It's a very hot afternoon and John was currently standing in front of the VR capsule.
He has already decided that today marks the day that he will change and become what he wasn't able to become. And additionally, maybe take a little bit of revenge on his relatives.
He entered the capsule and started to get comfortable which was very easy considering that the interior was inlaid with premium quality stuff. A bonus in the capsule is that it releases a kind of gas or enhanced oxygen inside the capsule that makes the air cleaner and gives your body a boost in game time because unlike it's helmet counterpart, the capsule can sustain you for longer time thus giving more gametime,whereas the helmet is very inefficient if you do stuff in game and find out your body is in need of various healthcare like food and hydration. Really inconvenient if you want to focus. Especially in raids.
After a while the capsule started to activate and he inserted his arms and legs inside the specific holes that will increase realism. And the fact that everything that is being processed is because of just one percent realism.
A minute later, a feminine voice sounded.
:Virtual Reality Capsule model 9000X is now available for use, please state new activation code:
John thought of an activation code and immediately said,"Set activation code to Link Start."
:Activation code set, Unit now available:
Seeing that your everything is ready, John immediately said,"Link start!"
Everything quickly became spinny and various colors started to surround him. After a while, it all stopped and found himself floating inside a white room, He looked around for a bit more before noticing a beautiful and voluptuous lady standing in the room.
She started walking towards him and stopped in front of him and said,
"Welcome to the room of creation, this is the place where it all starts in how your life will be lived and who you are in it."
Hearing the beautiful melody of her voice in his own ears like it was in the real world made him realize the benefits of that 1% difference.
The woman continued her introduction,
"My name is Tyche and I am the one that will oversee your choices in your adventure as well as your choice of creation. First let us start with your name."
John pondered long and hard about what his name should be and not long after, he decided.
"Caerus" He said it in an inaudible whisper that made Tyche confused and asked him to repeat but with a much louder voice.
"CAERUS!, named after the minor god of opportunity and favorable moments."
Seeing the vigor of the young man before her made Tyche giggle a bit and said,
"My my, what a splendid vigor we have there, not to mention a very good name that you have picked. Very well then, Caerus it is.
On to the next step is the body creation."
This part was what made John confused a bit but quickly figured it out. In Short, you will keep your original looks from real life but your race and class are decided by the overseer himself/herself. Since Tyche is a goddess of luck, her test is simple but is a double edged sword, that is because her test is a wheel of fortune. Some may think it's an easy test, but as mentioned, double edged, meaning you could roll your race as a goblin, wouldn't that be unfortunate and it will surely hold you back from getting to the top. Anyhow, there are different overseers for each player and each one of them is a god or goddess and each have different tests and trials. Some are easy and some are not. An example of a test was the God of wars' test, Ares. For a player to get a race and class from him, they would have to fight until he evaluates which class and race you are compatible with.
Some have good starts, some have bad. But in the end, your strength is all that's left that will matter. For others, John's test would have been a bad thing but not for him it isn't.
While John was in a daze thinking all this, Tyche already prepared the wheel. The wheel was simple as can be, it's just a hollow circle with a pointer inside it but the prizes are all in question marks. Tyche then told him,
"Caerus, it is time."
John quickly stood in front of the wheel and pressed the button. The pointer in the middle quickly accelerated until it stopped at a question mark surrounded by darkness and seemingly radiating an ancient aura.
After a while of being pointed at, the prize is slowly revealed to be a black winged being surrounded by darkness.
At the reveal of the prize won by John, Tyche was surprised and shocked that that prize was won. She said,
"Caerus, you are extremely lucky to have won this, it is one of the 5 legendary races that can be recieved by people like you, and you recieved it! Congratulations!"
Not long after her congratulations, the object directly infused with him and afterwards, his physical appertains started changing. His lanky body started to change to a more lean and muscular one and his previously shoulder length blonde hair turned to black, his originally handsome face started to get more enhanced and made him appear not just more handsome but also gave him a unique and mysterious aura that adds to his already irresistible charm. Lastly and the most important part of his race, his wings. Two pairs of Jet black wings sprouted out from his back. The wings gave a metallic sheen as John gave it a closer look.
"Congratulations, you have recieved the race of the First Fallen Angel."