Sung Manor

From Mother's arms, Dimitri observed Sung Clan Manor as they approached on horseback. The walls seemed to be bamboo, carved with runes. The front gate was open, only maids standing on each side. Mother and Father urged their horses in, the maids not bothering to stop or greet them.

Entering the gate, the road changed from pitted dirt to gravel. None of the maids bothered to stop Father or Mother after a quick look. Father went to stables that seemed slightly plain. As they entered Dimitri frowned. It was empty. No horses. no servants. No feed or water. The building was a shell. Mother laughs, and dismounts. "Look they gifted us the building," Mother says.

Father sighs. "I wonder why they don't get tired of such games," Father says, untacking both horses. "Hato" Father mutters, water suddenly filling the trowels. Dimitri's eyes widen.

Father has magic as well? Hato. Hato. Something to do with water. While Father rubs down the horses, Mother wanders off. Near the door, Mother gives Father a side glance and traces her finger on the wall. Dimitri stretches his hand out, sensing the fragrant buzz that he felt within Pix.

"Shh, darling, you will give the game away," Mother says, walking outside. Dimitri leans away from Mother's arms, eyeing the building. No visible sign of change, still, the stable vibrates with Mother's power. Once horses are out to pasture, Father comes out saddlebags over his shoulder.

"How long shall we wait?" Mother asks, shifting on her feet. "A servant shall be here in minutes. Compared to Father's anger, pleasing the others brings only momentary benefits." Father says. Mother nods, expanding a parasol, shading herself and Dimitri from the blaze.

Father smiles. "I envy you ladies. Parasols, fans, veils, and sashes. Not to mention the consideration you inspire by simply being. Men, on the other hand, must display our greatness by suffering the sun, and rain." Father says, rubbing the edge of her parasol.

"Just ask, oh great Alchemist. I dare anyone to comment on your desires. Thoughtfulness for women is vastly out shadowed by courtesy for Alchemists," Mother says, with an arched brow.

Father smiles. "That only counts outside the Clan. I'm just another poor talent here," Father laughs. "Besides, Father would murder me if he discovered me roaming about with a parasol like a lady" Dimitri leans against Mother's chest, hearing soft footsteps.

A moment later, a short little maid, with red hair appeared. "Welcome home, Young Master Sung, and Lady Jun." She says, her smile revealing her crooked teeth. Father's smile vanishes. Mother shifts to face the maid. "Please come this way, Young Master Sung, Lady Jun," She says.

On foot, Dimitri could see better. Sung Clan Manor was bursting over with plants. Everywhere he glanced there were vines, flowers, herbs, trees, leaves, or grass. The fragrance nearly numbed his nose. Along the way, the servants merely nodded in their direction. Not bothering to greet his parents. A sharp contrast to the awe, his parents' servants treated his Father with.

Finally, they turned to a quieter area, walking beneath a long rose archway. They walked past 8 glossy stone path, 4 on each side before the maid paused before a path with blue glossy stone. "This is the Grand Scholar's home. Unfortunately, I must attend to my other duties." The maid says.

Mother smothers a smile. "Bet on whether we shall be roasted for being tardy?" Mother asks.

"As if Father would yell at you," Father says. Mother grins wickedly. "Aye. He treasures the miracle worker that convinced his dull son that women are more interesting than herbs"

Dimitri glances up. Father does spend more time in his still room than with you, Mother.

Five minutes after taking the glossy blue path, Dimitri spies stone walls with vines, and thorns covering them. Father opens the gate without bothering to knock.

Although the building was well maintained, the withered plants and overgrown grass sharply contrasted with everything else in the estate. To the left, it seems to have been a herb garden but dried leaves smothered the ground, only raised beds, and fencing hinting.

Grandfather sat upon a boulder, scribbling upon a lap desk muttering to himself. "Father, why did you chase the servants away?" Father asks. "Hush, child" Grandfather responds. An elderly man steps forward. "Master Gavin said they were too fussy, and demanding, and ordered them out almost two weeks ago. Although he did allow a maid in yesterday to tidy your suite when you sent word you were returning," The elderly man says.

Father nods. "Thank you, Hino. Can you show us to our suite?" Father asks. Hino nods. "Of course. And if I may say, it's welcome to see you come home, young Gin," Hino says, leading them into the house. Grandfather allotted them an entire wing of the house. "Your trunks and bags arrived several hours ago. I took the liberty of unpacking the nursery so Young Master Dimtri could nap during the unpacking" Hino explains, showing off each room.

There was a study, a sunroom, a large stillroom, a kitchen, dining room, the nursery, and a large master bedroom. I wonder if the servant rooms are behind the kitchen?

Mother looks at Father. "The study is mine, so is the sunroom. You may have the kitchen and stillroom" Mother says. "Alright, but I might explode the kitchen during experiments," Father says.

Mother hesitates. "Well, as long as Dimitri isn't around and you repair it," Mother agrees.

In the end, Dimitri hung out quietly in Mother's sash. Mother mostly levitated things out of boxes, not having to touch anything as she unpacked. By the time, Mother finished unpacking the bedroom, Grandfather summoned them to his study.

As Mother entered Grandfather's study, Dimitri turned rigid. Above the mantel, hung a painting. Stars, and a planet he saw in his dreams.

Who? Who else is here? Dimitri wiggles, struggling to get out of Mother's sash to see it better. "He seems fussy. I should put him down" Mother says, bowing to Grandfather. No! I need to see! Who else remembers! As Mother steps out, Dimitri begins to scream as he hadn't before.

Go back! Mother go back! I need to see it! Mother! Mother! "Shh darling, are you hungry? Sleepy?" Mother asks, rubbing his back. "I should have laid you down for a nap before coming to see Father-in-law" Mother says. GO BACK! MOTHER!