Ruining Concubine Sora!

"Selena, go hide a man's shirt in Concubine Sora's courtyard," Lucy says. Selena stills. "Why?" Selena's gaze is heavy. Lucy lowers her eyes, fists clutching her skirts.

"She wants to hurt Mommy. She's lying!" Lucy says, cheeks puffing. She looked rather like an angry kitten. Selena blinks. "Concubine Sora? You haven't ever met her." Selena says.

Lucy tilts her head, making her eyes wide. "She's the one in the 7th courtyard, right. She has an angry mind" Lucy says. Concubines without children lack the right to titled courtyards. Instead, the courtyards are numbered 1-40. Another reminder of how little Papa cared for his women.

Selena kneels, looking Lucy in the eye. "You feel her anger and silent words?" Selena asks.

Lucy hesitates. Is it alright to share my bane? Still, Selena wouldn't hurt me. Lucy nods. "Yes. She told her maid to tell lies about Mommy!" Lucy says, her magic stirring the air once more.

"Do you want Concubine Sora punished or gone forever?" Selena asks. Lucy traces a circle on the quilt. It glowed faintly. Lucy looks up at Selena. "She hates Mommy and me. I don't want her to be able to hurt Mommy. Ever!" Lucy answers, eyes firm. Selena strokes Lucy's head. "It will be done"

Selena smiles. "Prince Jing will be here to get you soon. Let's freshen you up" Selena says. Lucy glances down at herself. She had lost beads from her shoes, lace from her bodice, and her skirts had dust all over them. Not to mention her hair had strands escaping her braid, trying to frizz.

Lucy nods, allowing Selena to tidy her as she would. "Selena, can you tell people that Mommy gets pregnant because she's null. Papa's magic doesn't have to clash with hers to make a baby" Lucy says, while Selena wipes her down. After all, even if she thought up a countermeasure. A 2-year-old couldn't say such words to the maids.

Selena blinks. "How clever, Little Mistress! I'll send word to the Rimes Clan. They will spread it through Jing Palace for us." Selena answers. "If it can't be traced back to us. We can plead ignorance if people rebuke that it's a feeble protest from an adult-" Selena coughs. "From a woman accused of the things that Concubine Meng Lani didn't do," Selena says. "Remember this for next time. Never spread rumors directly. Always do through someone who no one knows is related to you" Selena explains carefully. Lucy nods and closes her eyes, listening to Selena's chatter.

"Remember your magic is a secret. Don't tell your Papa," Selena reminds, rebraiding Lucy's hair. "I remember," Lucy says. You've only told me so forty times. I got it!

Once Selena ties off her braid, Lucy bounces to her feet. Papa's mind was approaching. "Papa's here," Lucy says, pulling her satin slippers on. Lucy runs out, just as Papa enters. "Papa! Papa! Pick me up, Papa!" Lucy skids to a stop before him. "Little thing, what mischief have you made?" Papa asks, lifting her. "No. Nothing" Lucy says, quickly. I am totally not plotting against your concubine. Nope.

Selena smirks, watching Little Mistress, and His Highness Jing. Little Mistress couldn't tell a lie for the life of her. Selena's smirk fades. I have to hurry! Once His highness Jing carries little Mistress away, Selena sits with a brush to write Rimes Clan of Little Mistress' magic outburst. Sealing the letter, she bites her finger, dripping her blood on the envelope, and traces a rune.

The rune glows, and the letter poofs. It's gone.

Selena raises. Now, time to ruin Concubine Sora.


In Papa's study, Lucy sat in his lap while he worked on documents. Lucy curiously peers at the paper in Papa's hand. E. Eclipse? Oh! A border fight with the Eclipse Kingdom! Her gaze drifts to a paper on the desk. Bandits in the Pink forest disrupting the trade route.

This is so much more fun now I can read Papa's documents. Of course, some documents despite being in Zilic, still seemed as if they were gibberish. I bet those are full of bureaucratic speech. The door opens, Carlos coming in with a tray. Lucy's eyes light up. Chocolate chip cookies!

Lucy snatches one as soon as Carlos sets it on the desk. Mmm, chocolate! A spicy burn settles on her tongue and Lucy's forehead wrinkles. Scowling, she spits the cookie out and tosses the half-eaten cookie in her hand on the desk.

Bao Benin blinks, setting the report down. "What's wrong, Little thing?" Papa asks. She seems to sigh. "Trash, Papa," Lucy says seriously, pointing with teary eyes to the cookies. Oh, how cruel. Can't they just stab me? Why poison the cookies! Lucy gives the tray an angry look. "It's the bad stuff, Papa. Makes me hot, and sleepy!" Lucy says. Papa frowns. "Carlos, bring one of Sung Clan's test bottles." Papa orders. Carlos brings a clear glass bottle over. It was half full with a translucent liquid. Lucy watches as Papa drops a piece of a cookie into the bottle. The clear liquid bubbles and turns brown. Papa scowls. "So daring!" Papa snaps. "Carlos, find them. I want whoever did this in the Bluebell room before I get back!" Papa says, standing.

Papa glances down at Lucy. "Little thing, I have work to do. You'll have to go back to Revival Butterfly courtyard." Papa says. Lucy just sighs. Whatever. I am tired due to using so much power anyway. This way I can nap! "Al-" A knock interrupts Lucy's answer.

Carlos answers it, and a solider comes in, and bows. "Commander Jing. Reporting! An unknown man was spotted near the courtyard of Concubine Sora. Per protocol, all nearby courtyards were searched. A man's intimate garment was discovered in Concubine Sora's bedding." The guard reports without lifting his head.