucy. That was kind of you" Uncle Ru says, patting her head. Lucy nods, and looks over at Selena "Cake?" she asks hopefully. We have visitors and everything. It's the perfect time for cake. Selena shakes her head. "No, little mistress. Prince Jing has said you'll only be allowed cake in his study" Selena answers. Lucy's eyes widen. What? I only visit every other day, sometimes longer if he's busy! I need cake! I can't go that long!

Lucy looks around searching for something to indicate this was a joke. Nope. Nothing. "No cake," Lucy says, helplessly. "Why?" Lucy demands. Selena lifts an eyebrow. "Ask Prince Jing" She answers. Lucy sighs, her whole being seeming to deflate. Auntie Mei coughs lightly. "I happened to bring some pudding, with cream." She says, smiling at her. For a moment, Lucy almost pouted, until her words sunk in. "Pudding?" Lucy asks, freezing. This world has pudding? Auntie Mei nods. "It's quite the treat. Have you ever had it?" She asks.

"No. Little Mistress hasn't. I'm sure she'll enjoy it" Selena answers on her behalf. {Little Mistress has yet to met food she doesn't adore} Selena thinks, far too amused. Lucy hops up, looking intently at the white box she hadn't paid mind to before. "Pudding, please," Lucy asks, as calmly as possible. Stars. Hand me that pudding. Give it to me! Pudding. Pudding. Pudding. Pudding. Pudding! Lucy wiggles, impatiently. Pudding! Oh, my dear pudding it's been far too long! Giiiiiive!

Lucy grips her spoon and impatiently scoops it up. Awww! Bliss! Lucy bounces, so yummy! Yummy, Yummy pudding! "I think she likes it." Uncle Ru says, dryly. "So sis, have you heard what Minister Dora announced?" Uncle Ru asks. Lucy tunes them out, savoring her treat. Breastmilk wasn't bad, but there was nothing like eating. The only thing better was painting.

They stayed for another hour, but Uncle Ru had a meeting with some Earl that was arguing about a property line, near his cherry orchard. Lucy waves to them sadly watching them leave. Mom was always so happy when they came. Lucy looks up at Selena seriously. "Jewels off now," Lucy says. Selena sighs. "You have to keep three bangles on each wrist on, and one ring," Selena says. Lucy frowns. "No ring. Want to draw." Lucy says. Selena taps her chin. "Wear the choker the Empress sent, and you can skip the ring" Selena offers.

Lucy tilts her head. She did actually like that piece. Just a ribbon, and stone. It was elegantly beautiful. Not gaudy at all. However, Lucy was deathly afraid to lose the ruby, if the knot came undone. Still, Lucy nods, "Yes. I will wear it" If I have to be dolled up, I'd rather wear something I think is pretty. Selena shakes her head. {Really, Little mistress' sisters have to be restricted from wearing too many jewels for their age and Little Mistress has to be forced to wear enough jewels for her status} "I'll get the charcoals out than" Selena sighs.