From Earth As I Am

Dimitri's POV

Each Rune shimmered, as they were carefully copied from the tattered and stained Alchemy book. I wonder how valuable this book is for Matriarch Yin herself to bring it over. Dimitri crawled closer, touching the Rune Grandfather just wrote. < v > It was dull, having almost no glitter.

"Such sharp eyes, young Dimitri. My Ra rune is sad compared to the other runes." Grandfather shakes his head. "Seers tend to be the only ones to understand the Ra Rune. After all, the soul is a mysterious thing" Grandfather lifts Dimitri into his lap, giving him a better view. Dimitri stares, memorizing the open book. It would be even better if I knew what it said.

Almost 3 hours later, Grandfather finished copying every page of the book into scrolls. Hearing steps, Dimitri looks up to see Hino, Grandfather's valet, come in holding several envelopes. "Imperial Lady Yaba requests that you tutor her heiress, Miss Leila; Duchess Meng requests that you tutor her grandson Meng Long, and Imperial Prince Jing has sent word that Third Imperial Miss Jing has returned from her seclusion and is ready to resume her lessons. There are banquet invites for the Day of the Dance from Meng House, Ning House, Lu House, Lin Clan, Su House, Unruh House, and the Rimes Clan." Hino says.

Grandfather impatiently waved a hand. "Refuse all the invitations. I'll be celebrating at home. Inform Imperial Lady Yaba that her heiress is too spoiled, I won't do it. Tell Duchess Meng once again that I don't tutor boys." Grandfather pauses and looks down at Dimitri. Dimitri meets his gaze. What are you planning, old man? That look never turns out well. "Miss Lucy probably can't have visitors. It's a shame that such a bright girl was born to a null and Prince Jing," Grandfather says regretfully.

It is a shame, otherwise, I could get more information by going to Jing Palace with you. Crawling away, Dimitri rips open the envelopes that Hino had set down. Hino rescued two unopened cards but left the rest to him. Dimitri's eyes roved over, taking in the crests on each page, and the handwriting. For all that Sung Clan ignored Grandfather, he was sought after by many nobles. Just what is the difference between the Houses, and the Clans? Dimitri wondered.

Grandfather tutored girls from Lin, and Rimes Clan, alongside a select few Sung clan girls, but refused any request from the Houses. "Perhaps you might request a hand image from Third Imperial Miss Jing for Young Master Dimitri. He adores the painting she gifted you," Hino suggests, causing Dimitri's head to snap. He went still. So still it was as if he wasn't breathing. Third Imperial Miss Jing. Miss Lucy. His grandfather's favorite student. She's the one from Earth as I am. Dimitri's gaze filled with complex thoughts.

"Not a bad idea." He sighs. "If only her health was better, her skill with the brush would surely allow her to become a Master Inscriber."