
Lucy gasps, as a cold shroud presses her chest. It hurts! "Papa!" Lucy pounds on his chest. Her tiny hands barely made an impact. Lucy shudders "Papa, don't be angry. I'll feed her the trash cookies," Lucy offers. In an instant, the murderous air disappears.

Papa met her gaze. "Little thing" Lucy just blinks at him. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, before turning a sharp glance to the guard, and Carlos. "Investigate!" Papa spits. They both bow, slipping away faster than Lucy could say bunch muncha crunchy carrots!

He pats her head. "Let's go to Revival Butterfly courtyard. "There's a suprise," Papa says, carrying Lucy off.

Lucy coughs, staring at the unit standing in her courtyard. "Greets Commander Jing!" They salute in unison. A man with blonde hair steps forward and kneels. He held a box.

"Go ahead. It's your gift" Papa urges, setting her down. Lucy carefully takes the box from the soldier. "Thank you," Lucy says, Lucy bows toward Papa. "Thanks to Royal Father for my present," Lucy says. "Don't fuss with etiquette, little thing. These are my trusted men." Papa says. Lucy nods than grins. "Thank you, Papa. May I open it?" Lucy asks

Papa smiles. "Go ahead. Why thank me, you haven't even opened it yet. What if you don't like it?" Papa asks, slightly anxious. After all, his little thing was young. Such a gift might disappoint. It wasn't a toy or candies like what he gave to his other children around this age.

Lucy gives him a brilliant smile. "Papa couldn't give me a bad gift," Lucy says. She sits cross-legged on the ground, balancing it upon her lap. Opening it, a rich scent of sandalwood drifted to her nose. Upon pink satin lay a fine-tooth comb, a wide-tooth comb, a bristle brush, and a hand mirror. All delicately crafted, with vine flowers engraved upon it. Lucy runs the wide-tooth comb through her hair, her eyes drifting shut in pleasure. It's been so long since I've combed my hair.

Selena combed her hair, but Lucy wasn't interested in torturing herself with the crappy metal comb that tugged painfully at her hair. Oh, it was beautifully carved, and inlaid with jewels, but it still tugged her hair. The worst thing was, as it was a Nameday present from Princess Jing, it would the height of rudeness to discard it. "Oh. It's so nice!" Lucy says and nestles the comb back.

Lucy gives puzzled eyes to a hand mirror and lifts it out. Lucy drops it out of shock. Before it hits, Lucy catches it, her heart beating rapidly. Lucy cautiously looks in the hand mirror again.

A stunning toddler stared back. Sooth plumb checks, a delicate nose, and pleasantly plump mouth overlaid with a sheer yellow veil that was secured by a metal headband. Above the veil were finely arched eyebrows and wide purple eyes. Not just purple, but vivid violet with gold flecks that glimmered. She looked adorable. Like a doll, all carefully made and dressed.

"Eh?" Lucy manages. Is this me? That's crazy! In her past life, Lucy had been pretty, but average. If she appeared now on earth, model agencies, and agents would pester her for life. No wonder, Papa's so indulgent. I'm just that cute!

"That's called a mirror, Lucy" Papa explains. "Take good care of it. You said you didn't know what you looked like, so I had this custom made for you." Papa says pride in his tone. Lucy very carefully sets it in the box and runs to him. She wraps her arms around him, hugging him. "Thank you, Papa! It's the best gift ever!" Lucy says, with a spoiled happy tone. He pats her head. "I'm glad you like it, little thing. I would hate to throw it away," Papa says. Lucy tucks it into her Cosmos purse, that was tied to her waist.

Lucy pauses. The man who passed her the box had a distorted expression. Lucy curiously touches his mind.

{Commander Jing spent 20 million gold coins, and 2,000 Fire Aura crystals to commission that mirror. Instead of gifting it to his Princess, or Lady Consorts he gave it to a 2-year-old! She nearly broke it. All that gold and fire crystals nearly washed away in her hands. Oi, my heart hurts! She even has a Cosmos bag already! Just how much has Commander Jing spent on this child?}

Lucy pulls out of his mind. Gosh, mirrors are really expensive here. As Papa sends off the unit, Lucy spots her Mom and skips to her. "Mommy! Papa gave me my own combs and a hairbrush. And a…" Lucy pauses. "A minor?" Lucy says.

"Mirror?" Mom gasps. Lucy nods. "Yeah. See here. It's so cool. I could see myself!" Lucy pulls out the box, showing the mirror. Mom sways, looking pale. Lucy quickly tucks it away, and tugs on Mom's skirt, feeling guilty. Guess that was too shocking. "Mommy? Are you okay? Do you, and my sisters need to lay down?" Lucy asks concerned. Miss Edith, Mom's maid helped steady her.

Mom forces a smile, pinching Lucy's cheek. "I'm perfect, baby," Mom says. She looks at Papa when he comes over and greets him. Mom licks her lips. "This Concubine has concern that a mirror might not be suitable. Third Miss is very young. What if she breaks it?" Mom asks.

Papa shrugs. "If little thing breaks it. I shall buy her another" Papa says, waving her to her feet. "This concubine thanks Imperial Prince Jing for his favor," Mom says, voice trembling. "It's was worth it as it made the little thing smile," Papa says, patting Lucy's hair. "Rest well, Concubine Meng Lani" Papa orders, tugs Lucy's braid, and leaves.