Papa visits

In the gazebo, Lucy was carefully sketching Canada, when Prince Jing entered the Revival Butterfly Courtyard. His emotions made Lucy wrinkle her nose, glancing up. Why so gleeful, and smug? Papa, what are you up to? After meeting his smug eyes, Lucy remembers. Oh! My cake, she scowls at him. He made me miss cake! Lucy pointedly returns to her sketching. "Ready, little thing?" Papa asks, receiving a baleful glance.

Bao Benin watches, the little thing willfully ignore him. She was the first to ignore him since his 12th year, not even Imperial Father would dare. It wasn't hard to figure out the little thing's anger. Not one of his women or children would accept being banned from eating cake. Let alone a little glutton like his Third daughter. "You were gaining weight." He says honestly. She turns her head away, still sketching her picture.

It's your own fault, little thing. Eating four entire cakes daily. He snorts thinking of how the chief, and baker he sourced for the little thing after her poisoning came to him, concerned on how so many sweets would affect his Third daughter. 4 cakes, 3 batches of cookies, 2 batches of brownies, and usually a few tarts. This along with her regular meals.

It was stunning in how sneakily she had set her sweets routine up. A cake during morning tea with her Mother, while her bondmaid was off training. A cake as a treat from her bond maid, after her afternoon nap, for being a good girl. And she devoured two cakes during her visits to his study.

It was then he noticed her weight. She was well on her way to chubby. Baffling. His hyperactive, always moving child seemed to less inclined to move, the more adept at using her hands she became. The little thing went from running circles in his study, to always looking at books or drawing strange things. Setting aside her gluttonous nature, he was shocked once discovered how inactive little thing was. From her bondmaid, he found she only did some odd stretches for about 5 minutes in the morning. The rest of her time, aside from visits to the Rimes Manor where she played with the children, her only movement was walking.

Bao Benin stares at her and pursed his lips. She's nearing the age for her first tutor for basic academic, and etiquette. Should I get her a trainer as well instead of waiting until her awakening? Girls usually pursued a foundation in the arts. It might affect her reputation if he had her trained as a boy.

Shaking his head, he kneels beside her. "Mad?" he asks. She glares at him. Magic swirling in her eyes, a breeze kicking up around her. It's magic scent distinctly little thing. His eyes widen. Her powers are awakening on their own! "I wanted Meng Long to eat berry cake. I had none to give him" Little thing says. His lips kick up, at her attitude. "You wanted to share or to eat?" He asks calmly. She doesn't even look guilty.

Lucy just gives Papa a look. She wanted it of course, though she had planned on sharing with Meng Long. He was 14 months old and should have sweet things to ease his pains. Papa laughs, his serious thinking face gone. Damn it, should have read his mind! Papa has got something up his sleeve. "It's a good thing I brought a surprise then, little thing. To soothe your anger" Papa says.

Papa reaches in the plain leather pouch on his belt and takes a book out. Lucy rubs her eyes looking from the fist-sized pouch, and the book the size of her head. Wha? What? Papa rubs her head. "It's just a Cosmos purse, Little thing. Don't look so shocked" Papa opens the book, setting it in front of her "This is Simon's Bride, the companion tale to Delilah's Curse." Papa explains. Lucy perks up, staring fiercely at the book "Does it make up for no cake?" Papa asks. Lucy runs a finger on the page. "Almost," Lucy says, then stands, and puts her arms up. "You have to read it to me," Lucy says. Papa nods, tucking the book away, and carrying her off. "I won't dare do anything else, little thing," Papa says.