
Grandmama opens her palm, Light and Dark dancing upon her palm. "This is Aura, that is spirit magic. It is lesser magic, as Aura is the shards of JaMana that's been spread in the world. It's the magic of Casters and the seed that Mages use to transform their magic into JaMana, the Lifeblood magic. For now, you don't need to concern yourself with that." Grandmama says, the magic vanishes from her palm. Why bother telling me if I don't need to know?

"Breath in. Open your mind's eye. In the darkness what do you see." Grandmama says, her voice rhythmic. "Sense. See the magic in Gana's embrace." Grandmama says. Lucy shifts, trying to tuck her skirt beneath her legs. "I see it. Yellow, white, and black sparkles," Lucy reports. Hurry up, my butt is cold.

"Good, now you see the Aura. Hug it to your heart. Pulling within your magic pool. Feel Aura's warmth." Grandmama guides. Lucy quickly snatches some light sparkles, yanking them into her Inner sky. I guess I should call it a magic pool as Grandmama does. Damn It.

"Now that you embraced the Aura, coax it to purity with the Chant I taught you. Wrap the chant around the Aura, say it slowly, silently. Let the Aura burn away any impurities." Grandmama says. Wait, how did you know I absorbed Aura? Lucy blinks at Grandmama, only to receive a flick on her forehead. "Focus, young Lucinda. Chant the Refinement chant, while thinking solely of the Aura you just embraced" Grandmama says. Lucy rubs her forehead, silently refining. "The Refinement chant removes any dust, any chaotic energy that has attached to the Aura you absorb, leaving only pure Aura magic in your magic pool." Grandmama continues lecturing.

There, done. Should I pretend to still be refining? Lucy licks her lips. Hmm, I did do that quickly. "Now start over. Sense. Absorb. Refine." Grandmama says. How do you know!

Lucy pouts. I don't like being seen through like this. "Sense. To know the Aura. Absorb. To embrace the Aura. Refine. To purify the Aura" Grandmama says. "Repeat it back to me"

Lucy sighs. "Sense. Absorb. Refine. Know Aura. Embrace Aura. Purify Aura" Lucy says, then pauses. Would a 2-year-old remember that? Damn it, no I shouldn't. "Refine all Aura within your magic pool. It shouldn't take you too long, considering the purity of your magic when you lash out" Grandmama says. Lucy lowers her head. I know nothing. And should you sound of that?

Lucy spends roughly thirty minutes refining any Aura, she manages to dreg up that has chaotic energy attached. Or as Aunt Thea liked to put it. The world's clingy muck. Once Lucy is reduced to refining Aura she'd refined before Grandmama displayed her clarity by stopping Lucy.

"Now that your magic pool is pure, it's time to learn about your attributes" Grandmama forms a ball of Light magic in her palm. "This is Light Aura. This is Ais. Remember Ais is Runic for Light," Grandmama opens her other palm, a shadow ball forming. "When you are older. I'll teach you the Rune for Ais. For now, this is Dark Aura. Sia. Sia is Runic for Dark," Grandmama says.

"Light & Dark Aura are two sides of the same coin. A Light Mage's children might be Dark Mages, while a Dark Mage's children might be Light Mages," Grandmama says. "It's the most common dual affinity, but Light & Dark affinity is in the top three rarest attributes."

Lucy raises her hand. "What's the other rarest?" Lucy asks. Grandmama laughs. "Lightning. The Jun Tribe displays this affinity, but it rarely turns up in the population as Light and Shadow do. Great Elder Yasa's theory is that a pregnant woman may immerse herself in Light and Dark elements during pregnancy, but it's rare to see a woman so daring as to immerse herself in lightning"

Lucy nods. "Does being around the elements affect the baby's affinity?" Lucy asks. "Affording to our Clan records, yes it does. That's why..." Grandmama coughs. "Never mind. We'll discuss this when you are older," Wait? What were you going to say! Tell me!

Instead, Grandmama pulls out two rocks. "Light Quartz, and Dark Quartz. Which one would you like first?" Grandmama says. Lucy's gaze shifted between the white and black rocks. Hmm.

"Dark," Lucy says. I don't know much at all about Dark magic, but I know pure energy decently.

Grandmama hands Lucy the black quartz. "Your job is sense this Aura gem. Once you know it well you will be capable of Manifesting. Then we can play games with your magic" Grandmama says.

Lucy looks up. "Games? I can play with my magic?" Lucy asks. Grandmama pats her head. "Of course. I'll teach you."

Lucy sits crisscross applesauce, staring at the quartz. Grandmama coughs. "Feel the stone with your mind. Don't just look at it" Grandmama says. Lucy freezes. Oh.

I knew that. Lucy grimaces. I did. I know that!