Impossible Achievements

Just as the prompt sounded out, the skies suddenly turned dark and a message from the system sounded out.


Grade ??? has been created, Lvl: MAX.

He went out of the cave and observed the skies as Thunderclouds formed and started to strike down on Caerus. Caerus watched as a thunderbolt the size of a grown man's waist is headed towards him.

Caerus thought somewhat calmly and thought 'Wow, my first death is from a thunderbolt? What a pity, just when I created my first skill.'

Just when everything was going to sh*t, a green barrier spread around him and negated the thunderbolt as if it were nothing, after the first bolt, the rest followed and same as it's predecessors, they were negated as if they were not powerful and didn't come from heaven at all.

As Caerus was dazed at everything that happened, a voice sounded in his head.

- My sweet child, Do not worry as I, the Goddess Tyche has protected you from your first tribulation, I would have left you alone if you were strong enough to withstand it but clearly you aren't, even though you started off better, that bolt was enough to destroy a whole kingdom if left alone and from what I can see, you are not even as strong as a kingdom's whole strength. Thus, I suggest getting stronger faster, so such things will not happen again.-

Caerus was surprised at the sudden voice of the Goddess but immediately understood her intentions. It was simple really, she just meant " Be as strong as possible, as fast as possible." basically.

And I have no problem with that, because who doesn't want to be OP as possible? And if there was such a person, he certainly isn't me.


Back to the situation at hand, after the tribulations were finished, the clouds receded and got back to its beautiful blue sky that everyone loves. After checking his surroundings, he saw that everything was wrecked and messy as can be. 'Well, except for the cave's inside. Everything outside is rekt!' Caerus no longer doubted what the Goddess said that a single bolt of that can cripple a kingdom.

Moving on, since he has acquired the required skill for creating other skills, he starts creating the skill he wants to create for now.

He imagines controlling the earth to form many shapes and sizes and started to use mana while imagining it. After a few seconds the prompt sounded out.


Skill has been acquired. Grade A+. Lvl 1

( A skill that makes the earth like materials be easier to control. It also helps in creating items, of course, said item has to be earth related in terms of what it is made of. This skill can increase its level the more it is used. Grade can be increased in special circumstances.)

After reading the description, he thought

' it's not too powerful I guess.'

Nevertheless, he tried using it and to his surprise, he can freely control the soil on the ground to take any shape he wants.

After playing around with it a bit, he started to use the skill to create some glass bottles the size of modern day plastic bottles. He reinforces them a bit by coating them with some reinforced glass, courtesy of his skill.

After creating 100 bottles, he proceeds to fill everything up with the precious liquid.

After 5 hours of hard labor, he finally filled every bottle to the brim. Its a good thing that if there is the same item, it stacks when you store them.

After looking around for a bit and seeing no other things to grab he started walking towards a random direction. But just after taking a few steps and appraising random items on the surroundings, he appraised an object that supposedly is a treasure.

[Tribulation blessed stone]

Grade: Blessed

(A random rock that has survived a tribulation. Can be forged into a peerless treasure capable of adding the lightning element to the applied weapon.)

'Wow, a single tribulation can do this? They can actually produce such amazing treasures?' Thinking about this, Caerus started to get greedy and crazily thought on how to provoke more of such tribulations. But after witnessing the destruction it is capable of, all thoughts of greed were immediately washed away. Instead, he vowed to get stronger in order to achieve that, but not for now since he is still weak.

After thoroughly appraising any item in the surroundings, he only got another item, and like its stone counterpart, it was from the result of the tribulation.

[Lightning Branch]

Grade: Blessed

( A wooden branch struck by tribulation lightning and survived. Can be used to concoct a pill capable of making any mortal have the tribulation physique. It can also enhance lightning affinity.)

After seeing that everything was done, he proceeds to walk in a random direction. But soon he realized that he can fly, so after a bit of trying, he managed to get his wings out. His wings were able to be hidden it seems and are actually colored jet black and they exude a dark halo as if they absorb all light in the surroundings. ' isn't it eye-catching? Oh well, doesn't really matter.' Caerus shrugged before he started flying. Even though he has no past or history about flying with wings, he was able to control them as if it was his own limb that was born with him since day one.

Soon he started flying faster than a jet plane and soon arrived to his destination, a town.