So gross

"I need to lay down," Mom mutters, holding her forehead. "Be very careful with that, babygirl. Don't play with it," Mom says. Lucy nods. You're too pale! "Hug!" Lucy demands. Picked up, Lucy checks on the twins. The Primal essence was thin, almost consumed. Lucy closes her eyes, drawing more in.

Besides needing more Primal essence, the twins were safe and in peak health. Done, Lucy wiggles down and runs off to her studio. Lucy stands in her empty studio. One. Two. Thre- Selena suddenly appeared in the room, shadows still caressing her body. "It's finished, Little Mistress," Selena says, kneeling to cover Lucy with a smock. It covered her neck to toe, preventing her silk dress and jewels from becoming dirty. Lucy kisses Selena's cheek. "Selena is the best!" Lucy says.

Sitting at her drafting table, Lucy taps her pencil, her gaze dazed. When she comes to, a cloth sack of fruit leather sat at her elbow. Discarding it, Lucy starts sketching. Slowly, awkwardly, the image she saw in the mirror begins to form.

Lucy stretches, glancing down at the various sketches she'd made. Some were just of her nose, or eyebrows. others were more complete. The portrait should be done within the week's end. Papa should be happy to have my self-portrait. I wonder if this mirror set counts as my commission fee? Lucy giggles, and jumps off her stool. "Selena, I want tea," Lucy says, turning puppy eyes upon her bond-maid. Selena stands from her seat. "As you wish, Little mistress. Should I bring some cakes as well?" Selena asks. Lucy nods. "Yes, pl-" Lucy coughs. "Yes, I want cakes,"

Selena shimmers and disappears. "Really want to know how she does that" Lucy mutters. No matter how many times Lucy saw Selena shadow leap, it seemed more like teleportation than shadow dancing. Lucy sprawls on her daybed to practice her letters on the chalkboard.

A knock sounds. "Miss Selena, Master Jing has summoned the entire Revival Butterfly courtyard to witness at the training field." A maid says through the door. Lucy yawns, and neatly puts her calk away, as she strokes the soul bond. The air shimmers, and Selena glances around the room. "Miss Selena?" the maid calls again. "Coming," Selena says.

"Papa wants us in the training field," Lucy explains while Selena helps remove her smock. Smeared with charcoal, and calk, it was quite a sight. Mom, Miss Edith, and the other maids stood to wait. Lucy relaxes in Selena's arms, as they follow a guard to the training field. In the middle, two women were kneeling in the dust.

Lucy frowns. Another execution. Why does Papa make us watch this kind of thing? It's so gross. Lucy felt queasy, flashes of the maids who poisoned her stirring. This is not kid-friendly! Lucy looks over at the crowd of Concubines. Each of them only had a single maid. Unlike Mom or Concubine Ba Yu who had courtyard maids to maintain cleanliness. Seeing some new faces, Lucy begins to count.

58. There were 58 concubines in the crowd. Lucy gives her Papa an odd glance. I wonder how Papa finds time for them. Does he even have his own bedroom? Within a couple of minutes, everyone arrived and a guard steps forward. "By order of Commandar Jing, Concubine Sora, and her maid have been sentenced to death by a thousand cuts for comptemt of marriage, and Imperial Household" The guard announces.

Hiss. The crowd sounds like air escaping a tire.

Without another word, both women are tied down, and gagged. Their gowns are cut off, completely exposing their body. Even practicing Mist Gathering art, it was impossible to close out the sight of the women being sliced apart, although Lucy did mange not to puke or start sobbing.

When a guard starts neatly stacking the women's limbs, Lucy frowns. "Ah, I forgot," I should have ordered a stacking tower from Mister Cole. Lucy pouts. She hadn't seen anything like that here. Oh, well. When I pick up Mommy's gift. I'll order it, then. I can't believe I forgot such a classic baby toy. The gurgled screams started to fade. I wonder if she's going into shock?

When a bird lands on the maid, pecking at her eyeballs, Lucy's stomach rolls, she takes a deep breath. Bad. Bad idea! Lucy swallows down bile, and looks pitfully at Selena. "It smells! Can we go, now?" Lucy asks, wrinkling her nose. Since it was quiet but for the whimpers of the half-dead women, her voice draws nearly everyone's eyes. Several bright thoughts pierce her mind.

(Such a cold child. So ruthless)

(Third Miss must be mad. She's not even pale. Even First Miss cried watching this)

(Little devil! No wonder Third Miss is the Blood King's favorite. She has his temperament.)

Lucy twitches. Really! Just because I'm not hysterical you act like I'm twisted. For a moment, Lucy considers acting like her siblings. Her gaze drifts to Papa, and she shakes her head. No, Papa loves that I'm so brave. He loves that I don't fear him even after stuff like this. It would hurt his heart if I act scared of him.

"First Miss, Young Master, Second Miss, and Third Miss may go." Papa says, smiling at her. Lucy smiles. "This daughter thanks Royal Father." Lucy says, grinning at him. "Royal Father should come read me a bedtime story when he's free," Lucy says. Papa nods, waving her off. Papa's gaze drifts to her siblings, and he frowns. Lucy touches his mind. (Xiao Mo is too weak. Puking at just watching this)

Lucy snorts as Selena carries her away. Papa's standards are too weird! I'm metally an adult, and was damn queasy from seeing that. If I remember correct, Big brother is only 5, he'd be a psychopath if he was unphased by this.