You reep what you sow 1

Shriya looked at her man who was holding her love rival in his arms with an indifferent face expression. He usually don't let other women to touch him when he is not infront of the camera.

She saw Geetika stroking his well defined face with her finger tips and acting all coquettish as if she is not in the public and they are lovers.

His eyes already darkened and then his expression was turned grave when she placed her hand on his firm chest and started trailing along it with her finger tips on his clean shirt.

She smiled at him teasingly and said "At last you left that b^@ch and came to me. You know how long I have been waiting for this moment." Her voice was not so loud but not so quiet either. People around her could hear her words and they started gossiping.

The people who could hear her all stared at her with shock. Abhi's face was cold beyond explainable and he exuded a cold and a frightening aura from him. Not realizing the expression of the man who was holding her, she tip toped on her heels to caress his lips.

Before she could do so and he could say anything partners changed again and she fell into the arms of Kunal. She didn't even realised that under the influence and was about to kiss him when he threw her on to the floor ruthlessly but not very hard.

When she was thrown onto the floor she stumbled and lost her footing. She fell on the floor and hit it hard. She whined in pain and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Everyone stopped the dance and looked at the commotion. There was a sudden change in the atmosphere and it became gloomy and frightening.

The lights in the room were all lit up and the media people stood up to capture the entire incident. The guards restrained them from going to the guest area. They had no way but to capture it from that very far place.

Though they couldn't hear exactly what they were talking about they could see the indecent behaviour of Geetika with Abhi and Kunal.

Both Abhi and Kunal stood beside each other with a cold and indifferent expressions on their faces. They are exuding the aura of kings around them. All the girls moved away from the centre leaving only three people there. Only Barun, Rahul and Naveen stood behind these two men.

Soon the guards entered the hall. Geetika stood up and her movements were not at all steady.

She stood up and walked up to these two men. Her steps were all wobbling and and her vision was blurry. She leaned on Abhi and hugged him tightly despite his unwillingness for her.

She said coquettishly "Abhi, why did you throw me on the floor?". She couldn't distinguish between Abhi and Kunal anymore and stuttered all nonsense.

She started groping his hands and chest and it was really an awkward situation to see. Everyone were shocked to see this bold and indecent behavior of Geetika but didn't dare to utter a word.

Abhi somehow managed to get rid of her and she complained not minding all the stares from others.

She complained "Why are doing this to me ? I am much better than that girl friend of yours in all aspects ?".

"But you always ignored me and made me feel bad about myself. That sl^t and her dumb friends dared to insult me in the mall infront of all those low life staff"

"I will definitely teach her a lesson. I will make her loose her face in front of the world. I will show her true colors to you and to the entire world."

Abhi was furious and his expression darkened with each and every word that Geetika said. Kunal also exuded a cold aura from him.

Everything was live streamed on the television and the social media was going crazy with this sudden incident with comments and shares.

Geetika was like a crush to most of the young men and inspiration to girls in the country. She was one talented girl who is a champion in sports and a state level boxing champion.

But she also had a princess syndrome and she is one selfish girl who never thinks twice when doing something to others and its consequences.

Her father encouraged her always and never said anything to her no matter how big her mistake was. She was used to making mistakes while her father covered all her bad doings. He spoiled her to no end.

Abhi asked her with a serious tone "What do you mean that?" Abhi asked her in a normal and indifferent tone but one could see his investigating mode.

Geetika gave out a chilling laugh and it made chills run down in the spines of many people who are watching the incident. She then spilled the beans "I wanted to make that sl^t eat aphrodisiacs and make a fool out of herself infront of the entire world. But that bi@#h was fortunate and escaped it".

The entire hall became broke into small whispers and gossips and turned into a nuisance with all those murmurs. Everyone were shocked and at the same time surprised with what they are seeing right infront of them.

Geetika was fully under the influence of the things which were mixed in the juice she drank earlier. She then looked at him with a concerned look and asked "But you were the one who ate them. I was worried about you".

She then moved forward and wrapped her arm around his neck. He was as still as rock mountain. She caressed his cheek and said with a pitiful and innocent look "I am sure that s!^t was the one who planned that so that she could have her way with you. Don't believe her. Don't get deceived by those fake innocent eyes of hers."

Geetika completely lost her senses and blabbered everything infront of others. Her face is becoming more and more red and she was feeling more and more hot with each and every minute. She lost her complete senses and acted like a lustful woman hugging him and touching his chest and all. She then stood up on her tows to kiss him infront of all those people.

Everyone where shocked and opened their eyes wide in shock. They were waiting to see how the man will react to this indecent and decisive woman.