In a cave in the middle of a dark and gloomy forest, lies a man, jet black hair, handsome features, and a body that has just the right muscles, not too much, not too less.
That man is precisely John, or should I say Caerus. Right now, Caerus has just been sent off by the goddess Tyche after completing his character creation. His unconscious state did not last long and he woke up soon after.
Caerus looked around just to find himself in a cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites dripping with what seems to be purple water that for some reason shines bright. Thinking that it's normal, given that he's in a game nobody would blame him, he got up and got a feel of his body and currently he feels very powerful as if nobody could beat him, although he is powerful and most could only cower in fear of his powers, not all would, after all, he is not the most powerful, yet.
" This feeling is really addicting and I could get used to it but it is more likely that this is temporary, for now, find civilization, and whilst doing that, food and water, which any normal person would find first."
Caerus thought.
But before going out to explore the land filled with endless opportunities, he must first explore the cave because it seems that he is only near the entrance of the cave and this cave seems to extend very far inside and he wants to make sure nothing dangerous is lurking inside because this will be his temporary place of operations, from his observation on the trees outside the cave, although dark and gloomy, it is thick and the land here is comparable to a lush forest, a lush virgin forest to be exact.
As Caerus thoroughly explored the cave, he eventually found a small lake, but what is unique about this lake is that the color of it is purple and seems to be shining a bit. He remembered the water droplets that were dripping in the cave and connected them with each other. But now that Caerus found the lake, he can now consider it as something abnormal. Whether it be something good or bad is something yet to be found out.
All players of HHBOS are given the skill
Caerus went near the lake and appraised the water.
[Water of Evolution]
Grade: Legendary
(Water that is guaranteed to evolve any beast, regardless of level. This can only be used thrice in one lifetime. Can be used as strengthening reagent if used by non-beast entity.)
Caerus was surprised and immediately felt excitement flow through his body as he imagined the things he could do with this unimaginable gift from the heavens. Even so, he is in a predicament, there are a lot of this water but he has no container. He read in the game forum that this water of evolution can be used by droplets only if used for beasts and a cup of it if used for strengthening. And yes, there is a wiki of items from Legendary grade and below released by the developers in advance as a treat.
In the game, all item grades are divided and from strongest to weakest is Divine, Mythic, Legendary, Holy/Cursed, Extremely Rare, Rare, Uncommon, Common, Garbage. But even though two items are of similar grade, it does not mean they are on par with each other as each equipment has its own unique qualities. An example would be a cursed sword and a holy sword, they belong to the same grade but they don't have the same strength as the holy sword could have been blessed by a saint but the cursed sword could have just been blessed via sacrificial rituals.
Caerus started to think of some way to store the water, there is no inventory in this game as any dimensional storage you need has to be made via buying or crafting it yourself. Since the materials needed for the storage ring is not available at the moment, he has to resort to manual methods.
Caerus found a way and that is to just make a jar, a clay one of course. But instead of using the step by step process, he decided to use magic.
The game mechanics in this game are quite unique, simply because you have to make your own skills. There are no exceptions, even noobs have to create skills in order to survive. That would, of course, include passives.
Caerus read on the forums that to create a skill, one has to imagine the purpose of the supposed skill and to perform the action of the skill. The action can be doing some kind of dance or by chanting using a magical language. Since Caerus wants to create a magical skill, the prerequisite of the creation of said skill is to have
All skills are rated from F to S, lowest to highest. The higher the grade of the skill upon it's creation, the more amazing the effects of it is.
The creation of the
After a few moments later.
The skill