After an hour of searching up her name, John found out a lot about her, including her background that he only guessed that was actually correct? Yes. A headache indeed. Well, if you think about it in a normal person's POV, it would be a jackpot! But, who is John? He got his IQ measured and it resulted in a staggering result of 300 IQ. He may have been unlucky all his life but that all turns around today. His High IQ, coupled with his incredibly impossible luck will show its deadly might.
It was around 3 in the morning already and John needs some important sleep that he desperately needs and because tomorrow will be the day he, the Lucky Genius will start his journey as a powerhouse in the game, Fate's Encounter.
Morning or should I say afternoon, because apparently, John overslept. Luckily, John has no responsibilities for today because new year just happened and a holiday was in order.
John groggily woke up and remembered what happened last night.
"Damn, the shit that happened last night or should I say earlier was preeetty crazy, it all happened so fast." John said.
He heard his phone ring just as he woke up and answered it.
(Hello?) John
(Good afternoon Mr. John, This is IG calling you to inform that your VR capsule will arrive at exactly 10 minutes from now. There are also nutritional liquids included in the delivery as a bonus. We hope to cooperate with you more in the future.) The call was quickly ended by the caller.
' wait, Nutritional liquid? Aren't those really expensive and only sold to VVIPs and can overall enhance your physical body and can also cure any diseases lurking within the person that uses it?' Thought John as he once again was surprised at his luck for receiving these bountiful gifts. He then remembered that his package will be arriving soon, he checked the time and it showed 3:20 pm and quickly went outside to wait.
After waiting for a bit, his package arrived being carried by 5 muscular men.
'Is the capsule that heavy that they need to have people like them to carry it?' Pondered John.
They stopped in front of John and showed him a letter of acceptance of the package and He quickly signed it and then John guided them to his room and they set it up by the door of my room which made it really tight and uncomfortable.
One of them gave me a manual of sorts and quickly left. Not long after, a somewhat normal looking man arrived wearing an expensive suit and gave me a suitcase.
"I'm from IG and here to deliver the nutritional liquid as you have been informed in the call, there are 3 bottles inside but you can only consume one in your entire life unless you want to explode from too much energy. I have already delivered the package and the liquid and it is time for me to go, please take care Mr. John." Said the man in a hurry and quickly left.
'Well that all developed real quick' thought John as he smiled wryly thinking about everything that is happening quickly, too quickly.
Nothing much was found in the manual except the fact that it is self sustaining meaning no need to connect to a power source so that's one problem off on the list.
There was also a built in wifi inside thats very strong and for some reason, everything seems to suit him in his situation and they seem to have considered his poor living conditions.
'Hmmm....weird guess I'm just lucky' thought John.
He did not find it suspicious that he is abnormally lucky and that the man left in a hurry after delivering the package that he is supposed to have, no , not at all.
After numerous reads in the manual and checking the capsule if it was complete, he finally sighed in relief.
"Phew, this thing is really amazing, if the helmets provide 99% realism, then the capsule that I have right now provides 100%."
It may not sound impressive considering the fact that its only a 1 percent difference. But this 1% is actually very significant because this 1% is the border between reality and the game and seeing as it provides 100% realism, you can consider it as having another body in another world.
It may sound ridiculous but it is actually very accurate.
"Anyhow, this is the only chance that I have to turn my life around and I can't just run away from this just because it is an experimental product." John set his goals straight and made up his mind to JUST DO IT!