Mommy & twins

Lucy rubbed her bulging tummy. So full. I might puke when we reach the dirt road. Despite her dread, the road only got smoother. Lucy lifts the curtain, greeted by the Outer Ring of Jing Palace. "Papa, didn't you tell Grandmama I would be returning?" Lucy asks. Papa's face darkens. "Why should my child live there? As you've recovered, obviously you need to come home" Papa says.

Ah. My Wind magic hasn't been trained yet. I don't think Grandmama will let this pass. Lucy gives him a skeptical look. Still, I can see Mommy! I wonder how the twins are doing? Lucy pauses, the soul-link with Selena stirs with annoyance. Lucy looks up to see Selena glaring at Papa. Wow, she really isn't happy.

Lucy shrinks back, avoiding her sight. Let's not agitate her. Selena's irritation only began to fade as they entered Revival Butterfly Courtyard. "Mommy" Lucy calls out, her eyes widening. So huge. Why is she this big? Isn't she only 20 weeks along? Lucy jumps down, rushing over. She skids to a halt, hesitating. Can she even pick me up? Lucy hugs her leg, instead, "Mommy, I missed you" Lucy declares. A gentle hand smooths back Lucy's hair. "I have missed you, darling. I see you've been getting healthier. Your hair is so long" Mom says.

Lucy looks up, but her belly blocks the view of her Mom's face. Lucy releases her hug, backing up almost 8 steps. There, now I can see. "Mommy, when are you giving birth?" Lucy asks. Kelani laughs. "Soon, I'm already 32 weeks along," Mom says. Lucy frowns. "32?" Lucy asks. What the heck happened to my other weeks? How did I miss counting that?

"Have you picked out names yet?" Lucy asks. When I was born, they already had my name, so I want to know the names of the twins. Lucy's eyes sparkle. A girl, and... Wait, I still don't know the other gender!

"Our young miss is unnamed," A soft, unfamiliar voice says. Lucy turns her eyes, seeing two identical girls standing by Miss Edith. Bright green eyes, and tender faces. They looked only to be 10 or 11 years old, wearing pink dresses, with white veils. "I'm Rimes Misty, I greet our Young Miss Lucinda." She said, kneeling down. "I'm Rimes Breeze, I greet our Young Miss Lucinda," Breeze says, her voice softer than her sister, as she knelt.

Lucy blinks. Ahh, what? Selena coughs. "Rise?" Lucy asks. Both girls stand and look toward Selena. "Miss Selena, we will be under your care," Miss Misty says. Selena nods, waving a hand. Misty and Breeze step back in unison. Although no magic was used, they seemed to fade away.

"Little thing, why don't you choose your sister's name?" Papa says. Lucy swirls. "You are still here?" Lucy asks, then claps a hand over her mouth. That was rude. "Yes. I am," Papa says. "I can choose? Shouldn't Mommy pick?" Lucy asks. Papa sighs. "Your Honored Mother isn't suitable to such. As a carrier, her blood and clan doesn't affect you or your sister. Only blood-related women and girls or the Father may choose a babe's name" Papa explains. Mom's my biological mother! Lucy glares at him. "Mommy's my blood," Lucy says. Papa coughs. "I have to go see the training grounds, little thing. Your bond-maid will bring you to breakfast" Papa says, then beats a retreat.

Lucy puffs up her cheeks, glaring at his back. "Papa's a co-" Selena flicks Lucy on the forehead. "Be respectful of your Royal Father" Selena scolds. Lucy rubs her forehead. He's still a coward!

Lucy turns back to look at her Mom. I need to check the gender of the second twin. Lucy pauses, gaze landing on Miss Misty and Miss Breeze. What if they notice my magic? Maybe I can send them to the kitchen and check while they are gone. "Selena I want a snack," Lucy says. "You can have apple slices. You don't need anything heavy." Selena warns.

"I want to sleep with Mommy" Lucy changes tactics. Selena frowns "Concubine Kelani?" Selena says. "Yes," Mommy says. Lucy stares at her stomach, resenting the new maids. If only they weren't here. I could check right away. Three hours passed at the pace of a crippled snail before Mom took Lucy to her room.

Lucy waits until Mommy, and Miss Edith both fall sleep. Gently, her magic stirs, as she feels the twins. Girls! Twin Little Sisters! Lucy smiles, guiding her magic to their inner sky. No, Grandmama called it a magic pool. The bigger twin's magic pool was full of pink sparkles, and a shimmering seed. Wow, so pretty. But what's the pink energy? Is it water? It feels very soft. Lucy turns her attention to the smaller twin, finding familiar dark sparkles. Dark magic like mine.

The primal energy tide she made had vanished. Lucy draws more Primal magic to the twins, watching as their magic pools greedily sucked it up. Pink magic? What is it? Fire? "Maybe it's watered down primal magic?" Lucy mutters. Primal magic was red, after all. I guess it doesn't really matter.

Yawning, Lucy thinks about names. Hmm, Kaylee? Cassandra, no that doesn't sound right. Rimes Sara? Brynn? Lucy smiles. "Yes, Rimes Brynn" Lucy whispers. That shall be the sister with the pink magic. What should I name my little shadow sister? I think I like Emma. Lucy glances at her Mommy. She was softly snoring. Rimes Brynn & Rimes Emma. Lucy lets her eyes drift shut, thinking of soft little sisters.